191st Assault Helicopter Company Guestbook
Messages between 8 May 2001 and 20 Jun 2006

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New 191AHC Guestbook Test
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 14:54:10 (CDT)
Sorry Guys, I thought I could finish all of this in one night but I failed.Some parts of the page are not working right and I know it but I'm going to bed.Bear with me please.. It's gonna be OK
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 23:17:35 (CDT)
Bill, you getting to be a wuss in your old age? Can't stay up past midnightanymore? Doing a great job here. See you in St Louis Bro.
Harrell Guidry <Harrell.Guidry@atofina.com>
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 07:10:13 (CDT)
Well guys, I think I have rounded up all the loose ends and the page worksthe way it should. If you find something that I missed, please drop me email andlet me know. Also, we are using a new provider, so let me know if performancehas suffered in the move. All comments are welcome. I started this page a fewyears ago because nobody else had, and my reward has been a wealth of old andnew friends found. This project means a lot to me, and so do you all. God Bless
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 21:44:41 (CDT)
Bill, Glad I found the new page. I don't check it daily but have nowbookmarked this location. All features I have tried work good. Speed seems to beimporved. Thanks for taking the time!!
Dave Norton <nortond@southwind.net>
Wichita , KS USA - Friday, May 11, 2001 at 21:56:04 (CDT)
I am so glad that I have found the 191st AHC website. I was a member of the191st AHC from September 1967 to November 1968. I have read as much as I couldand have very much enjoyed it. Hope to keep in touch with most if not all of youof the 191st. I pray that the lord has blessed each one of you and yourfamilies.
Rudy Salazar <Wingnut945@aol.com>
Corpus Christi, TX USA - Sunday, May 13, 2001 at 05:32:22 (CDT)
Boomerang (White Flight) Jul 68 - Jan 69 Then went to Flight Ops til Jun 69.Was in the Diamond Formation with WO Jens when his ship went down. Was in"Best Damn Bunker" 2 Mar 69. Was gunning 18 August 68 (returned withC&C and 2 slicks after starting out with Heavy Fireteam and 10 slicks. Criedas I read guestbook. Anybody know Pat O'Donnell's new email?
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Monday, May 14, 2001 at 22:37:58 (CDT)
I arrived at the 191st on March 3, 1969. I was assigned to the Bounty Huntersas the assistant Platoon Leader. Mike Arruti was Bounty Hunter 36, some of theGun AC's were David Hamilton, Ayala, Waller and Embrey. The FNG's were me, JimKennady and Robert Lifsey. (ALL SPELLING ON NAMES ARE APPROX.ONLY) Does anyonehave contact with the above or Hubert Brinson and CPt. Falcon the XO's. The COat that time was Maj. Erwin Schmitt, he came after Major Petric was killedshortly before my arrival. Do any of you crew chiefs or gunners rememberlearning how to fly? Did anyone work in the messhall and was it as bad as Iremember it? I flew the Charley Charley and Green Delta 707 my last three monthsin country and left on Mar 3 1970 from Can Tho. One of the Bounty Hunter CharleyModel Gunships is now on a display stand at Ft Stewart GA, .....we must begetting old. One of my Crew Chiefs, Gordon Hahn, indicated, when I met with himafter 30 years, that I might have been a dickhead 30 years ago, funny...I can'tfor the life of me remember that! Ken Carlton, retired cop, (flying helicoptersfighting fire in the summer.) St George Utah 435-656-3551
Ken Carlton <rimrock@infowest.com>
St George, UT USA - Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 17:22:00 (CDT)
Bill; You have done your unit proud. It is good to see the history and photosbeing recorded for future generations to find. I will be adding a link from"The Vietnam Experiences" web site ( www.Vietnamexp.com ) so othersmay find your web site as well. I enjoyed my visit. Rev. Bill McDonald formermember of The 128th Assault Helicopter Company 1966-67
Rev. Bill McDonald <RevBill@elkgrove.net>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Monday, May 21, 2001 at 07:29:02 (CDT)
Looking for my Cantho room mate from the island of Maui ,or any Boomerangsfrom Maui that were in Cantho from Sept.9th 1970 to Sept. 19th. 1971. His namewas Nyron or Byron,I can not remember, but I know that he loved to play each dayin our room the song LET IT BE by Paul McCarthy and John Lennon. He did a lot ofnight flying ,also he flew a few day times with me as co 67n20 or as a gunner.Hehad black hair and mustach with brown complexion. Any one of the above time andplace that have contacted any one from our unit in Cantho from Maui,please letme know. He always called me by my last name.(His family owned a business on theisland) I hope he is ok and still around to also read and respond to thisnotice. Ezio Marsh.
Ezio Marsh <edwmar42@aol.com>
USA - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 22:08:06 (CDT)
Bill, I have been cleaning out some things, downsizing as I am buying a placeon the water and giving up my 3 bedroom home...Need those sunsets. I was withyou and the 191st Mar 68-Mar69. Remember well the night of 3/2/69. 1st Sgt and Ihad just left Operation bldg, maybe 50 feet out side when it was hit. Anyway...I found this week 2 rolls of 16 mm film labled Vietnam 1968-69. If youwould like to have these and maybe someone can get them developed onto video. Ihave watched these many years ago, has lots good film in it. I no longer have aa 16mm projector and if the can be transfered onto video maybe it's somethingthe rest of the guys would like to donate a fee to the 191st foundation. I asknothing in return for it. It brings chills to remember those days and nightsflying.....I had double bypass last July, figured it was time to down size andstart enjoying life more. I was a Crew Cheif on either 103 or 107 can'tremember. Also can't remember my Piots name as he was Spanish. I flew many timetime with Cpt Falcon, Cpt Luke, and even you...My ship was in maint and Cpt Lukeasked me to fly with him the day he went down. I have never forgotten, thatcould have been me....I instead flew with Cpt Falcon that day......
Alan G. Maw <agmaw@tampabay.rr.com>
Clearwater, FL USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 18:56:56 (CDT)
hello all looking foward to seeing all at st. louis
paul vitale <skyhawk271ou@aol.com>
e. falmouth, ma USA - Friday, May 25, 2001 at 10:40:49 (CDT)
This is a good weekend to remember old friends who are no longer with us.Hope to see some old friends from March 1967 to October 1967 in St Louis thisSeptember. Please make note of my new e-mail address. Happy Memorial Day to allthe members of the 191st AHC.
Phil Stanley <PStan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, CO USA - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 11:29:11 (CDT)
Bill Thanks for sending me the email with the new web site address.. I hadcontracted a virus by email and had to start from ground zero on my hard drivelost everything. Thanks again
Don Kennedy <donkennedy@ameritech.net>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 17:09:17 (CDT)
On this Memorial Day let us not forget. Maj. John Petric 1st Lt. Carl Radtke1st Lt. Dennis Coker Sp/5 Robert Heinmiller Sp/4 Carl Douglas Sp/4 GeorgeLovellette and all the brave men and women who gave their all for our country.
Ralph D. McKie <marine@ctaz.com>
Kingman, Az USA - Monday, May 28, 2001 at 08:27:30 (CDT)
Bill, Since I first contacted you I have had a flood of memories of life andtimes in the 191st. I don't know if anybody remembers me. I went into Ops in"69" after gunning. I was in the "Best Damn Bunker" 2 Mar 69but had to help set up Ops after the attack. I know that the next day I foundout about the birth of my first son and got very drunk and put on quite a showat the Officer's bunker since it was the most traumatic time. Going back intoOps and also thinking about the wonderful news. Such a conflict of emotions. Anypilots remember me and my little show? Also does anyone know about Lt LaSalle?He was wounded in my office that night.
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Monday, May 28, 2001 at 16:39:05 (CDT)
hello to all my commrades. this past memorial day was truly special to me. icould finally look back and remember many of the good times that i had with manybrave people who paid the supreme price for our efforts,and not feel guiltyabout living on. i think we should live our lives as best we can and enjoy lifefor them.see you all in sept.
paul vitale <skyhawk271ou@aol.com>
e. falmouth, ma USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 15:16:59 (CDT)
G'day. Just booked my airline tickets for Sept. Sydney Australia to St Louis.Leave 12 Sept 10:40 Arrive 16:40 same day. It's a hell of a long way to come tobuy a guy a beer,but that's why I am coming, and, that guy is the best damnpilot in Dong Tam ... Bill Janes. Went down 12 Feb '69: 6 in it 6 alive and from1200ft with no tail rotor. Mind you the Aircraft was beyond repair. Did you everfinish paying for it Bill? Bill, your first beer is on me in St Louis. Anyoneelse going to the reunion who might remember me ... arrived unit Oct '68Bearcat, was in Tech Supply till 21 May '69. I also was in "the best damnbunker" that fateful night of Mar 2. Will never forget, don't think I wantto forget. If anyone remembers me and is going to St Louis .... get in touchlets get to (re)know each other before then ... See you in St Louis. The Limey.
Stan Allen (The limey) <tiger_1@optusnet.com.au>
Fairfield, NSW Australia - Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 23:29:10 (CDT)
Healing is a good thing, and lately I seeit here. We gave our lives, our friends, our marriages, and the giftof memory to the war. Many of us chose to forget the wholething. It's good to remember, though, how good we really were, and howimportant the people we served with then were to us, and are to us now.
From the Bookends Album by Simon andGarfunkle
Bookends Theme
Time it was
And what a time it was
It was,
A Time of Innocence
A Time of Confidences
Long ago it must be
I have a photograph
Preserve your Memories
They're all that's left you
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, June 01, 2001 at 01:08:42 (CDT)
I just got a piece of mail from a Phill Webb. He mentioned being a"Boomerang" and I thought to look you guys up. I was with the "Kingsmen"from March of 68' till November of 69'. The Kingsmen site is at http://www.kingsmen.com.You're site is looking good.
Dennis Kreish <denniskreish@att.net>
Dearborn Heights, MI USA - Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 07:40:35 (CDT)
Great site...Keep up the good work. I am a cop here in Tennessee now, butback in Nam I was with the 25th Inf. Div./118th Assault Hellicopter Unit...whenyou have the time please visit my site and sign my guestbook...Thanks..TheLawman http://hometown.aol.com/daryllawman/myhomepage/profile.html
SGT. Daryl Brewer <daryllawman@aol.com>
Clarksville, Tn USA - Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 16:05:12 (CDT)
I would like to hear from any personnel who served with the 191st AHC fromOct 68 - Oct 69. This is an outstanding site.
Donald R. Beck <donbeck@msic.dia.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, June 04, 2001 at 14:21:52 (CDT)
I was with the 191st AHC Nov. 70-71, Bushwacker 10 in Can Tho would love tohear from anyone who was there at the time.
Dave Niederer <gaylek@frontiernet.net>
New Richmond, WI USA - Tuesday, June 05, 2001 at 00:24:44 (CDT)
I was with the 191st AHC when it formed at Ft. Bragg, NC. I was on the Shipcarring helicoptors from California to Vietnam. I was SSG at the time and incharge of enlisted crew that maintained helicoptors enroute. I stayed with thel91st until I left in April of 1968. Glad to see this site on the web.
Harold Dale Sims <monalisasims@earthlink.net>
Blackville, SC USA - Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 17:53:25 (CDT)
Great site! I'll probably be in St Louis, at least I hope to be there. Greatto see messages from Harold Stitt, Don Sandrock and Roger Barkley. Went to thereunion in Louisville and am still glad I did. Those memories of Bearcat are asfresh as if they were yesterday. Meeting Don Williams after so many years did myheart a lot of good.
Fred Tinker <none>
Chula Vista, ca USA - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 16:59:38 (CDT)
Travelling Wall is in town this week. Went by yesterday for ceremonies andpaid my tribute. B-52 low level fly by was something to see. See all in Sep.
Harrell Guidry <Harrell.Guidry@atofina.com>
Groves, Tx USA - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 15:05:58 (CDT)
JACKIE WILSON <iicall@yahoo.com>
HEALDTON, OK USA - Saturday, June 16, 2001 at 22:19:57 (CDT)
We are trying to get the word out about our project and though perhaps youmight be able to help us. Vietnam veterans . . . WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! Have youever spent time in a veteran's hospital? This not-for-profit group works tolessen the bleakness that permeates most Veterans Health Administrationhospitals. Check out the Kitchen Table Gang Trust at http://taliaferro.net/veteransMany military veterans have deemed our efforts worthy of support and we hope youwill too. Hand salute!
Charlie Taliaferro <charles@taliaferro.net>
NAS Lemoore, CA USA - Friday, June 22, 2001 at 21:55:05 (CDT)
Just stoppin' by to say hey and update my home e-mail. I can still be reachedat work via thomas.cloud@arz.boeing.com ...BH 48.
Tom Cloud <tcloud@peoplepc.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 16:43:58 (CDT)
I came to this site two years ago searching for any information on my uncle1LT Dennis Coker and was amazed by the response. I am sorry to say this pastOctober and May of 2001 Dennis' father and mother passed. Incidentally uponopening my grandad's safe I found bags of slide photos taken in South Vietnamdated Oct 68. Everything from what looks like a brake room to field shots arerepresented. No names appear as most of the crew men are in T-shirts. I would behappy to send copies to be posted on this site if anyone is interested. Some ofmy favorites include a Cobra silouete and a line of choppers on a swamped roadnext to a paddy field. There are so many good shots I could go on and on, but ifanyone can or would post them I can make the copies available.
Matthew Coker <mglcoker@hotmail.com>
Athens, GA USA - Monday, June 25, 2001 at 00:42:43 (CDT)
G'day Bill - I was a chopper gunner with 9 Sqn Royal Australian Air Force,SVN, '69-'70 and am Web Master of IWVPA - glad you linked mate - you have agreat site and I'll be back.
Anthony W. Pahl <bushranger71@optushome.com.au>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 23:05:14 (CDT)
Hi everyone, served with the 191st May '67 -- May '68 Crewchief in first plt."Supership" So good to see names and memories from 30 years ago. Havemade the other reunions and plan on being in St. Louis. I urge all to make areunion, we're not getting any younger and you can't imagine how great it is torenew friendships and make new ones. There are no FNG's at the reunions,everyone is glad to see you----they're just great!!
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 12:35:21 (CDT)
Nice site, Bill. Having been a nurse at the 24th Evacuation Hospital, LongBinh, for a year (March '69 to March '70), I must say, I will always recognizethe sound of a Huey! Come sign my Guestbook now - www.24thevac.org
Cindy (Mason) Young <webmaster@24thevac.org>
McAllen, TX USA - Monday, July 02, 2001 at 14:50:57 (CDT)
hello all. and the best to our country on this great day. have a great 4th ofjuly. see you in st. louis. 71 days and a wake-up.
paul vitale <skyhawk271ou@aol.com>
e. falmouth, ma USA - Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 19:25:18 (CDT)
My father, Judd Hendricks, was a tech rep working in Long Binh on Hueys forthe 191st in '68/'69. Judd was injured in a car accident in Sarajevo on May 2nd,2001 and died from his injuries on the 3rd. His ashes were buried at Arlingtonin June of this year. He considered the Bounty Hunters one of the finest groupshe associated with during the 24 months he spent in country. If you rememberJudd, hoist a beer to his memory at your reunion this year. Thanks GlennHendricks
Glenn Hendricks <hendgl@pcisys.net>
Pueblo, CO USA - Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 16:56:04 (CDT)
Hello! I will be attending my first 191 reunion in St. Louis. I served Jan.1969-Jan. 1970. I flew in the 2nd Platoon-Whitetails. I also helped build"the best built bunker" under Capt. Falcon's direction. Will be gladto hear from anyone who remembers me or wants to talk. Email me and we can getto know each other. Jack Lammers JackGD704@aol.com
Jack Lammers <JackGD704@aol.com>
Fowler, OH USA - Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 18:09:25 (CDT)
I flew with both the boomerangs and the bounty hunters, 1/68 untill, 1/12 69.I.d like to get in touch with anyone, but most of all Gery Kahn who I flew with.
Morrison W. Morrison <sunchasermwm@yahoo.com>
Verona, Italy - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 22:19:05 (CDT)
I flew with both the boomerangs and the bounty hunters, 1/68 untill, 1/12 69.I.d like to get in touch with anyone, but most of all Gery Kahn who I flew with.
Maurice W. Morrison <sunchasermwm@yahoo.com>
Verona, Italy - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 22:19:45 (CDT)
I was with the 191st. from Feb 1968 untill December 1969. I flew as a gunnerin both the boomerangs and the bounty hunters and also as a flight operationsclerk. I have been living in Verona Italy for almost the last 3 years. I'mstudying Architector. I'm not sure when I'll return to the states,except tovisit. It's nice to see the web sight and I plan on trying to stay in touch.Thanks.
Maurice W. Morrison <sunchasermwm@yahoo.com>
Verona, Italy - Friday, July 13, 2001 at 17:44:53 (CDT)
I just mailed my registration for the reunion in St. Louis. I'm lookingforward to seeing you all. Hey, Roger, no FNG's, huh? I still remember yousending me for a bucket of rotorwash. Has anyone heard from Jerry Marmon? Surewould like to know how he's doing.
CHULA VISTA, CA USA - Monday, July 16, 2001 at 17:52:20 (CDT)
My registration is in the mail also. Looking forward to seeing everyoneagain.
Harrell Guidry <Harrell.Guidry@atofina.com>
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 09:41:40 (CDT)
Looking forward to seeing you in St Louis.
Phil Stanley <Pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, Co USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 08:30:04 (CDT)
Served with 606 trans 191 st June 67-JUNE 68
Lester J Buchanan <pj65_18336@yahoo.com>
Matamoras, Pa 18336 USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 21:40:51 (CDT)
My father was with the 191st when it first arrived from Bragg. Norman Kiddwas his "stick buddy" in flight school and was close friend of JackDodson. He still remains in contact with Cpt. Harold "Spud" Taylor(also with the 191st). If you remember him or would like to contact HaroldTaylor, he would love to hear from you. His E-mail is KKenney@nt.dma.state.ma.us.If that does not work, feel free to contact me at kenney408@aol.com. KenCarlton, we met you several months ago in Venice, Fl. Nice meeting you, dadstill talks about meeting a former "Bountyhunter". Hope all is well.
Kevin Kenney <kenney408@aol.com>
Sarasota, Fl USA - Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 16:55:58 (CDT)
looking for doorgunner/crewchief that picked me up in a hot lz end ofmarch/beginning april69.i was a acting platoon sgt.i broke my rt leg exeting aslick.it was a bravo model,i remember the gunship comming down in heavy fire.theguy jumped out from behind his gun,ran out literly picked me up and deposited meon the floor of the gunship.as we where taking off the hot brass got depositedon my chest.i just want to thank you who ever you are and wellcome homebrother!!!!!
alexander c kaufbusch <riverrat@peoplepc.com>
Colorado Springs, colo USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 08:15:24 (CDT)
looking for doorgunner/crewchief that picked me up in a hot lz end ofmarch/beginning april69.i was a acting platoon sgt.i broke my rt leg exeting aslick.it was a bravo model,i remember the gunship comming down in heavy fire.theguy jumped out from behind his gun,ran out literly picked me up and deposited meon the floor of the gunship.as we where taking off the hot brass got depositedon my chest.i just want to thank you who ever you are and wellcome homebrother!!!!!i served with the 3/60 mrf
alexander c kaufbusch <riverrat@peoplepc.com>
Colorado Springs, colo USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 08:18:10 (CDT)
Just spoke to John Davis who is hosting our September Reunion in St. Louis.To Date we have 17 Unit Members attending. Two years ago in Louisville, we hadthirty. I know that you guys are putting off making your reservations, but timeis ticking.
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 22:41:56 (CDT)
I was with the 191st from April 69 to June of 70. Worked Flight Ops,with MikeDennington, Doug Sporman, Doug if you read this, call me again. Lorne Rose doyou remember me, you build the best perimerturer bunkers in Can Tho.I alsoremember that could talk the shrit off the back anybody. I was thinking of goingto St.Louis in Sept. This is a great site, hope to hear from some of you. Terry7-28-01 can Tho
Terry W. Lund <Natrpic@mediacne.net>
Valley Springs,, Ca. USA - Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 14:54:03 (CDT)
I was with the 191st from April 69 to June of 70. Worked Flight Ops,with MikeDennington, Doug Sporman, Doug if you read this, call me again. Lorne Rose doyou remember me, you build the best perimerturer bunkers in Can Tho.I alsoremember that could talk the shrit off the back anybody. I was thinking of goingto St.Louis in Sept. This is a great site, hope to hear from some of you. Terry7-28-01 can Tho
Terry W. Lund <Natrpic@mediacne.net>
Valley Springs,, Ca. USA - Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 14:56:55 (CDT)
I attended the past three reunions in Louisville and am looking forward toseeing everyone in St. Louis. Glenn (crew chief White Flight)
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
USA - Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 17:45:51 (CDT)
Deployed from Fort Bragg NC w/ RED TAT to Bien Hoa followed closely by MainBody in May 1967. Infused to 190th AHC on second infusion on coin toss the dayafter promotion to Captain. Clarance Patanode was CO during the last part of mytenure. Most of us came out of the same flight class either Officer or Warrant.Great people great unit.
Joe Cancellare <stonefly@flash.net>
El Paso, TX USA - Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 22:35:31 (CDT)
Served from 2-68 to 2-69 with Charlie Co., 2nd/60th out of Tan Tru and thePink Palace. Thank you for flying good...and always coming back. The photos gotto me.
L. Brooks <larry@brooksco.com>
Sacramento, California USA - Friday, August 03, 2001 at 00:14:55 (CDT)
John Davis is getting a good reunion together for the 191st AHC. Since I livein St. Louis, I'm looking forward to all reunion attendees enjoying our city'spoints of interest. One thing I would like to point out, if you have nevervisited a National Cemetery, St. Louis has one of the nicest: Jefferson BarracksNational Cemetery. This cemetery began in 1826; at present has 140,000gravesites. It's located about 10 miles from the Crown Hotel. See you in St.Louis.
Terry Wilund <twilund@jcn1.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, August 04, 2001 at 11:22:46 (CDT)
I joined the 191st AHC about March of 1967 at Ft Bragg. Was a gunner in oneof the Boomerang flights. It has been so long that I can't even remember whichone. Deployed to Bearcat in May of 1967. About October of 1967 was infused tothe 135th AHC at Vung Tau and then Blackhorse. The last time I saw anyone fromthe 191st was when we flew home in May of 1968. Will be attending the reunionnext month with my wife Carol. Hope to see some old friends and make some newones. See you in St Louis!
Phil Stanley <pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, CO USA - Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 08:36:38 (CDT)
The XO of the 13th Aviation Regiment (a training unit at Ft. Rucker) has expressed an interest in sponsoring a reunion of the 13th Combat Aviation Battalion and its assigned units. This includes the 162nd, 114th, 170th, 175th, 121st, 336th and 191st AHCs, the 134th and 62nd Avn Co, 18th CAC, 147th and 271st ASHC, 82nd Med and C/16th Cav. Please let me know if you are interested and think you might be able to come to a reunion to be held at Ft. Rucker in the late April-May time frame. -- Thanks, Bill
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, August 10, 2001 at 07:29:36 (CDT)
Father Ken Strawhand will celebrate a Memorial Mass for our Fallen Brothers at the reunion on Saturday morning. At that time we will read each name from the Honor Roll and light a candle in memory of each Fallen Brother. All are encouraged to attend. And for those who don't know, Father Ken celebrates Mass every Thursday for the Boomerangs and the Bounty Hunters with the Honor Roll on the altar. He has done this now for several years.
Paul Zawicki <cintel@home.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Saturday, August 11, 2001 at 15:10:22 (CDT)
I turned Ezio Marsh to this Website to try and Locate his old Buddy from the 191st. After a while he found someone who knew his buddy and he finally contacted him! I hope that they can both Reunite at the upcoming 191st Boomerangs reunion in St. Louis in Sept. 2001 . I was with the 52nd Signal Bn. in CanTho. Got in Country about 2 weeks before TeT Offensive, don't know how I made it through that month of Feb. , but I did! I want to thank you Aviation guys, you really saved our Butts throughout that Attack! Thanks again, and God Bless you all ! Your Comrade in Arms-- Murph
Robert J. Murphy ---CanTho, Jan. 68-Jan. 69 <moosemuk@ncia.net>
Pittsburg, NH USA - Monday, August 13, 2001 at 22:00:54 (CDT)
i was assigned to the 191st in ft bragg n.c.i went to viet nam in may 67 we had to wait on the aircraft to come over on ships i was sent to the 200th. ch-47 on or about june or july i was a door gunner in the 200th. we left bearcat shortly after tet. we went to way phu buy.i was agood friend of joe whitticker who got killed in aug. of 67 i would like to here from any guys who remember me later!!!!!!!!
lenny breeden <breeden@macronet.com>
sanborn, ny USA - Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 16:01:39 (CDT)
Greetings, All! Enjoyed Louisville Reunion, will have to miss 2001...SORRY!HEY! I need to find SP5 Robinson, the Crew Chief who saved my life 6AUG70 on board a UH-1M while flying with Tony Elliston. If anyone knows, PLEASE ctc me!
Ron Donakowski <rondon@alaweb.com>
Enterprise, AL USA - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 03:07:35 (CDT)
It's been two years since the last reunion and I've just realized that I have not thanked all those present who came up to our family and shared their stories with us. The respect that was shown to my mother by the gentlemen of the 191st. brings tears to my eyes as I write you this evening...I am forever in your debt. I strongly urge the children, nephews, nieces, and all the relatives of those who served to join the 191st. at the reunion in September.You will be welcomed as a member of a wonderful family. Continued gratitude to Bill Janes for his great efforts on behalf of the 191st. I'll be looking forward to seeing you all in September! Fly Army!
John A. Petric, Jr. <depthoffield@mindspring.com>
Cincinnati, Oh USA - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 22:02:37 (CDT)
As I was checking the TV Guide a while ago I realized it was 18 August. If memory serves me right: on 18 August 1968 We left Bear Cat with 10 slicks, a Heavy fireteam (3) and C & C. I think three slicks made it back. Anybody remember that day. I was gunner for Crewchief RUDD. White Flight. I think the next day is the only day in history that the 191st couldn't make mission. Looking forward to next month. See y'all.
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
fAYETTEVILLE, GA USA - Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 18:34:48 (CDT)
I am looking for other members of the 191st AHC who were infused to the 135th AHC about October of 1967. Would especially like to hear from anyone who was in the action 2/8/68 near Dong Tam in which Cpt. Fleer, WO1 Moore, Sp4 Cavanaugh, and Pfc LaBuda were KIA.
Phil Stanley <PStan@earthlink.net>
Thornton , CO USA - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 07:58:35 (CDT)
Folks, Reading the comments brought back some memories. I remember August 18, 1968. I believe I was flying in 715 as a Door gunnerw/ WO Campbell and I believe Woody. We were lone gunship on station and all was quiet until around noon when another flight came in and the place exploded with gunfire. We certainly took some punishment that day. If memory serves me correctly we also went back to that area a few weeks later and experienced a bit more excitement. I left Woody's ship awhile later to Fly with Heinie on I think 442.I flew with him until I got shot in January of 69. George Lovellette took my place. I suppose I was lucky.Take care folks. I won't be able to make the reunion this year but I will try and get to the next one. Good luck to all.Jerry Kahn
Jerry Kahn <gerardkahn@earthlink.net>
Ghent, NY USA - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 15:03:42 (CDT)
A reunion and Polo Shirts, too! Put me down for 2 Boomerang shirts ( one size L and one XL).
fred tinker
chula vista, CA USA - Friday, August 31, 2001 at 13:36:17 (CDT)
Orders for Watches, or Shirts, or Decals need to sent to John Davis at JDavis309@aol.com
Bill Janes <bjanes@microsoft.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, August 31, 2001 at 23:15:52 (CDT)
APRIL 1970-MAY 1971
Mike Berry <MBERRY396@CS.COM>
Rochester, NY USA - Saturday, September 01, 2001 at 09:49:19 (CDT)
I worked for the TI'S in the maintenance office, I was the guy who tried to keep ''fresh parts'' on all the aircraft.I also wrote all of the incident reports whenever we lost an aircraft. I maintained all the Historical Records. Whenever we picked up or turned in new and old aircraft i was on those flights. I came into Bear Cat made the move to Dong Tam , was there when we lost everyone in OP'S , and when the Division Dump lit up. I have a bunch of photos to share with you all. Most importantly my sincere condolences to all the families who lost a member of the 191.
Robert F McKenna <angelamckenna@altavista.com>
BAYSIDE, NY USA - Sunday, September 02, 2001 at 06:23:59 (CDT)
i was in a boomerang august to decmber 69
bob hopkins <hop@fiam.net>
wrentham, ma USA - Sunday, September 02, 2001 at 14:28:50 (CDT)
Yesterday Carol went in the basement and brought up an old box of Vietnam pictures. I had not looked at those pictures in years! We put them in an Album that we will bring to the reunion. Lots of good shots of the early days at Bearcat. Some shots of other Boomerang gunners and crewchiefs. Brought back a lot of memories and some of the names. From the pictures I remembered I was a gunner in White Flight If you have pictures bring them!
Phil and Carol Stanley <pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, Co USA - Monday, September 03, 2001 at 10:53:12 (CDT)
I will be arriving at the 2001 reunion about the 15th, and from there I will head to Graceland, then up to Cape Cod to visit a daughter, and then I will probably head west through Montana and then probably Oregon, and finally down south to home. If anyone is along the route, let me know and My wife and I will try to stop in and visit/rest our old bones. This will be my first reunion and I will bring along some old photos of that great era in our lives.
Dick Calton <CaltonSanDiego@juno.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 11:29:52 (CDT)
Bill, It is wonderful to view this great site. What memories it brings back. Boomerang 19 (after Schwartz got through using it), July '68 to July '69.
David Henslee <davhen@mpinet.net>
Deltona, FL USA - Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 22:56:50 (CDT)
Just a few more days. Am looking forward to the reunion
Harrell Guidry <kgid@mail.pernet.net>
Groves, Tx USA - Friday, September 07, 2001 at 22:21:30 (CDT)
My name is Pat Richardson. I teach a Vietnam War course at Brother Rice High School in Chicago. Today, September 10th, Mr. Phil Stanley of the 191st Assault Helicopter Company spoke to my class. He was outstanding. He gave our students a new perspective of the war that they couldn't possibly get from any textbook or film. His low key approach was very well received by the students. We were all very impressed by how well your company performed their jobs in the face of incredible danger on an almost daily basis and we have a great appreciation for all you went through in Vietnam. Mr. Stanley spoke with great fondness for all of the men in the 191st and he was looking forward to the reunion this weekend. Our students and faculty hope you have a great reunion and we sincerely thank you for everything you have done for our country.Sincerely,Pat Richardson
Pat Richardson <pjr3342@aol.com>
Chicago, Il USA - Monday, September 10, 2001 at 21:37:12 (CDT)
Following today's tragic events in New York, and Washington DC, I spoke to John Davis our reunion coordinator. The reunion will be held as scheduled. John is contacting the host hotel to notify them that some number of attendees had planned to fly to the reunion site. As we do not know the ongoing impact with respect to US air travel, we understand that some may not be able to attend.Our prayers go to the victims of this horrible event, and to their families.
Bill Janes <billjanes@home.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 11:14:09 (CDT)
This evening Father Ken Strawhand celebrated Mass twice. The first was in memory of those who have died this tragic day. The secon was in memory of our Fallen Brothers. Father Ken, as always, had the Honor Roll on the altar. Father Ken and I are sorry that circumstances prevents us from attending the reunion. Our best to all.
Paul Zawicki <pzawicki@home.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 22:24:33 (CDT)
I am sad that the things that have happened to us the last couple of days. As a nation we will get through it. I know that the Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters would step forward in a heartbeat to do what we did best at one time. Unfortunately I am not sure that the level of dedication that came naturally to us has been instilled in all the young men today. I don't mean that they are not patriotic, just that there is a lot more questioning of "what is in it for me?" We went where we were told to go without question and stood unwavering. If it comes to action I will be there supporting them and praying for them. I spent four years in Vietnam 68-69 with 191st White Flight and Operations 71-72 191st and opened Flight Ops (Nco)Green Delta. I am not going to be able to come to the Reunion this year but hope to make it next year. God Bless.
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Wednesday, September 12, 2001 at 13:42:13 (CDT)
There are many things that separate us. Politics, distance and individual life experience are just a few. But I know we are united in our disgust at the events of yesterday. I join with all of you in praying and hoping that this is resolved and that we come out stronger and wiser. All flights out of San Diego are on hold so I can't be sure if I will be able to leave at all. So I will be unable to go to St. Louis. As always, my best wishes to my brother boomerangs and their families.
Fred Tinker
Chula Vista, ca USA - Wednesday, September 12, 2001 at 14:06:09 (CDT)
9/16/01We have returned home after a very memoable evening at the Crown Hotel with the 191 AHC Reunion. I can't tell you how much it meant to Wade and I to be included in the Bommerang family. We're looking forward to seeing all of you again one day. Please let's keep in touch. These reunions are the lifeblood of Sons and Daughters In Touch. We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for all of you. We love you, you are our heroes! A kiss and hug to all of you.Much love,Michelle Githens Baugh
Michelle & Wade Baugh <swbaugh@msn.com>
Centralia, IL USA - Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 21:16:14 (CDT)
This message is for those reunion attendees that visited Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. I located some information regarding the helicopter crash group-burial gravesite that we found. The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association directory has one of the pilots listed in the KIA section. The following is what the directory states: On May 5, 1968, the UH-1D, while flying at 2500 ft, was hit in the fuel cell by a round from a .50cal machine gun. The resulting explosion blew the rotor off. Two UH-1C armed helicopters were also shot down while responding to the crash site. So many graves holding so many stories unknown to those of us that visited the cemetery....here, at least, is how those young men made their ultimate sacrifice.
Terry Wilund <twilund@jcn1.com>
USA - Monday, September 17, 2001 at 22:04:05 (CDT)
This message is for those reunion attendees that visited Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. I located some information regarding the helicopter crash group-burial gravesite that we found. The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association directory has one of the pilots listed in the KIA section. The following is what the directory states: On May 5, 1968, the UH-1D, while flying at 2500 ft, was hit in the fuel cell by a round from a .50cal machine gun. The resulting explosion blew the rotor off. Two UH-1C armed helicopters were also shot down while responding to the crash site. So many graves holding so many stories unknown to those of us that visited the cemetery....here, at least, is how those young men made their ultimate sacrifice.
Terry Wilund <twilund@jcn1.com>
USA - Monday, September 17, 2001 at 22:06:17 (CDT)
G'day from an Australian brother-in-arms! I flew as a UH1H chopper gunner with 9 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force out of Vung Tau in support of the Australian Task Force based at Nui Dat June '69 ~ June '70. Slick call-sign was Albatross and Gunship call-sign was Bushranger (hence my current handle) Great Site Bob, and I've grabbed some of your poems (as discussed) for the IWVPA ste at http://www.iwvpa.netAll the best my friends,Anthony "Bushranger" Pahl
Anthony W. Pahl <bushranger71@optushome.com.au>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 05:10:55 (CDT)
Even though I was saddened that all the members could not make the reunion my wife and I had a great time. We want to thank Fran and J.D. for the wonderfdul job they did hosting the reunion. Hopefully all the members who wre planning to attend this reunion, but were unable to as a result of the cowardly acts that took place in New York City and Washington D.C., will be able to make the next one. Glenn R. Phenicie, Crew Chief, White Flight
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
USA - Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 13:04:04 (CDT)
The next 191 AHC reunion will take place August 29th through September 1st, 2002 at the Holiday Inn at the Inner Harborin Baltimore, Maryland. Hang tight for further info.
Paul Zawicki <pzawicki@home.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 14:48:51 (CDT)
This is to thank J.D. Davis and his lovely wife Fran for the terrific job they did putting together the reunion in St Louis. I can only imagine the time and effort that was involved. I know that all attendees had a great time. I know I did. Again J.D. And Fran , thank you. I'll see you in Baltimore. P. S. J.D. I'm still waiting for that Photo of you from way back when.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 14:20:48 (CDT)
Awsome site,serves with Co.C,1/501st,101st ABN. DIV.Aug. 68,thru Mar.70, stop by http://www.lzsally.com and say hi to some grunts.....The Sarge/Hardman
Dale S. Hardman, The Sarge/Hardman <daleshardman@hotmail.com>
Bakersfield, CA USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 01:34:52 (CDT)
Looking for B co 1/501 101st abn div. 1968- 1969Thanks.Anyone who survived Papes Last Stand 18 May 69 Tam Ky
Wayne Hastings <WEH4@webtv.net>
Loudon, NH USA - Monday, October 01, 2001 at 07:58:22 (CDT)
I was reading through your fallen brother list. You are missing one, David L Evans, Sp4; On the virtual wall it says he was withthe 1st AV Bde. I spent three tours in Nam most of it in the Delta, I met David sometime in the summer of 68 and Oct 68 when you guys used to insert and extract us in the Delta. Dave and I grew up in the same area and joined the army at the same time. His KIA date is 23 oct 68. I hope you add it to your list!
Ken Wood <uraleg1>
Klamath Falls, Or USA - Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 17:31:02 (CDT)
I wanted to drop you an email but your email address does not appear to be complete. David Lynn Evans died while serving as Gunner with the 117th Assault Helicopter Company on 24 October 1968. The 117th does have an Internet page at http://members.tripod.com/plaroue/Warlords.html
Bill Janes <billjanes@home.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 00:02:08 (CDT)
I was only a Boomerang for a couple of months from Aug 69 until about Nov, when I was transferred to 162nd AHC Vultures.My call sign was Vulture 29.I remember that august in '70 when the Boomerang's caught hell.It was close to my deros and we picked up a lot of your missions the next day.On that day every Vulture flew.Great site!!
James Ewart <jewart@optonline.net>
Marlboro, N.J. USA - Monday, October 15, 2001 at 09:33:16 (CDT)
What canI say. The greatest bunch of guys that ever was put on this earth. Lets get together and we'll kick Ben La Din's a--.
Stan Allen (The limey) <tiger_1@optusnet.com.au>
Fairfield, nsw Austrlia - Friday, October 19, 2001 at 10:05:02 (CDT)
This is a good day to remember the guys we served with in the 191st AHC. Let us especially remember the guys on the honors page. God bless and keep the servicemen and women who today are doing what we did so many years ago!
Phil Stanley <PStan@eaethlink.net>
Thornton , CO USA - Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 07:59:44 (CST)
As I watched To Hell and Back last night it reminded me that there is no limit to who can be a hero. As soldiers we are all subject to the opportunity to "Stand Up" and be counted. It can be just as easy to let someone else do it for us. We stood as did many before us and since us. It is not that five minutes that make us the hero; it is the long hard continuous daily battle, the willingness to go on even when the danger is evident and everpresent. In that way we may all stand with the ghosts of our fallen comrades and proudly say I AM AN AMERICAN FIGHTING MAN. I SERVE IN THE FORCES WHICH GUARD MY COUNTRY AND OUR WAY OF LIFE. i AM PREPARED TO GIVE MY LIFE IN THEIR DEFENSE. God Bless us all. Peace be with you.
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 08:58:12 (CST)
my dad was a door gunner / avonics 191st boomerangs 1969-1970 barry wolf living in golden co... i served on the uss indepencence 1990-1992 operation desert sheild
steve wolf <cl6970@aol.com>
denver, co USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 19:36:13 (CST)
my dad was a door gunner / avionics 191st boomerangs 1969-1970 barry wolf living in golden co... i served on the uss indepencence 1990-1992 operation desert sheild
steve wolf <cl6970@aol.com>
denver, co USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 19:37:44 (CST)
Hi Guys. I was invited over to this page by Bill and really enjoyed the stories and poems. I served with the 377th S.P.S. at Tan Son Nhut 67-68
Bill (Mac) <trblmn2000@hotmail.com>
Chula Vista, Ca USA - Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 19:14:18 (CST)
Want to reach out to the soldiers and sailors that are defending our freedom? The Navy has provided a page where you can send email to thank them for their efforts. You can send an email to Any Service Member no matter what Branch. http://anyservicemember.navy.mil/MessageSend.html
Bill Janes <billjanes@home.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 22:29:26 (CST)
Due to the changes with AT&T and Excite, some portions of the Website may not be available. I'll have to determine the extent of the damage, and fix it. While the corporate Titans battle it out, it's us little folk that struggle with it. AT&T is not a friend to me now.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 01:37:36 (CST)
I think that I have restored the data that AT&T so carelessly tossed away. Let me know if I missed anything. Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 01:18:21 (CST)
I served with the 162ndAHC in Can Tho 71-72. Your site is in our links. I've enjoyed your site and will return. Welcome home. Walt
Walter O Sharpes <wltrshrps@aol.com>
Salem, Wv USA - Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 13:55:24 (CST)
I would like to wish all the brothers here the very best wishes for the holiday season. See you guys in Baltimore.
Harrell Guidry <Harrell.Guidry@ATOFINA.com>
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 10:56:11 (CST)
Merry Christamas to all of you. God bless you and yours.Bill Flores
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, December 21, 2001 at 12:15:49 (CST)
Happy Holidays to all the members of the 191st AHC and their families. Hope to see you in Baltimore in 2002.
Phil Stanley <Pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, CO USA - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 09:05:57 (CST)
Thank you for your link. I really enjoyed your site. I will be adding more to mine soon. Once again, thank you.
Angela <unwes@yahoo.com>
CA USA - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 17:26:53 (CST)
Hey Group, Does anyone remember William (Bill) Hill 67-68 191st and how I can get in touch with Him.
Phil Webb <thewebbsplace@aol.com>
Kennewick, Wa USA - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 19:49:07 (CST)
LEIGHTON, AL USA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 19:45:21 (CST)
Hadn't seen a new entry in days, so I wondered if the Guestbook was working. Hope to see you all in Baltimore.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 21:39:21 (CST)
I am trying to find Stanley Grzywoc (sp?), If anyone knows how I can contact himplease let me know.Thanks,Glenn
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
Waynesboro, Pa USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 14:41:53 (CST)
I am really glad to find some of the original Boomerangs and Wingnuts. I am proud to have been the original Wingnut 4 and to have served with the 191st, along with Cpt. Rodowick and Lt. Shannon as maintenance officers and test pilots at Bear Cat. It would warm the the "cockels of my heart" to hear from any of you fine folks that I knew with the Boomerangs, Bounty Hunters and Wingnuts.
Al Pevey <apevey@earthlink.net>
lakehurst, nj USA - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 02:06:04 (CST)
I have an unusual request but here it goes! I recently got a cd burner for xmas and I'm in the process of compiling songs that were popular in Nam, especially 1969. You can e-mail me your favorites! I can recall many nites at Dong Tam playing our favorite tunes!Thanks, Bruce
bruce cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 20:03:55 (CST)
Thank you Veterans! You have a beautiful page and tributes.
Christine Keith <cnckeith@msn.com>
Mulberry, FL USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 16:45:52 (CST)
Hello,I have a friend who was in the bounty hunters, His name is Bob Ladd do you or anyone remember him? He is not doing well now and he asked me if I could find him a unit patch. I have been to all the surplus stores I could find with no luck. If you could help it would be much appreciated.Thank you.
Paul Carleton <pcarleton@prexar.com>
USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 21:33:49 (CST)
Dennis Haskew dropped me a note wondering if the Guestbook was broken since it's been a while since anybody posted anything here. So, I thought I'd test it out. Looking forward to the Reunion. Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 23:41:45 (CST)
Less than 6 months to the reunion. See you in Baltimore
Phil Stanley
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 09:44:14 (CST)
Last nite I went to see the movie "We Were Soldiers". It just happened to be the 33rd anniversary of 2 March 69 which was constantly on my mind as I watched the movie. I walked out with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.Even though I was there I guess I realized how lucky I was not to have to see any of that kind of action. The closest was the attack on 2 March 69. The movie had a lot of great action shots of the UH-1 inserting troops into a hot LZ. Overall I thought it was a very good movie but not one that most women would want to watch as it was pretty bloody.God Bless the members of the 191st and all of are other brothers. "All gave some, and some gave ALL"
BRUCE CROMWELL <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 09:00:31 (CST)
Last nite I went with my wife and some other couples to see the movie "We Were Soldiers". It also happened to be the 33rd anniversary of 2 March 69, for anybody that was in Dong Tam at that time ,you know what I'm reffering to!I left with a big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I realize how lucky I was not to have seen that kind of action.They had a lot of scenes of UH-1's bringing in troops into hot LZ's.The whole time I was watching the movie ,I couldn't help but think how scared I was on 2 March 69!It was one of the better Viet Nam movies I've seen but it was very bloody and I wouldn't advise taking your wives to it. One of my friends wives ask me "Why did it have to be so graphic?" and I told her "Because thats the way it was!"All gave some and some gave All!God Bless my 191st brothers and all other that served so proudly!
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 13:43:50 (CST)
Sorry about the double entry. After I signed the guestbook it wouldn't take so after a while I tried again.
bruce cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 16:34:33 (CST)
I don't think anybody is going to have a problem with the double entry by Bruce. He just said what's important twice. Us old guys do that. By the Way, your Browser whether it be Internet Explorer, or Netscape or whatever, saves the page when you go there. When you add an entry to the guestbook, and save it, your Browser will likely show you the page that it remembers from before, and not the real thing. If you click on Refresh, or Reload, the page is loaded anew, and then you will see what you entered.I haven't seen "We Were Soldiers" but I have an answer to the question about why it has to be so graphic. The answer is so simple that it takes a Vietnam vet to see it. This is what the kids of America see when "We the People" send them to war. It's time now that the folks that send our kids to war understand what they are sending them to.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 21:20:11 (CST)
Just needed to update my email address.
Michael DeHart <mdehart@attbi.com>
Kent, Wa USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 22:49:10 (CST)
I received the email below from Pat O'Donnell's wife and i wanted to share it with the rest of the 191st. We knew a lot of people when we were there in RVN and if the rest of you were like me there were friends and then there were friends. I think of Pat as one of those that we remember forever. In '68 we had a lot of fun and did a lot of things. I have never seen him since and just got back in touch the last couple of years. I was trying to make it to the reuion last Sept but the events of the 11th prevented that from happening. I will forever remember the wild and crazy gunner from White Flight who was my friend. May he rest in peace.Just wanted to let everyone know about my loss. Pat passed away Wednesday March 6, 2002. Services are Monday. I'll miss him terribly. You all were a special part of his life. Kathy O'Donnell
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh46@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 21:15:06 (CST)
My heart is heavy tonight to learn of the passing of Pat O'Donnell. When I was trying to get this little Web page off the ground, Pat was one of the first contributors. His contributions to this site will remain as long as the site exists. Tonight, I salute a fellow soldier. One who served without asking why.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 01:33:23 (CST)
After thirty plus years , I am reunited with a warrior of the 191st , and less than a year after that reunion I am informed of his death. It dosen't seem fair. I was glad to see Pat in St. Louis. Although he was in the white flight and I was in the yellow flight , we did get to speak of common discomptforts and share a few laughs about our time away from home. My condolences go to his wife and family. Know that he was a warrior and a true hero who served his country without question and with pride. God bless you Pat.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 12:09:17 (CST)
Boomerang 26, Oct 67 to Spring 68. Just located the web site!
John Crossman <jcrossman@thurston.com>
Steilacoom, WA USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 15:12:41 (CST)
This Harold Stitt Boomerang 17 and Cliff Sullivan Bommerang 10 sitting here in Huntsville after over 20 years since we have seen each other. Sully's e-mail address is uh1sully@aol.com. If there are any more of the original Boomerangs out there, we would like to hear from you.
Harold Stitt <haroldstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 20:28:01 (CST)
nice !
Don Sullivan <sgtsully92@aol.com>
Amarillo, tx USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 13:32:10 (CST)
Boomerang 10 from March 67 to March 18 68. Really glad to be turned on to this site by Harold Stitt, at our recent visit in Huntsville Al.
Clifton E. Sullivan <uh1sully@aol.com>
Ft. Pierce, Fla. USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 22:38:54 (CST)
i was a member of the 191st from june, 1967 until november, 1967 when i went to the 187th. i send my warmest regards toall.richard#6 w.d. circlehazlehurst, ga. 31539(912) 379-9571
richard w. de jaynes <drwhiddon@planttel.net>
hazlehurst, ga USA - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 23:15:45 (CST)
Thank You Gentlemen for Helping me remember,That at one time,I really did know a group of respectable hard working folks.This Web sight Documents a History of Pioner AVIATION little known to this New American public,that has no clue of what it takes to be able to do what they freely do daily.Thank you for reminding me of the most meaningfull time of my life....
Daniel B. Morin (MONTANA) <blueyekyuse@aol.com>
Missoula, MT USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 11:45:08 (CST)
TWO QUICKIES: 1. Tried to e-mail Gary ("Slick") Slanga and it came back undeliverable. Does anybody have an e-mail address that's more current than the one shown in this web site. 2. Do any of the Boomerangs have any photos (B&W or color) of SP4 Larry Vines, who was the crewchief on White Flight's #10019 and was KIA in June '68, along with 3 other Boomerangs. Am trying to help out one of his childhood buddies in CA with some pix. Thanx! JC
John Crossman (Ex-Boomerang 26) <jcrossman@thurston.com>
Steilacoom, WA USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 10:28:50 (CST)
COURTLAND, AL USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 23:53:09 (CST)
Wish to thank you all,for making this web deal,it works have found friends I thought were gone from me forever.NO way known to me as to how to repay you folks for this gift, it is priceless.The love and carring you have shown for your fellow man by just having this place, Demands the HIGHEST ORDER of Respect that you GENTLEMEN AS MY PESONAL HERO'S have allways deserved and I never had a chance before to tell you.I have a few pictures to share, they are assesable free as a down load or you may have a print built.DONG TAM,BOOMERANGS mostly, have a few BOUNTY HUNTER,but when I gunned for them had no time for pictures as you should know.just copy http://community.webshots.com/user/paheska1926This is a free storage sight so welcome to all may have a picture you could use. Many thanks to each and everyone of you.
Daniel B. Morin <blueyekyuse@aol.com>
Missoula, MT. USA - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 17:37:39 (CST)
Hello, I am served with the Bounty Hunters from November of '67 to September of '68. As a Crewchief. I started off with the 135 AHC at Grey Army Air Base outside of Ft. Hood Texas around Feb. of '67. I think we arrive in Vung Tau around the end of Sept.'67. I was transfered to the 191st around the end of October '67. I think I left country around the end of August or beginning of September '68. If I remember correctly my Aircraft Commander was Larry Miller and then W.O. Campbell. Fellow crewchiefs (Names that I can remember) were Brad Owens from Oakland, Robert Goble, Paul Frazier(KIA)http://www.virtualwall.org/df/FrazierPR01a.htm Sorry I can't remember all the names, we also had nick names that make it harder to remember. One of my door gunners was "Shorty" Harley Morgan from Louisiana. I have moved, I know live in Riverside, California. I found this page while I was looking for a picture of a huey for my website. I am presently teaching Sixth Grade in Riverside, Ca. Sorry I don't have any pictures of Viet Nam to post, I had a house fire in '85 lost all my collection. Is there a list of those who are registered for your reunion in Sept. of 2002? I was looking at the reunion pictures, didn't think you guys were that old! Take care. Good Job on the Website!
August Kraemer <akraemer3@earthlink.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 13:38:29 (CST)
Welcome home brothers, flew 68-69 336th T-Birds 69-70121st Vikings Soc Trang. We are all winners dont let anyonetell you different. All these pukes are still trying to badmouth us and say how much better todays military is. One ofthese days some one will shoot back then we'll see huh.God Bless All you guys and your families, everyone exceptJane Fonda...Tom MatereneI want to out live her one second, then I can truely die inpeace.
Tom Materene <rockmyworldlg6@hotmail.com>
Pahrump, NV USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 14:35:08 (CST)
For those of you that may want to "cruise down memory lane", go to website www.dragineez.com/mhi for the unit history of the 191st AHC. After getting on that website just go to "Search....Unit Name". The 191st is in the listings as 191 Aviation Company. It lists unit commanders, platoon leaders, awards, decorations, and the unit history with someof the more noteworthy action in which we were involved.See you in Baltimore.
Terry Wilund <twilund@jcn1.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 22:48:26 (CST)
Hey, just checking to see if anyone is going to Fort Rucker on the 26=27=28 April for the 13th Bn Reuinion? kSince it is only a short distance from Atlanta I will probably stop over. Hope to see some of you there.
Dennis E. Haskew <skipperh36@aol.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 15:48:51 (CDT)
Think Baltimore
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 00:25:01 (CDT)
Boomerang13 AKA Nighthawk13 I will be in Baltimore for sure.
James W Dennis <lchernin@dmcom.net>
Otego, NY USA - Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 07:20:50 (CDT)
I am presently attending the 13th CAB Reunion at Ft. Rucker.Almost NOBODY from 191st is here!STILL LOOKING for SP5 Robinson, Crew Chief 6AUG70
Ron Donakowski <rondon@alaweb.com>
Enterprise, AL USA - Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 14:28:17 (CDT)
I was assigned to the 191st Green Delta Flt. Plt. in Nov 69, as a ce/dg. I later became a TI, under Cpt Jefferys and CWO Joe Barcome (sp). I got re-assigned to the 336th at soc Trang in May or June 70. Alto I dont have the memories of BearCat or Dong Tam, Can To and Soc Trang are enough.
John Franklin <vmcmem@nc.rr.com>
Fayetteville, NC USA - Monday, May 06, 2002 at 09:34:56 (CDT)
Many thanks for the photographic memories. I was an Officer Records Clerk in HHC, 214th CAB from Feb 68 to Feb 69 (skinny little guy with big glasses from Missouri). Anyway, can't believe that 30+ years have passed. You all are to be commended for keeping the history alive. Thanks again, Ron
Ron Ferguson <rferguson@cox-internet.com>
Carthage, MO USA - Monday, May 06, 2002 at 14:48:29 (CDT)
"Cantho Tower this is Boomerang Control. Commo check over. Boomerang Control this is Cantho Tower. Have you too loud too clear too often." Vulture/Boomerang Avionics 162AHC & 191AHC Oct '69-Oct '70 We had the distinction to serve with the very best; Bounty Hunters, Boomerangs, Vultures in the Delta. You guys are the greatest.
Andrew Flores Jr. <Nay Leon@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 08:01:33 (CDT)
I've posted the registration form for the reunion on the page, but two so far have had trouble printing it. I have changed the formatting of it now, so please try it again. Let me know if there still are problems. Thanks -- Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 00:12:46 (CDT)
OOPs, I goofed on the Registration form. I failed to note the the banquet price was per person. That is corrected now. Art, that mistake is on me. Not to worry.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 22:01:32 (CDT)
WOW! I haven't seen the page counter jump like that in a while. We've got four signed up for the Reunion, but I know that four guys can't account for the jump in numbers. So, go ahead and commit early to come to the Reunion. It will be great. You will be glad you did. By the way, there's a free drink on me at the Banquet for the first thirty that register.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 22:52:40 (CDT)
For some of us Memorial day is more than a three day Holiday or a big sale. Today is a day to remember old friends who are no longer with us. Greetings to all members of the 191st AHC.
Phil Stanley <pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, CO USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 08:30:38 (CDT)
I would like to find SP5 Robinson, the Crew Chief that saved my live by preventing my bleeding to death on 6 AUG 70 in the U Minh near Rach Gia.If ANYONE knows anything about him PLEASE ctc me at rondon@alaweb.com
Ron Donakowski <rondon@alaweb.com>
Enterprise, AL USA - Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 23:49:36 (CDT)
I worked in operations 1970 and 1971 I would be intrested in talking to people I know from that period.
Peter H. Mason <petemason@direcway.com>
Vashon Island, WA USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:15:05 (CDT)
I would appreciate E-mail addresses from any personnel from the 1970-1971 period. Thanks!
Joel T Haugen <JTHaugen@centurytel.net>
Scappoose, OR USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:18:27 (CDT)
I served with the 191st while it formed up at Fort Bragg, NC in 1966. Assigned to the Armed Platoon (Gunslingers) then commanded by Maj Patnode, I made one of the ferry flights to deliver our HU-1C's to Sharpe Army Depot. I deployed to Bear Cat, RVN with the unit in '67, and was trasnfered to the 282nd Black Cats at Da Nang for "infusion". I was at Bear Cat the night Kidd and Dodson were killed. I'd like to hear from some of you old timers who were at Bear Cat...
Thomas R. Pullen <blackcat27@earthlink.net>
Fayetteville, NC USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 23:43:00 (CDT)
Hi folks, just wanted to say hello and to update my e-mail address which is gerardkahn@direcway.com. I hope to see you all at the reunion. Jerry Kahn
Gerard C. Kahn <gerardkahn@direcway.com>
Ghent, NY USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 17:10:27 (CDT)
I was with the 191st from Dec 1966 to May 1967 at Ft. Bragg and then May 1967 to May 1968 at Bearcat. I plan to be at the reunion in Aug 2002.Boomerang 13 til my crash in Aug 67 then Boomerang 16.
Ollie "Dee" Kennedy, JR. <redbaron5_2000@yahoo.com>
Laurel Springs, NC USA - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 21:48:37 (CDT)
I have just made my motel reservations for the reunion. I will be sending my registration form and check for the activities. Roger Barkley, I see that you have already signed up to go again this year: it will be great to see you. I hope Tinker decides to come again. I talked to Dee Kennedy last evening and he is coming and I just communicated with Don Sandrock and he is planning to come also. I plan to bring around 300 slides of the first year that the Boomerangs were in country. So, if any of you reading this were there, you may find yourself in these. I am looking forward to seeing some of you after all of these years. Til then, Boomerang 17.
Harold Stitt <haroldstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 10:56:41 (CDT)
Great site. Lots of interesting information. Would like those that are interested to contribute the history of their unit or their unique story to http://www.airwarvietnam.comThe site will feature stories and information on SEA flying units and scans of photographs and patches. This sites purpose is to honor those that paid the ultimate price and to help promote sites of individuals, units, and organizations that have a SEA focus. Thanks for your time. Mark, USAF, Ret.
Mark Bacon <iceman01@airwarvietnam.com>
Anchorage, AK USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 23:02:13 (CDT)
this is a great web site to go on
sabrina <ANGEL13@MSN.COM>
newark n.j., n.j. USA - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:45:10 (CDT)
Time is ticking down on the Hotel Reservations for the reunion. Please get those in by July 4th if you plan to attend. I'll be going to the VHPA reunion in Vegas next week, so if the Website looks unattended, and email goes unanswered that's why. I am hoping to come home to a mailbox full of registration forms. Hope to see you all in Baltimore. -- Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 21:56:54 (CDT)
Regret I won't be able to attend this year's reunion. Be assured that I'll be thinking of you. As ever, best wishes to you all.
Fred Tinker
Chula Vista, CA USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 14:44:38 (CDT)
Great job on the website. Really brought back a lot of old, and mostly good, memories. Call sign was Bounty Hunter 18 from late 1967 to late 1968. Keep-up the good work. Thanks again for the website.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, Tx USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 09:48:04 (CDT)
Greetiungs to all. Finally got with it and decided to establish contact with folks whom I have the utmost admiration and respect for, the Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters. Long time has passed since signing in in Dec 66 on the way home from Flight school. Days at Bragg with no helicopters, training for combat!!! Ferry flight across thecountry, set up in Bearcat, early tragedy with Norm and Jack and crews, tough fights, long hours and great, great nights in the "Longbranch". Who can forget "Spike Bales and Dave Hall and our platoon "ROCK, Cw2 Tommy Sandefur.Perogue Shega, wildman Stack, miller, arnold, Yarger, Hawkins, and our honorary guns Taylor, Sandrock, and Stitt. Damn, it's been a long windy 34 year(total) road since then, but reading the guest book for the first time todayput it all in perspective. Me and momma have just said, WE ARE GOING to Baltimore come hell or high water. We live in Live in Leavenworth, Ks about 12 miles North of I 70 and have room to put folks in transit across the country up. If we run out of bedspace, we'll just drive a nail in the wall, and hang you up for the night. Look forward to remaking acquaintance with my unitmates. God Bless.Stan Cherrie Bounty Hunter 21/6.
Stan Cherrie <scherrie@kc.rr.com>
Leavenworth, KS USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 14:46:55 (CDT)
I received this from a friend by email. It is from Red Skelton, not sure of the date. It is his comments about "The Pledge of Allegiance". Go to this website and enjoy http://home.att.net/~poofcatt/july.html
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 15:10:26 (CDT)
april 70 to nov. 71 Hi to all nice to see a fewnames I remember and some day might get to see again
Michael Samperi <jclrd@olypen.com>
Sequim, Wa USA - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 18:29:37 (CDT)
The Hotel deadline for the Reunion in Baltimore has been extended to July 31, 2002. That's as far as the Hotel will allow us to push that out. After that, you will have to pay the prevailing rate which is about $70 more per day.There are old friends waiting to welcome you to the Reunion. All you have to do is make the decision to come.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 22:17:49 (CDT)
You really have a great web page. The 240th is having a reuion this Oct. and my good friend Gary Voughn, has not checked in. He was with the 240th Greyhounds until Sept.1967 and then was transfered to the Boomaranges. he was a slick Crew Chief. Any imformation could help. Thanks.
Bill Proud <bproud@pacbell.net>
Reseda, ca USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 22:28:56 (CDT)
Hi All, Have signed up and looking forward to seeing all again in Baltimore. Fred Tinker, sorry you can't make it, if you get a chance e-mail me, don't want to lose touch with you again after XX years ! rvbarkley@fuse.net
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh. USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 04:41:27 (CDT)
Though I was not an offical member of the 191st, I feel close to all of those who flew the friendly skies of can Tho. I was a air traffic controller in the tower at Can Tho from 10/69 to 09/71. Spoke to you guys on a daily bases. Don't recall the call sign, but remember a slick from your unit was night cover and I was a ride along in back. Found a bunk and the left seat took out his M-79 and began shooting. All the best to all of you.
Lloyd Newell <newell3@qnet.com>
Phelan, Ca USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 16:16:15 (CDT)
BOOMERANG 39 - Looking for crew on 1/12/69 who assisted Hunter Delta 1-5 (D-6-31 9th Inf Div) near Kien Thuong province (Cai Nua) early morning hours.
Jim MacMaster <jmacmast@rdmail.rural.usda.gov>
USA - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 12:13:24 (CDT)
Thanks for the help.Roger out
Roger Riddle <RRiddle@aol.com>
Martinez, Ca USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 02:23:45 (CDT)
BOOMERANG 39 - Interested in hearing from or anyone knowing the crew of Boomerang 39. Involved in assisting Hunter Delta 15 (6th Bn, 31st Inf., 9th Inf. Div.) near Cai Nua early morning hours of Jan 12, 1969.
Jim MacMaster <jmacmast@rdmail.rural.usda.gov>
VA USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 06:13:26 (CDT)
I was a classmate of Terry Lynn Henery who was killed while serving in the 191st so I decided to look at your web site for information on his death. You have a great web site.Regards Richard CrawfordRazorback 41
Richard Crawford (Razorback 41) <RcCrwf@aol.com>
Round Lake Beach, IL USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 14:37:18 (CDT)
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Larry Erdkamp or Bill Wells.
John Mertke <johnm10947@aol.com>
Ypsilanti, MI USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 23:59:23 (CDT)
I was very happy to find this link to the 191st My father William E. Fennell was with the 191st boomerangs for a short time June 19 1967 to July 8 1967 then was transfered to 135th taipan. I have not found anyone from the 191st who remembers my father but have been successful with the 135th and met some wonderful men. I have very little information about the 191st and will be taking a trip to vietman in march of 2003 in honnor of my father. Anyone who has any info about where the 191st was stationed, it would be appreciated. Thanks Kelly
Kelly Beatty <fxmaker4@aol.com>
Woodland Hills, ca USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 03:24:36 (CDT)
The Days to the reunion are fewer now. I understand that some are coming that have not yet registered. I'd make an appeal here. There are arrangements that must be made based on numbers in order to make this work, and the numbers have to be presented in advance. We cannot present anything other than what we know, and I don't want anybody to get left out. Help!! -- Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 23:23:13 (CDT)
Cherlyn and I were really looking forward to the reunion this year but life has handed us one of those big, fat, juicy, expensive lemons, so we are going to be spending the next few months trying to make lemonaide. We have really enjoyed the previous three reunions we have attended. If you haven't attended one yet now would be a great time! We hope to see everyone at the next one. Have fun!
Joe Roberts <joeandcher@ohiohills.com>
Bidwell, oh USA - Friday, August 02, 2002 at 18:41:18 (CDT)
Guys, I am a rat bastard for not signing up for the reunion earlier. No excuse Sir. Will join the fracas Thursday, God willing returning from Germany, but looking forward to a good time and building our backbone on the net. Good JuJu so far...good on you , Bill Janes!!!! I am thirsty, just like every 8-10 hr flying day. Ever see young aviator's eyes gloss over whenyou tell them you got more flight time in a day than they do in a month!!!!Neat. Mary Ellen will join my aged jet lagged body Fri AM, but we will be ready to reacquaint and meet those who followed us "ancient" Pioneers. Proud to have been and still are a part of this fine organization. See you there, Stan
Stan Cherrie <scherrie@kc.rr.com>
Leavenworth, KS USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 17:24:01 (CDT)
WICHITA, KS USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 21:23:05 (CDT)
Won't be able to get to the Baltimore reunion this year, but want to send best wishes to all the former Boomerangs & Bounty Hunters who'll be there. Maybe next year!?!? Will be thinking of you folks as the event unfolds.
John Crossman <jcrossman@thurston.com>
Steilacoom, WA USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 21:29:40 (CDT)
Three weeks and counting. I a really looking forward to the reunion. I will be checking in the hotel Wednesday afternoon, so if anyone gets there early, look me up.
Harrell Guidry <kgid@pernet.net>
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:24:28 (CDT)
Looks like the reservations are in. We are expecting 36 unit members at the reunion in Baltimore, and we will be 68 for dinner at the Banquet.Best wishes to those who will be unable to attend. We'll miss you.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 21:31:29 (CDT)
Aloha Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters! Have a GREAT reunion!!!!Keep Bill Janes out of jail. Very Respectfully, Randy Tucker Robinhood 22
Randy Tucker <tuckerr004@hawaii.rr.com>
mililani, hi USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 17:14:01 (CDT)
Here's wishing everyone a safe passage to the east coast. See YOU soon!!!
Paul Zawicki <thunderthud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 06:41:40 (CDT)
I have had the honor of meeting the few ..stand proud with your eyes showing that...gleam for life and love for country and freedom.....is an honor to sign this book ::bowing deeply::
Midge <Kavort@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 14:00:18 (CDT)
We're off for the reunion. Everybody that is coming have a safe trip. It is going to be great to see some old friends and to make some new ones. Boomerang 10, Cliff Sullivan, just found out recently that engines still quit in Hueys. We wish him a speedy recovery. Boomerang 17
Harold Stitt <haroldstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 07:20:08 (CDT)
Well It was a great reunion. Thanks to all of my family. "Family" was definitely the theme and I have never been so proud to be a small part of anything as I am of being a member of the 191 Aslt Hel Co. I love & miss you all already. "God Bless America".
Paul Vitale <skyhawk271ou@aol.com>
E. Falmouth, Ma USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 19:54:17 (CDT)
Connie and I hope that everyone enjoyed the reunion as much as we did. This was the first reunion we attended. Had we realized how much of a FAMILY the 191st truly is, we would not have missed previous reunions. We encourage all members who have not attended a reunion to please attend the next one. You will not be disappointed. It is indeed a healing experience. Please, please put aside your fears and apprehensions and simply come HOME to us, your family. We gather together every 2 years in the spirit of love, friendship, and appreciation. The 191st is a FAMILY and we NEED each other.Connie and I need to especially thank for all their help Bill & Irene Janes, Jack Tiesing & Karen Pope, Roger & soon to be Admiral Michele Stickney, USN, Richard & Helly Wilkinson, Father Ken Strawhand, Father Ed Meeks, Father Bud Reick and our awesome guest speaker General Stan Cherrie. Thank YOU!!!
Paul Zawicki <thunderthud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 10:43:43 (CDT)
I would like to thank all the members and friends of the 191st. AHC for the rare privilage of being allowed to be of some service at the Baltimore reunion. Once again may God bless you and the work that you did, and continue to do, for freedom and peace, and for your efforts to preserve for the world the history of the 191st.The entire weekend was a life-changing experience for me, and I do pray for some others as well. I do hope to see many, if not all of you again. I have never spent time so well in the company of such people of quality.Pax Vobiscum,Fr. Ken Strawhand, STMPastorSt. Casimirs'Lowell, MA
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com.>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 17:37:17 (CDT)
Well, the reunion officially closed this evening after a day of sailing and dinner with Bill and Irene Janes. Farewells are always so sad. I wish we could do it all over again. So here's looking forward to the next reunion. Our very best wishes to all!!!
Paul Zawicki <thunderthud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 20:25:51 (CDT)
I can't add anything to what the guys above said about the reunion. No way can we describe in words what events we saw and what took place. Take care "family". Love all you guys. See you in two years
Harrell Guidry <kgid@pernet.net>
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 13:09:59 (CDT)
The reunion in Baltimore was outstanding!!! I know that it wouldn't have been at all possible had it not been for Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zawicki and all of the volunteers they recruited to put togeather such a wonderful program. The dedication and commitment, the work required to pull this off by all involved was monumental and truly appreciated. To see old comrades and to establish new friendships was indeed an experience that will not soon be forgotten. This truly is a Family!! Thanks also go to Bill & Irene Janes for all their work, support, and for communicating to the rest of us what was goig on. The collective efforts of all involved with this project, so the rest of us could enjoy the event is ( as stated above ) truly, truly appreciated. I am really looking forward to the next one, wherever it may be. Until then be safe and God bless all.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 13:44:28 (CDT)
A Heart felt Many Thanks to you all, missed the reunion,but did get to see, hear , visit with one dear family member, Mo Willson, have tried since we mustered out in 1970 to find him. Creadit is Totally do to this sight and to those who put this family back together,as all prior efforts to find him and Paul Zawicki were depressing failures. Thanks again for all your help. Montana, slick gunner from dong tam that steer doged the water buffale calf from a white tail. And drew the picture of it left it in flight ops. Also a gun for the Bounty hunters, Willson helped me get my rope back from water buffalo cow I roped . Best wishes to all and thank you for your kind, thoughtfull means and ways........
Daniel B. Morin <blueyekyuse@aol.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 00:14:04 (CDT)
Hello 191st; First off this site has been a wealth of insight! My name is Melissa J. Miller; I am trying to get in touch with anyone who knew Richard A. Weske. He is my father, (long story). I’m just looking for anyone who knew him that can tell me a little bit about him. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.Melissa
Melissa J. Miller <millermj@lasalle.navy.mil>
Gaeta, Italy - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 02:58:24 (CDT)
To all Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters that attended the 2002 Baltimore Reunion, thank you for a great family experience. Of all the reunions I have attended in my life time, this was the most emotional and satisfying. A special thanks to Bill Janes and all of you who worked hard to make this reunion perfect.I am proud to have served with many of you. I am proud to be associated with those who followed the initial Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters and maintained the incredible attitude that characterized the 191st AHC from inception to deactivation. God Bless all of you. See you at the 2004 reunion or sooner if I am lucky.
Bud Patnode <bpatnode@aol.com>
Sandy, Utah USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 13:00:37 (CDT)
Thanks for coming all,the reunions keep getting bigger and better.Thanks to Paul and Connie,Bill and Irene,AND Don Williams.These folks helped make these functions happen.God willing, will see you all in 04.All must try to recruit more folks! FLY ARMY! Jack
Jack E,Tiesing Sr <huey1@hotmail.com>
New Albany, IN USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 14:40:35 (CDT)
Have been to all the reunions and loved each one but...this had to be the best !! Paul Z. and crew...thanks for everything, it could not of been better or appreciated more.Thanks Bill J. for this website, what would we do without it !How did the Army manage to assemble a unit like the 191st !Love everyone...see everyone in 2004Roger
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Ohio USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 21:53:09 (CDT)
For those who want to remember Don Williams reading from Shakespeare at the reunion:
WESTMORELAND. O that we nowhad here
But one ten thousand of those menin England
That do no work to-day!
KING. What's he that wishesso?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my faircousin;
If we are mark'd to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if tolive,
The fewer men, the greater share ofhonour.
God's will! I pray thee, wish notone man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garmentswear;
Such outward things dwell not in mydesires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a manfrom England.
God's peace! I would not lose so greatan honour
As one man more methinks would sharefrom me
For the best hope I have. O, do notwish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland,through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to thisfight,
Let him depart; his passport shallbe made,
And crowns for convoy put into hispurse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die withus.
This day is call'd the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comessafe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this dayis nam'd,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and seeold age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast hisneighbours,
And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.'
Then will he strip his sleeve andshow his scars,
And say 'These wounds I had on Crispian'sday.'
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shallour names,
Familiar in his mouth as householdwords-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury andGloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.
This story shall the good man teachhis son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er goby,
From this day to the ending of theworld,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his bloodwith me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er sovile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd theywere not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whilesany speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin'sday.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 01:02:10 (CDT)
Wow -- what can one say..!!!! This reunion was the best yet. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Paul and Connie Zawicki, Bill and Irene Janes for an outstanding reunion. It was so wonderful to to see Harold Stitt (whom I consider the one who taught me to fly combat assault missions), Roger Barkley (who kept Supership (66-817) in such great shape) and many other Boomerangs. What a pleasure to see our Commander COL Patnode. Bounty Hunters GEN Stan Cherrie, Ed McKee and Larry Miller-- we would not have survived without you guys covering us -- thanks guys, we owe you our lives. And my flight school classmate and platoonmate, Don Sandrock -- one hellofa guy -- (PS --Don, I think the Pope's job will open in the near future -- and then things will be different). It was an honor to memorize and present to the Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters at the reunion Shakesphere's St Chrispen's Day speech. We truly are "We Few, we happy few, we band of brothers" As for the 2004 reunion-- are we there yet????
Don Williams <CobraCapt@aol.com>
White Sands Missile Range, NM USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 14:57:41 (CDT)
A heartfelt thanks to the brothers and sisters that made this years reunion so very special. Walking "The Wall" with August, my crewchief, was a once in a lifetime experience I will never forget and cherish forever. Thanks to ALL of you, I have found the brotherhood I've been searching for over 30 plus years. Now the healing can begin. Thank you, brothers. I could run on for pages, but you'd just get bored and I'd get too emotional so I'll save it for the next reunion. I'll be there and I hope all of you will be there as well. Larry
Larry Miller Bounty Hunter 27 <larrygok@juno.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 17:02:44 (CDT)
Don,You've got my vote for Pope-then things will be different!KRS+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 17:07:39 (CDT)
One more thing. I noticed that a name seemed to be missing from the Honour Page. Rest assured that two names were added in the very early hours on Friday by Bill Janes, and they were not forgotten at the Memorial Service. I will post them later, but must run off to a meeting now. Also, the Memorial Book will be on the Altar on 9/11 at mass at 0900 &1900. There are not enough words to thank you guys for what you have done. I pray God's peace, blessings, and all good to all of you.Pax Semper Dominus Vobiscum,K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 17:16:23 (CDT)
One more thing. I noticed that a name seemed to be missing from the Honour Page. Rest assured that two names were added in the very early hours on Friday by Bill Janes, and they were not forgotten at the Memorial Service. I will post them later, but must run off to a meeting now. Also, the Memorial Book will be on the Altar on 9/11 at mass at 0900 &1900. There are not enough words to thank you guys for what you have done. I pray God's peace, blessings, and all good to all of you.Pax Semper Dominus Vobiscum,K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 17:16:44 (CDT)
crewchief 2nd plt. 67-68a piece of us died with each fallen comrade
Dennis Stits <popspizza@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 04:32:47 (CDT)
really great to read what all of you have had to say. I have been trying to find a few peopl without any luck until now. Welcome Home. 26mc 67-68, 2nd plt.
Dennis Stits <popspizza@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 05:28:46 (CDT)
really great to read what all of you have had to say. I have been trying to find a few people without any luck until now. Welcome Home. 26mc 67-68, 2nd plt.
Dennis Stits <popspizza@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 05:29:32 (CDT)
A technical note- the reason that we get double postings seems to be this: at times when trying to make a posting a page appears that indicates the message box is empty. In fact, the posting has already been made, and by hitting the send key it is posted again. Atleast, that is what happend to me. If said screen does appear, exit it, return to guest book, hit refresh and check to see if your posting appears. It most likely will. K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 07:18:39 (CDT)
The reunion was fantastic! I am already looking forward to the next one. I want to give a special thank you to Paul, Bill Jack and "Stick" for all the effort you gave to ensure that everyone had a great time.Bless you all,Glenn
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
Waynesboro, Pa USA - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 20:19:38 (CDT)
For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should have risen again, it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead. And also in that he perceived that there was great favour laid up for those that died godly, it was an holy and good thought. Whereupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin. 2 Maccabees12:44 -45Mass will be offered on 9/12/02 for the Holy Progress of the soul of Capt. Norman Richard Kidd. Eternal reat grant unto him, O Lord - And may light perpetual shine upon him. K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 08:15:56 (CDT)
Tonight I came home and the PC that I use to check email and administer the Web page would not boot. I have lost both hard disks, and everything on them. As a result, I have lost all email that anybody has sent me. I can recover from this but it will take some time. My apologies folks, but I am working on it.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 23:00:37 (CDT)
white flt. plt. 67-68. It was the best of times-it was the worst of times. Bonded forever together. (CAN DO)
Dennis Stits <popspizza@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 01:34:35 (CDT)
I am so thankful to those that have created this sight. Looking foward to the next reunion.
Marty kolodey <mkruby_99@yahoo.com>
Babylon, ny USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:03:02 (CDT)
After looking at alot of the pictures and not recognizeing many I'm going to dig out my photos and slides. How can i get 191st t-shirt, patches, pins ect.
marty kolodey <mkruby_99@yahoo.com>
babylon, ny USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:23:06 (CDT)
I'm just posting my new e-mail address. I was with the 191 from Sept 67 to Aug 68. I crewed "Baby Huey".
Bob Walker <flojoe1@adelphia.net>
Yuma, AZ USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 20:21:16 (CDT)
Just before my computer died, I received some pictures from Ventura Olivares. Ventura if you could resend those it would be appreciated.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 00:17:27 (CDT)
check out my book, XIN LOI, on B&N or Amazon site. crew chief 68-72; slicks & guns; delta to dmz; rvn, cambodia; laos
al sever <als@pcspower.net>
wmpt, pa USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 22:26:23 (CDT)
“But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them.In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure is taken for misery,And their going from us to be utter destruction: but they are in peace.For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality.And having been a little chastised, they shall be greatly rewarded: for God proved them, and found them worthy for himself. As gold in the furnace hath he tried them, and received them as a burnt offering. And in the time of their visitation they shall shine, and run to and fro like sparks among the stubble. They shall judge the nations, and have dominion over the people, and their Lord shall reign for ever.They that put their trust in him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect”The Book of Wisdom 3:1-9Mass will be offered on 9/26/02 @ 0900 for 1Lt. David Colin Hall. All will be remembered on All Souls Day. The way it works is this: I have the Honor Page in a file, and when Mass is said, I change the name from red to black. When all are remembered, I simply start at the beginning of the list againBy the way, did anyone ever run across a WO Bob Litwinski over there? He is an old friend, and it would be cool if I could find him.Pax,K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 09:25:06 (CDT)
I was a crew chief and gunner with the 336th AHC in Soc Trang from Nov. 69 til we stood down in Nov. 70. You werea great bunch of guys and you have a great site going here!
Artie VanZilen <vanzilen@aol.com>
Paramus, NJ USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 11:27:38 (CDT)
After reading the guest book I really regret not attending the reunion. It was unavoidable. It looks like you all had a great time. I was, however, shocked--shocked!--to see how old you all have become while I have not changed a bit since my days at Bearcat. What happened to y'all? I wish I had been there to hear Don Williams recite from Henry V. I am presuming that he was in full armor for the fullest effect. Mr. Stitt, Mr. Sandrock you have my respect and, as always, my best wishes. Roger, Stephen and Pat you represent the highest competence the unit ever saw and I am proud to have known you. Pat, did you ever get that Corvette? If not, I bet Roccabello could build you one. Marty Kolodey, how are you? Do you remember the night from hell we spent in the field? And how about Walker surfacing in Yuma! I have pix of all of you and remember you well. Whatever happened to Jerry Marmon? I was Richard Weske's roomate. Hope to see you one of these days. God bless all of us.
Fred Tinker
Chula kVista, CA USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 12:24:34 (CDT)
I was assigned to the Bounty Hunters in Aug.69 at BearCat and therr months later we were at CanTho Airfield for the remander of my tour. Flew Charley modles as a crew chief and had lots of flying time in the delta. If anyone remembers this time frame drop me a line. One of the guys I remember was Gary Franks from Ca. Always playing Beatles toons.
Tim Murphy <tmurphy@horizonaero.com>
Fairport, NY USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 15:13:19 (CDT)
I'm just getting started on the unit history and figured it might be a good thing to start at the begining. I remember coming to Ft. Bragg right out of AIT at Ft. Polk (that beautiful garden spot)and finding out as soon as I walked in the door that the company was being assembled and would be shipped off in a few months. I know there are a number of people who started with the 191st in Bragg so I'm asking you to search for any orders you may have that either assigned you (and any other people) to the 191. I'm also looking for a unit deployment roster or orders sending the enlisted men to Vietnam (similiar to the orders assigning the officers and warren officers Bill has on the start page). I'm also asking the folks who joined the 191st at Bragg to put down on paper their recollections of arriving at the company, the training, the airfield, the people, ferrying the aircraft across the country, and the deployment to Vietnam. Also if anyone has any pictures from Ft. Bragg or the deployment it would help. If you have pictures please put your name and address on the back of them so they can be returned to you after being scanned. You can either e-mail your recollections to me or mail things to:191st Assault Helecopter Company History ProjectP. O. Box 215Ghent, NY 12075.Bill will be posting a survey on the site that will be asking everyone for input so that we can assemble a unit history that will reflect our status as the best assault helicopter company in Vietnam. Thanks for your help.
Jerry Kahn <gerardkahn@direcway.com>
Ghent, NY USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 15:17:27 (CDT)
I was assigned to the Bounty Hunters in Aug.69 at BearCat and three months later we were at CanTho Airfield for the remander of my tour. Flew Charley modles as a crew chief and had lots of flying time in the delta. If anyone remembers this time frame drop me a line. One of the guys I remember was Gary Franks from Ca. Always relaxing with the re-worked Tepperillos if you get my drift.
Tim Murphy <tmurphy@horizonaero.com>
Fairport, NY USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 15:23:57 (CDT)
I have had an inquiry as to whether SFC Jaime Restrepo, who died 11/4/70 in Vietnam might have been a member of the 191st. He was killed in Vinh Long Province, and records indicate that he was with the 1st Aviation Brigade. Any help here would be appreciated.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 22:32:45 (CDT)
To all the Boomerangs’ & Bounty Hunters, who shared a part of their soul with me talking about my father or pointing me to guys who knew him, I thank you. I’m having a better understanding of a lot of things. Mr. Tinker I would love to hear from you about your old roommate. You all and your brothers are why I’m serving now, to understand, more pride then ever talking with you all. I thank you for your Service then & your help now.
Melissa J. Miller <millermj@lasalle.navy.mil>
Gaeta, Italy, USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 13:14:00 (CDT)
My Brothers in Christ,Try this link, and read "Waging Peace." http://www.touchstonemag.com/See if it doesn't hit home. I sent this link to as many as I could, before my old computer started to act up. Time to upgrade! I like the e-Mac.Fr. Louis is an old friend, though I doubt if he remembers me, except for name perhaps.All comments welcome, on the "Touchestone" article, or on giving me grief over my allegiance to Mac, etc.Mass offered on Friday (usually on Thursdays, but I had an urgent matter in Boston this am) for SP4 Steven Martinez, 29 August 1967. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord:& May light perpetual shine upon him.Pax, K+
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 17:03:22 (CDT)
Thanks to Don Williams, about seventy photos from the reunion have been added to the page. From the Main page, click on the 2002 After Action Report, or the Pictures Added link. I wish we could do it all again tomorrow - Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 17:21:53 (CDT)
17 October 2002-0900The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for:1Lt David Colin Hall, 1LT Sharel Edward Bales, SP4 Peter Steven Martinez, SP4 Joseph Leon Whitaker, JR, SSG Richard Lee Scaduto, SGT Louis Charles Muser IIREST ETERNAL GRANT UNTO THEM O LORD - AND MAY LIGHT PERPETUAL SHINE UPON THEM. Amen
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 17:12:44 (CDT)
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. - St. John 14: 1-3The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated for the Holy Progress of the souls of CW2 Tommy Gerald Sandefur (1 February 1968) @ 0900 on 24 October 2002, The Feasr of St. Raphael the Archangel.Rest Eternal Grant Unto them, O Lord: and May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them. Amen.
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@ATTBI.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 07:56:19 (CDT)
I beg you forgive any typos-my spell check just didn't pick them up-sorry. K+
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 08:02:10 (CDT)
After doing an Internet search, I found that my uncle, Tommy Sandefur, is mentioned on this site. I and the rest of my family would love to hear from anyone who knew Tommy who could share their thoughts of him or experiences with him. His full name was Tommy Gerald Sandefur, and he was a chief warrant officer from Tulsa, OK. He died on 2/1/68. He was 31. Thanks so much.
Terri Beckham <traebeck@comcast.net>
Springfield, TN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:10:34 (CDT)
"I now know why men who have been to war yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to laugh or weep. Comrades gather because they long to be with the men who once acted their best, men who suffered and sacrificed, who were stripped raw, right down to their humanity. I did not pick these men. They were delivered by fate and the Military. But I know them in a way I know no other men. I have never given anyone such trust. They were willing to guard something more precious than my life. They would have carried my reputation, the memory of me. It was part of the bargain we all made, the reason we were so willing to die for one another. I cannot say where we are headed. Ours are not perfect friendships; those are the province of legend and myth. A few of my comrades drift far from me now, sending back only occasional word. I know that one day even these could fall to silence. Some of the men will stay close, a couple, perhaps, always at hand. As long as I have memory, I will think of them all, every day. I am sure that when I leave this world, my last thought will be of my family and my comrades.....such good men." from "These Good Men" by Michael Norman
Fr. KenStrawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 14:16:14 (CST)
WO 1 Jeffery J. Yarger (19 March 1968) & SP4 Harold Shelby Wood, JR. (19 March 1968) will be remembered at the Holy Sacrice of the Mass on 1 November 2002 @ 0900. In addition, all will be remembered aon All Sould Day @ 1300, Parish Cemettery Memorial Mass.Rest Eternal Grant Unto Them, O Lord; and May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them. Amen.
Fr. KenStrawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 07:53:58 (CST)
I must beg your forgiveness, but I must depart from potocol this week and offer the Mass for Army Pvt. George W. Milan. Those of you in the loop will know why.If the U.S. Army will havea broken down old dog like me, I shall go with the men to the Middle East. Pravda.K+
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 20:54:10 (CST)
that would be protocol. My spelling stinks.K+
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 20:56:24 (CST)
hello everyone. Tommorrow is Veterans Day. I want to wish you all a peaceful and happy day with your families. I know Veterans Day has a very special meaning to all of us. I will be thinking of the 191st and all of you and especially our fallen comrades.
paul vitale <skyhawk271ou@aol.com>
e.falmouth, ma USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 19:40:54 (CST)
Hello! I saw a brief news interview about this tribute to Bob Hope on TV, though some of you might be interested. http://www.bobhope.com/Whenever there was a need, Bob Hope was there. Thanks to him, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have had their spirits lifted. Currently, Taffy III is raising funds to create a Military Tribute to Bob Hope in recognition of his efforts for all our country's servicemen and women. http://www.hopetribute.org/
August Kraemer <akraemer3@earthlink.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 12:04:57 (CST)
Cool stuff i like it. will look again later thou.
Richard H. Nelson <tazcoloman31@aol.com>
Aurora, co USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 05:56:01 (CST)
USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 19:34:05 (CST)
thanks all you guys i was LT Richard Perry my group chrashed with one of your choppers you were the best i was in 21st signal group you saved us many times i live in DEnmark today
Richard Perry
fredericia, denmark - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 04:02:41 (CST)
david hamilton <davhamilt6@aol.com>
san diego, ca. USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 19:08:32 (CST)
For Those Who Died in BattleGRANT, O Lord, Thy peace to those who gave their lives on the field of battle,especially Ricordo Robert Tejano, W01 5 June 1968, Michael Turone, W01 5 June 1968, Richard Larry Vines, SP5 5 June 1968, Dennis Owen Akers, SP4 5 June 1968 and may the memory of their sacrifice be an incentive for us to work toward the realization of the ideal of universal peace based on the principles of righteousness and justice. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, who Livest and reignest with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, throughout all ages of ages. AmenMass will be said at 0900 today for these men. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord - and May Light Perpetual shine upon them Amen.Fr. Ken Strawhand
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@aattbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 06:22:53 (CST)
I'm looking for anyone who served with my father Capt.James John Shereck.K.I.A. PHU BAI flying an OV-1 Mohawk.My dad flew with the 191st boomerangs in PHU LOI 1967-68.He started flying MOHAWKS in 1969 after returning home from PHU LOI.
Tony Shereck <bercher@bis.midco.net>
Bismarck, N.D. USA - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 13:26:42 (CST)
the website is looking great.I haven`t seen it all as yet,but will.STAN ALLEN,a friend served with the 191.I served with the Australian Army,1 BATTALION
michael anthony LANE <malane3801@hotmail.com>
SYDNEY, NSW AUSTRALIA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 18:51:14 (CST)
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 5 December 02 for:Arnold Wayne Luke, CPT 12 August 68, Terry Roy Jens, Jr, W01 12 August 68, Arturo Daniel Montion, SP4 12 August 68, & Gerald Anthony Wilson, SPS 12 August 68 -Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord----and May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them. Amen.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilotsix@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 09:59:42 (CST)
MARIAN PAYNE DICKSON <mair@charter-ga.com>
LA GRANGE, GA USA - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 21:28:41 (CST)
In this holiday season, I wish God's blessings on the Men of the 191st and their Families. Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year wishes too.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 02:14:48 (CST)
I encountered this site some two years ago and frequent it to read any and all additions. I indicated I had photos taken by Uncle Dennis and would like to bring them to next reunion so that they can be posted on site, I should have done this long ago. God Bless
Matthew Coker <mglcoker@hotmail.com>
Athens, GA USA - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 05:07:42 (CST)
Best wishes to all Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters for a joyous and healthy holiday season.
Bud Patnode <bpatnode@aol.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 14:22:51 (CST)
Best wishes to all my "family" here. See you in 04.
Harrell Guidry <kgid@eonet.net>
Groves, Tx USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 05:48:36 (CST)
A merry Christmas to all of my family at the 191st. God bless you all. May the coming year bring peace and prosperity to one and all.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 11:53:22 (CST)
Christmas wishes to you all now and throughout the New Year.
fred tinker
chula vista, ca USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 15:21:33 (CST)
exellent site!took a while to find,but well worth the efford.wellcome home brothers!!!i served with the 9th,3/60 mrf,sept 68 tosept 69.i need some help finding a crewchief/doorgunner on a B-model gunship on or about end of march 69.he saved my butt ina hot LZ.the ship came down,he jumped off and dragged my ass off the paddy,trew me on the floor of the chopper and deposited me back on to the benewah.turned out i busted my leg on the rice paddy.any help would be appriciated.a big THANKS for a job well done.went to ft.rucker in71 for mech.and doorgunner shool,ended up insaigon TSN with th 110 av.co. suppliers to the flyers.
alexander kaufbusch <riverrat@peoplepc.com>
colorado springs,colorado usa, colorado USA - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 10:35:47 (CST)
May Patricia, my Family & I wish you all a most joyous & Merry Christmas, And may the New Year be happy , healthy, and profitable, both temporarily and spiritually for you and yours.Pax,Fr. Ken, Patricia , Justin Jeremiah, and Alex Strawhand, Matthew & Eve LaBosco
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@.attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 13:14:02 (CST)
This morning, being the Feast of St. Stepen the Proto-Martyr, Mass was offered at 0900 for the Holy Progress of the Souls of all those on the Honour Page.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 14:55:32 (CST)
we must to remember.today i thinck about you...thanck you.
marc h. <marc.hunin@skynet.be>
laneffe 5651, belgium - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 06:21:24 (CST)
Looking for anyone who flew the 191st(Boomerangs)1967-68,out of PHU LOI.Do you remember my dad James J Shereck.I am looking for men that served with him in PHU LOI.Even though I was a toddler when my dad flew HUEY'S I still get a rush when I hear the thump thump of a HUEY.TONY SHERECK.
Tony Shereck <bercher@bis.midco.net>
Bismarck, N.D. USA - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 22:03:17 (CST)
Happy New Year from www.kitchentablegang.org We hope your New Year season is full of cheer, and that 2003 is your very best year! God Bless! Thanks, Charlie T.
Charlie Taliaferro <charles@kitchentablegang.org>
NAS Lemoore, CA USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 09:53:17 (CST)
flew Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters 69 70
Darell Whitson <dwhit@okmedia.net>
Parkhill , Ok USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 22:39:38 (CST)
I appreciate the fact that there is a website for the company that my dad served in, the bounty hunters. I only wish that there was more information concerning his company.
Kathleen McWilliams
Elfrida , AZ USA - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 12:58:08 (CST)
Greetings from Southwest Missouri: I was an Officer Records Clerk for HHC, 214th CAB from Feb 69 to Feb 70. Served in both Dong Tam and Vinh Long. I have really enjoyed doing the internet thing and recalling good and bad times while in RVN. Thanks to all the contributors of some great memories. Ron Ferguson
Ron Ferguson <rferguson@cox-internet.com>
Carthage, MO USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 09:35:35 (CST)
VII Corps LRRP is looking for pictures Of MR. Gearld A MorganHe was a Lrrp before he went to flight school.He was IN the following outfits1967 -191 AHC1968 -A/1 CAB INF DIV71/72-B317 CAVThank all of you for being there when we needed you McNasty
Patrick R Smith <McNasty62@aol.com>
Springfield, Or USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 14:50:38 (CST)
Patrick R Smith <McNasty62@aol.com>
Springfield , OREGON USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 14:57:01 (CST)
Looking for information regarding Victor Conner, C.O.,191 AHC during the period '68-'69. He is the AH-64 Field Service Department Manager for Boeing and is retiring 30 January. He was a Major at the time and call sign was Boomerang 6. If anyone has any serious or funny moments regarding Vic please contact me. He has been a good manager and our department is haviing a farewell party in his honor.
Robert Peterson <robert.w.peterson2@boeing.com>
Mesa, Az USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:11:37 (CST)
Just Surf in, my home URL is www.281stahc-assn.org
Earl J. Broussard <EBroussard1601@aol.com>
Highlands , Tx USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 16:22:28 (CST)
Boomerangs from mid 1967 to January 1968. Flew with Sullivan, Stitt and Kennedy. Very familiar with Super Ship. I believe I was Boomerang 13. During Jan.went to Deans.sent on secret mission. Ending up in Hue Phi Bai Corp Aviation Company supporting Army, Navy and Marine Corp Officers. We were a VIP unit in I Corp.
John Randolph III <jjr3@attbi.com>
Brentwood, NH USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 17:20:50 (CST)
Check out one of the oldest helicopter company plus a photo of the first W O Helicopter class with names. At
Andy Hill <hcptr@yahoo.com>
Mt Vernon, OH USA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 12:52:52 (CST)
The Columbia Disaster hit home while I filmed the orbiter as it passed overhead here in Mesquite, Texas. Part of the film I shot is on this webpage in the Movies section. We Boomerangs offer our condolences to the Friends, and Family of the valiant Crewmembers of the Columbia. We, especially, understand the unexpected losses of dear Friends. And, we miss them all.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 01:10:34 (CST)
The Holy Scarifice of the Mass will be offered this Sunday (Epiphany V) at 0900 &1100. Also remembered will be the Crew of the Blackhawk that went down last week.
Pray, my brothers & my sisters that God will guide us now, and let us join together in a huge prayer that no more life is lost than must be, and pray for everyone over there. But you didn't need me to tell you that. Know that the 191st. is on my heart always.
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 15:34:43 (CST)
Sometimes I get ahead of myself: The Holy Scarifice of the Mass will be offered this Sunday (9 February 2003) for the crew of the shuttle, & the crew of the Blackhawk.
Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 15:37:14 (CST)
Do you have any pictures of the Space Shuttle that you took on 1 Feb 2003? If so, NASA needs them, and especially if the film was shot west of Dallas, Texas. I have a personal contact at NASA, and arrangements can be made to return your originals, or provide you with a good copy on like media. If you have anything that might help, email me and I will pass it along. billjanes@attbi.com
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 20:22:34 (CST)
Just wanting to let everyone know that there is a 9th Infantry Division web site, home of the 9th Division e-Association with a roster for the 9th Veteran to sign up on and help locate buddies, place stories, photos, chat, sign guest book, get help, reunion information, and many links to all other 9th sites.
Curtis Hatterman <bandido9@cox.net>
USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 00:58:39 (CST)
Hi Everyone,
My uncle flew "Outlaw 21" "Black Jack Dealer" in vietnam, 1970-1971. I am hoping that someone has a picture of his helicopter, "Outlaw 21" from that time.
He has asked me to make him a video cd of Vietnam. He requested pictures of "Mavericks" "Outlaws" and Bushwackers" from 70-71. I sure would be grateful for any pictures that you could email me.
Also, I will image slides to digital images at no charge to anyone with slides that would help me. If I image your slide I will send you a printed picture and a disk with the digital image on it. I will cover all shipping cost. Please contact me if you have slides and want more info on having them converted to disk.
My uncle told me that the Mavericks and Bushwackers kept him out of alot of trouble. Much thanks! Jim
James Pengov <pengov@attbi.com>
Elyria, Ohio USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 19:30:42 (CST)
"Slicks are for kids" thats what i uset to tease,but i said this more than once in the 13 months i flew with the bounty hunters.Im glad im not there sittin in a hot L/Z.We watched over you like a mother hen.Every time one of you died a piece of us went with you.We were the crazyest of the crazy,but we had feelings too.I flew with bounty hunter 6 from our start till we moved to dongtam.I was called home to bury my mother in june of 68.I have 13 months of stories and lots of pictures.Skip Waugh
SKIP WAUGH <robertawaugh@yahoo.com>
ROY, UT USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 17:20:54 (CST)
I was in can tho in 1970 271st lost a good friend that year (Indianfriend). gunship
Glenn H. Jackson <grizzwald78@yohoo.com>
deer river, mn. USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 05:59:48 (CST)
Looking for LTC Paul F. Anderson with 214th CAB/ 191st from October 1968 through November 1969. I flew as his gunner and have wondered about him lately. I found his picture on your website in picture set 12 from the June 1968 214 CAB Yearbook. Does anyone remember him? His call name was Cougar 6. This website is great, brings back alot of memories. Thanks guys.
Bill Whaley <majesticmufflers@cocentral.com>
Wilson, NC USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 15:23:40 (CST)
Let us not forget our 6 brothers we lost as we approach the anniv. of 2 March 1969! I can remember it like it was yesterday although it has been 34 years ago.
For the ones that weren't their, I'm talking about the attack that hit our Operations Office and killed our Co. Commander and 5 others as a direct hit from a Rocket. We spent the rest of the night in the "Best Damn Bunker"
If anybody is interested, I have a pic of what it looked like the day after and will email it to you.
God Bless the 191ST
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Saturday, March 01, 2003 at 18:01:35 (CST)
They will be remembered at Mass this week.
Rest Eternal Grant Un to them O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon them.
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <skypilot6@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, March 03, 2003 at 06:42:03 (CST)
Hi Guys. I have worked to keep advertising and causes off the 191st guestbook because I didn't think they belonged. Now I am going to break my own rule. Please trust me on this one, and visit
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 22:28:09 (CST)
g'day fellow nam vets. well done some flying in a UH1C i remeber some radio chatter about a helo going down with holes near ben tre in early 70. maybe late 69 it was a single ship callsign was boomarang
anyway mates welcome home from joe and the 135th we flew to dalte from bearcat www.135ahc.com
joe ralph <taipanjoe@austarnet.com.au>
moruya, n.s.w australia - Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 02:00:15 (CST)
On Kaitlyn, I have had a couple of inquiries if we as a unit were going to do anything.
No, we are not. Just visit her site and do whatever is in your heart. If
you mention the 191st, though, the Parents will know where it came from.
Irene is in touch with Kaitlyn's Mom.Thanks, Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 20:32:48 (CST)
I was with the 191'st in Can Tho from May 1970 to June 1971. I was a SP5 crewchief in the 'VIP Delta' platoon for 13 months. It's unfortunate, after reviewing the guestbook messages, none of the names are familiar to me. I lost a good friend after I left country by the name of (Gary) WAYNE TAWNEY. He will never be be forgotten. Thanks for listening.
Dick Poore <dp1743@attbi.com>
Stoughton, MA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 20:35:17 (CST)
I was with the 191'st in Can Tho from May 1970 to June 1971. I was a SP5 crewchief in the 'VIP Green Delta' platoon for 13 months. It's unfortunate, after reviewing the guestbook messages, none of the names are familiar to me. I lost a good friend after I left country by the name of (Gary) WAYNE TAWNEY. He will never be be forgotten. Thanks for listening.
Dick Poore <dp1743@attbi.com>
Stoughton, MA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 20:49:32 (CST)
B 3/60th 9th I.D.
Thanks guys for getting us/me out when the going was tough.
I forgive you for taking us/me there.
Ed Eaton <nwjewel@msn.com>
Fed Wy, wa USA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 at 18:50:18 (CST)
My father was assigned to your unit in '68-'69. His name was Eric I. Rye, he was a Sr. crew chief at the time. I'm looking for anyone who may have know him due to the fact that I would like to know some more information.
Thank You for your help, Angela Rye (Daughter)
P.S. he died in 06-21-76
Angela Rye <Thuglove26@hotmail.com>
hope mills, nc USA - Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 23:55:18 (CST)
Let us not forget Jeffrey Yarger and Harold Wood Jr, they gave their lives for the cause. I will never forget Harold nor that day thirty five years ago. God Bless them and our troops on the eve of war.
Ralph Bramlet <mustangwidow@msn.com>
Lake Havasu City, az USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 11:06:10 (CST)
I deployed with the 191st from Ft. Bragg in May 1967. I was a late entry into the unit, only 2 weeks prior to deployment. I was reassigned in July 1967 to B Co 9th Avn Bn (Stingrays), 9th Inf Div just across the street in Bear Cat. I was the crew chief on the "B" model that the company had. My gunner was William "Bill" Bottles. I was friends with Roger Stinnett. Enjoyed reading your web page.
Dave Hill <dhill3420@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 01:15:59 (CST)
I was a member of the 214th Combat Aviation Battalion, LTC. Robert J standley, Commanding, sgm David R Rawlings, 191st Assault Helicopter Company - Maj.Clarance A Patnode, Jr, Commanding, 1SG THomas D. Croley - in Viet Nam 1967-1968, (still have a copy of the Thanksgiving Menu for 1967)
Roy Lee Mauldin <rmauldinzephyr@aol.com>
zephyr, tx USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 22:07:34 (CST)
". . . In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise."
-1 Corinthians 15,52
Crucified on the cross of war, they died and were buried ..... They shall rise again "in the resurrection on the last day.
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so with him God will bring those also who have fallen asleep through Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 4,14
Let us not think of these our dead save only in the light of Easter morn, For God with special love embraces those whose lives with Him are lived and in Him die.
Truly, in death these dear ones have found life
Truly, in Life, our martyrs have found peace.
TomorrowÕs light with warmth will touch their graves,
Yet, none of them so silently shall so sleep,
But the AngelÕs lips shall oÕer them breath
the MasterÕs Benediction: ŅGreater love hath no man than this than to lay down his life that other men might live in peace.
Please join me in prayer for:for Crew Chief Mattthew Boule, CWO 4th. Class Eri A. Halvorson & the rest of the crew of the downed UH-60. Rest Eternal Grant unto them O Lord, and May Light Perpetual shine upon them.
Fr. KenStrawhand <skypilotsix@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, April 07, 2003 at 07:32:36 (CDT)
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 10 April 2003 for the Holy Progress of the souls of Jeffrey Yarger and Harold Wood Jr, Rest Eternal Grant unto them, O Lord,
and may light perpetual shine upon them--
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilotsix@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, April 07, 2003 at 07:41:12 (CDT)
I was amazed to find my old unit on the web!! I was with the 191st AHC from '69-'70 (?). I arrived just as we were moving from Dong Tam to Can Tho.
David Funk <davidfunk@attbi.com>
Lafayette, CA USA - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 14:54:39 (CDT)
I received the following email from a friend. It reminded me of the members of the 191st AHC. How true it is!
"Martin Savidge of CNN, embedded with the 1st Marine Battalion, was talking with 4 young marines near his foxhole this morning live on CNN. He had been telling the story of how well the marines had been looking out for and taking care of him since the war started. He went on to tell about the many hardships the marines had endured since the war began and how they all look after one another. He turned to the four and said he had cleared it with their commanders and they could use his video phone to call home.
The 19 year old marine next to him asked Martin if he would allow his platoon sergeant to use his call to call his pregnant wife back home whom he had not been able to talk to in three months.
A stunned Savidge who was visibly moved by the request shook his head and the young marine ran off to get the sergeant.
Savidge recovered after a few seconds and turned back to the three young marines still sitting with him and asked which one of them would like to call home first, the marine closest to him responded with out a moments hesitation " Sir, if is all the same to you we would like to call the parents of a buddy of ours, Lance Cpl Brian Buesing of Cedar Key, Florida who was killed on 3-23-03 near Nasiriya to see how they are doing".
At that Martin Savidge totally broke down and was unable to speak. All he could get out before signing off was "Where do they get
young men like this?"
One of the commentators finally responded "America""
Joe Roberts <roosterroberts@earthlink.net>
Bidwell, Oh USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 18:59:33 (CDT)
121st 1968 to 1970
fancher john <whitetail 46>
al USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 21:33:26 (CDT)
Where do we get these people? These troops? From the most unlikely places. From Farms and Cities, and Towns and Bergs. We always seem to find them.
They come from the Parents that taught them. To them the Flag, and our history are
paramount, but once in combat they care for their own.
The forces of the United States stand as one of the greatest military organizations in history not because of any Government.
They stand because they believe, and do not quit, and so they fight for each other. No enemy can stand before them because they are bound to each other, and
they will fail their comrades, never.
No, Wars are not fought by politicians, they are fought by troops. God
Bless Ours.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, April 14, 2003 at 01:14:42 (CDT)
Bill, thanks for your email. My web gugr will take care of maters. If I may, please let me add the following . . .
For 191st veterans and friends, please visit:
We hope you deem us worthy! Thank you, and God bless!
Charlie Taiaferro
Charlie Taliaferro <charles@kitchentablegang.org>
NAS Lemoore, CA USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 08:02:39 (CDT)
Does anyone remember the 26th signal detachment (blind ducks) which was a support unit for the 191st ahc stationed in Bearcat Aug. 67 to July 68? They repaired the radios in your helicopters. My husband was in that unit back then, his name was Dave Crowell from Brooklyn, N.Y. He always wondered what happened to the guys that were there with him such as Pineapple, Jim Samson. I just recently came upon this site and thought I'd try to get some information. Thank you Bill for answering my e-mail, you're doing a great job.
judy crowell <amanda582@msn.com>
brazil, in USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 at 18:40:13 (CDT)
Testing to make sure the guestbook still works.
While I'm at it though, there is news:
Tariq Aziz, deputy prime minister in the deposed Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, is in U.S. custody, CNN confirms.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 21:45:24 (CDT)
I was in the Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters from 1970 to 1971,in Can Tho.I'd like to hear from anyone who was there than.
Jerry Brown <jfbrown1154@yahoo.com>
Plainfield, In USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 22:04:58 (CDT)
My apologies if you received an an email from someone selling a "Brownwater" book. Clearly, he has found the site and is using the Email List to send Unsolicited Email to try to sell his self-published book. You can buy the book, or not, but I am wondering if we should continue to advertise email addresses on this website. So far it has not been an inconvenience. Let me know what you think in email. -- Thanks, Bill
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 00:08:30 (CDT)
The vote so far is to leave the email addresses up on the page. By the way, I spoke to the author of the Brownwater book. He thought he was going to serve in the Blue Water Navy, but wound up on the Mekong River instead. Nice Guy.
Bill Janes <billjanes@attbi.com>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 00:08:47 (CDT)
HARLINGEN, TX USA - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 15:21:38 (CDT)
Bill tried to send you and email got an error, dam xp. But I will never forget the guys and all the work that each of you put in each reunion. Please keep it up, not for me but for all of us and you, for each day that passes we loose someone close to us. Thanks again, see you next year
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Wednesday, May 07, 2003 at 21:57:27 (CDT)
Served in the 191st 3/69 to 3/70 Made the move from Dong Tam to Can Tho Worked maintaince with Jim Guthrie and flew with Mac Mc Connell. wounder what happened to Robin Murphy of Detroit Now work for the VFW as Service Officer. Great site Good luck All
Jay E Johnson <johnson1680@comcast.net>
Flushing, Mi USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 19:14:32 (CDT)
thanks .
benin, imo USA - Friday, May 16, 2003 at 08:14:43 (CDT)
Webmaster Note - 5/17/03 - I have been deleting these
to no avail. They keep coming back. So, from now on I will post the
IP address that the message came from so the sender can be tracked. This
one came from
Bill, congratulations on having the 191st AHC web-site rated in the top 100. Thanks for all of the hard work you have put into this. This recognition is an honor that you richly deserve.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, Tx USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 at 19:11:40 (CDT)
I agree 100% Ed. Hand salute Bill!!!
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 13:57:13 (CDT)
Bill, many thanks for all of the hard work. I know it took a lot of time and that it was a labor of love. I extend my warmest congratulation!! What a great award!!
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 16:59:53 (CDT)
Mr. Janes, just a few words to wish you and everyone at the 191st a great Memorial Day and to thank you for all that you did for our great nation. Special thanks go to, as President Abraham Lincoln said, to all those who gave "full measure to their country." GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Charles Taliaferro <chast@kitchentablegang.org>
Madera, CA USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 09:08:03 (CDT)
All were remembered on this Memorial Day, (0900) and shall be remembered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass @1100.
1Pe 2:9ŹŹ But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past [were] not a people, but [are] now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
Thanks to you from all those who try to understand!
Father Kenneth
Kenneth Strawhand <skypilotsix@rock.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 09:39:21 (CDT)
Just Stopped by to say Hello.
I went to Ft. Bragg in 1967 to Crew Chief. They said "Your going to Viet Nam", "Get Packed and meet us in BearCat"
They did not tell us we had to "Build BearCat" !!
I am looking forward to meeting all at the 2004 Reunion.
I will be there , with a few choice Pictures.
Thanks for the Great WebSite.
Barry L. Watts <jewatts_2000@yahoo.com>
Aurora , Co USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 09:03:12 (CDT)
Just surfing the net;.. I was with the 25th Ind. Div. /118 th. Assault Hel.company. Just wanted to say hello and if there is anyone that served with my old unit...come on out and say hello.....my page is http://hometown.aol.com/daryllawman/myhomepage/profile.html
Daryl Brewer <daryllawman@aol.com>
Clarksville, TN USA - Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 12:22:50 (CDT)
Good morning & God's peace and Blessings be with you, my Brothers. I seem to be back, all in one piece!
Eustace DesChamps (13440-1410)
You who seek the knightly order Must begin your life anew; Watch and pray you most devoutly, Pride and wicked sin eschew; Protect the Church, the child, the widow, Strongly guard the people too; Valor, loyalty and virtue From a worthy knight are due.
An humble heart and active body Chivalry of you demands; Fight you well and often journey O'er the seas to other lands; Joust you for the love of lady On the tilt-yard's tawny sands; Tenderly protect your honor With your soul and with your hands.
Love the lord who calls you vassal, Guard his fields from enemy; Liberality and justice Cherish; seek the company
Of other knights that, from their wisdom, Yours may grow to like degree; Thus' a knight like Alexander May you hope in time to be.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilotsix@rock.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 05:55:01 (CDT)
Due to a change in service, my email address is going to change. While AT&T and Comcast hash it out, I need a consistent email address, and I have found one. Please make a note that my new email address is billj@191ahc.org
Bill Janes
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 at 02:10:22 (CDT)
Folks, your webmaster is a Grandpa. Meet my Grandson,
Justin Patrick Janes

Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 16:48:00 (CDT)
NO WAY this is your grandson, Bill Janes. This little dude is handsome, doesn't have a moustache, isn't wearing a red bandana, and is drinking MILK!!!!
Paul Zawicki <thunderthud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 10:02:22 (CDT)
Congratulations Billy!! May the world be a better place when he comes of age so he won't have to do the things we had to do. Be happy and enjoy this brand new little person!! Good luck and God bless you and yours.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 14:29:41 (CDT)
Congratulations on Justin Patricks arrival !! Ditto to Paul Z. and Bill F. comments. Peace and may God bless ! see all in 2004. Roger
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 04:49:02 (CDT)
Bill, I have to agree with Paul (ha) Congratulations. Grandkids are great. I should know since I have a bunch of them. I just returned from the Vietnam Helicopter Crewmembers reunion in Atlanta. Quite a trip and had a great time. Looking forward to 2004 in Tulsa. Take care guys.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 at 06:28:39 (CDT)
CONGRATULATIONS to Command Chief Warrant Officer CW5 Roger B. Stickney, AKNG, on his promotion to CW5. The ceremony took place on Friday upon completion of the senior warrant course at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Stick teared up. So did Michelle. So did I.
Paul Zawicki <ThunderThud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, Md USA - Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 15:46:26 (CDT)
My Dear Brothers & Sisters,
The Holy Sacrafice of the Mass will be offered for Tommy Gerald Sandefur, CW2 (I February 1968) today, 3 July @0900 & on 4 July @0900 for all of the men listed on the Honor Page. Please, if I am forgetting anyone, let me know.
Rest Eternal Grant Unto Them O Lord;
and May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them.
And may trier souls and the souls of all the Faithful Departed Rest in Peace.
May God Bless you all as we remember them and give a great and solemn thanks to God for them and all who made the ultimate sacrifice for Freedom.
Pachem in Chistus Jesu,
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilotsix@comcast.net>
Lowell, MA USA - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 07:56:20 (CDT)
Happy fourth of July to all.Updated my e-mail address. Thank all of you for who you are what you did and being on our side, else I know most of us would be history.
Montaaaaaaaaana to those who knew me, your kind is forever in my mind.
Daniel B. Morin <rafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 20:43:31 (CDT)
One More PictureThis is the last one I promise, but I wanted to
post just one more picture of my Grandson Justin. Old dog, and
grandpup in this one.

Bill Janes
Mesquite, TX,
USA - Monday, July 07, 2003 at 23:36:21 (CDT)
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
July 10, 2003
July 10, 2003
USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 00:35:33 (CDT)
My brother was in vietnam and flew helicopter...his name
is Larry Erdkamp and lives with his family in Omaha.....
could that be him?
Mary H. Dinneen <maryhdinneen@aol.com>
portland, Or USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 at 20:10:25 (CDT)
Just Testing the Guestbook. No entries in two weeks...Wow!
Bill Janes <billjanes@comcast.net>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 21:53:02 (CDT)
OK, Brother Janes,
Just to let you know that I am watching!
Gimme a break, guys, I can say something silly once in a while, can't I?
Fr. Kenneth Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@attbi.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 22:46:22 (CDT)
me idone here mugu off keep mugu off mugu off keep mugu keep mugu noff mugu mugu mugu mugu mugu mugu mugu
igbo59 <igbo59.yahoo.com>
keep, imo mugu - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 06:02:05 (CDT)
From - Benin, Africa
Sad to see that Bob Hope passed away yesterday. Always appreciated the show he put on for us at Bearcat. After all these years, I can't remember if it was in late 1967 or early 1968, but I sure remember Rachel Welch. That had to be the best thing I ever saw at Bearcat. Indeed, Ms Welch's appearance gave a whole new meaning to Bob's theme song "Thanks for the Memories".
Thanks Bob, we're going to miss you.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, Tx USA - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 08:54:18 (CDT)
The Holy Sacrafice of the Mass will be offered as usual on 31 July 2003 @ 0900. As is the custom ALL the names from the Honor Page will be read and all the men remembered. In addition Victor Westphall and Lt. Victor David Westphall, USMC May 22, 1968 will be remembered with them. Mr. Bob Hope will be remembered 3 August 2003 @ 1600. Rest Eternal + Grant unto them O, Lord; and May Light Perpetual shine upon them. Amen.
Kenneth Strawhand <skypilotsix@rock.com>
Lowell, MA USA - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 23:18:23 (CDT)
Ed. The show was Christmas Day 1967. I remember well sitting in 100+ heat waiting.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 06:07:30 (CDT)
I too remember that Christmas in 1968, Ms.Raquel Welsh, Ms. America or Universe (that spoke french and spanish) seating at the front row hoping to be picked to speak with her. I was seating with my buddy Bill Wessman from maintenance that great day. I also remember some guys up on the roof looking down on the Medic compound as Ms. Welsh us sunbathing. Anyone recall that or was it a dream. See must of you in Oklahoma 04. Art
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Saturday, August 02, 2003 at 12:27:45 (CDT)
My mistake 1967 not 68, you know what happens when you get old and drink. Art
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Saturday, August 02, 2003 at 12:30:36 (CDT)
Deleted by Webmaster - Jamie for Branding, --- No marketing allowed here...
Looking for anyone who know my father Capt. Norman R. Kidd.
He was killed on May 26, 1967.
Diana Kidd <dlkidd007@aol.com>
USA - Monday, August 11, 2003 at 16:12:36 (CDT)
good site.
ashanka <mugu@yahoo.com> - -- Togo, Africa
lome, ebe togo - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 06:36:32 (CDT)
Webmaster note to the mugu guys: Eyes are watching. Eyes that do
not sleep.
What a great feeling when I opened my mail yesterday & found a leter from Cpt Norm Kidds daughter. As some of you know, Norm died in an AC accident in 67 while a passenger on a night flight out of Bear Cat. My son Kevin sent a ltr to the guest book in 2001 & Norms daughter(who was 2 1/2 at the time of his death) wrote to me, based on that letter, seeking any info I might have on her Dad. I'll do my best as(Norm was my stick buddy at Rucker & we deployed together out of Bragg ) & if anyone else can help her find out more about her father(family would/could not tell her much), please let her know at: dlkidd007@aol.com. Thanks Kevin
Kevin Kenney <kkenney@nt.dma.state.ma.us>
boston, ma USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 07:25:10 (CDT)
Glad to report that Capt. David Hurst, 165th HMH, 15th MEU has noiw returned home to Miramar safe an sound after seven months in the air over Iraq (CH-46 AC), including, I am proud to say, insertion and extraction of a Seal, SF and DF team that rescued Jessica Lynch. He is most proud of his Medevac missions, for Coalition forces and Iraqi civilians. For those of you who include our troops in Iraq in your prayers, keep praying - I'm told its still a pretty nasty business over there.
Chris Hurst (Boomerang 14) <chris.hurst@bugli.se>
Stockholm, Sweden - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 11:12:03 (CDT)
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Riverbank, LA USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 18:13:40 (CDT)
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LA, CA USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 18:13:41 (CDT)
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Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 18:13:44 (CDT)
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Bombey, NA INDIA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 18:13:45 (CDT)
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bangkok, NA Thailand - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 18:13:46 (CDT)
Looks like you have some deleting to do Bill. These jerks have been hitting a lot of guest books.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 19:00:27 (CDT)
To Harrell and all,
One of the problems with having a guest book is that anybody can sign it.
It's either all or nothing. I try to police it, but I can't be there all
the time. It's been suggested that we have a secret page to keep
touch, but where do the unit members we are looking for sign on? Sorry for
the junk on the Guestbook. -- Bill
Love your website. I was an original Boomerang from Ft Bragg to Bearcat. Being a door gunner for that outfit was outstanding. Finished up my tour in May of 68 with the 200th ASHC (Pachyderms)which became the 159th out of Phu Bai. Hope to hear from some of the originals. Bless the ones who did not come back and honour the ones who did. Maybe, the Viet Nam stigma is over thanks to the campaigns in Iraq and Afganistan. Thanks again for the website.
Robert F. Steimel <rfsconsulting@chartermi.net>
Bay City, Mi USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 15:33:54 (CDT)
Deleted by Webmaster
Deleted by webmaster
Oops, I goofed. // I accidentally restored the guestbook from a previous
version, and lost some legitimate entries that came after the ones I had
previously deleted. Sorry Guys, I was getting rid of the link to a list of
porn sites.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, September 01, 2003 at 16:21:10 (CDT)
My son, Christopher, stumbled on this web site. Warmed my heart to learn that among us is a soul (Bill) who took the initiative to create this web site. Warmest regards to all of you -- I'll try to visit as time permits. There is no family like the 191 Family. Really looking forward to Tulsa in 04. Got a story or two to tell about "THAT BEST DAMNED BUNKER"! John D. Falcon, Boomerang, 05 Aug 68 thru June 69.
John D. Falcon <jfalcon@teamsmed.com>
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Monday, September 01, 2003 at 18:19:36 (CDT)
Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe Labor Day weekend and remind everyone that next Labor Day is OUR time to join together again. It's been raining here in Tulsa for the last four days straight. I called the Wx man and he said that he was getting it all out of the way this year so that next year the 191st would have nothing but blue sky and sunshine for our reunion. I hope to see all of you here! Ann Sandefur, the co-hostess, and I are going to do our very best to put together a great reunion and one you won't want to miss. See you then!
Larry G Miller - Bounty Hunter 27 <larrygok@earthlink.net>
Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, September 01, 2003 at 20:29:50 (CDT)
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guyman keep offfffffffffffffff
guy <guyman@mugu.com>
lome, togo togo - Thursday, September 04, 2003 at 08:41:04 (CDT)Webmaster note added: From - Togo, Africa
THORNTON, CO USA - Friday, September 05, 2003 at 09:48:31 (CDT)
Looks like I will be celebrating my birthday at the reunion next year. Can't think of a better way to do it.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Monday, September 08, 2003 at 15:11:10 (CDT)
VALRICO, FL USA - Monday, September 08, 2003 at 20:30:38 (CDT)
Posted - Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 12:55:15 (CDT)
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I found the web site a short time back and have enjoyed the trip back in time. I flew with the White Flight as Boomerang 27 from May '68 until 01DEC68, when I was wounded and got a free trip to Japan for a couple of months. It was nice to see some familiar names and faces. Good job Bill!
Tim Sherman <t-ksherman@juno.com>
Troutdale, OR USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 10:19:10 (CDT)
with the 191st boomeranges 69-70
donald r marcum <stumpie100@aol.com>
hazard, ky USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 20:19:01 (CDT)
Congrats to Father Ken on his promotion and transfer to Rochester, New York!!!
Paul Zawicki <thunderthud@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 at 19:18:54 (CDT)
Thanks Paul! Like old Lucky Eddie I did such a good job of catching arrows that I have been promoted to catching canonballs, I think! For those who know, the old Parish was St. Casimir's (The Peacemaker) Lowell, MA. The new Parish is St. Casimir's, Rochester, NY. The Lord works is mysterious ways.
Thursday Mass will still be said at 0900 for all those whsoe names appear on the 191st.AHC Honor Page as we continue to pray for the Holy Progress of their souls. If I am missing anyone, please let me know. I shall post my new e-mail as soon as I get settled in.
May God Bless you all, and I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord sincerely for all of your prayers and friendship. They mean more to my wife, my children and myself than you can ever imagine. Truly.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
Fr. Ken Strawhand
Kenneth Strawhand <skypilotsix@comcast.net>
Lowell, MA USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 at 21:20:57 (CDT)
i don enter herre, guymen, make una leave heer
ego ndi ocha agwula
shola <mugu@mugu.com>
lagos, lagos nigeria - Monday, September 22, 2003 at 22:39:13 (CDT)
Webmaster note:
This posting came from - That address is in Madrid, Spain
Another fire season over with, I flew 210 hours this summer in a
Bell Super 205. This a civilian version of the H Model with Cobra engine, bigger tail rotor and main rotors. Put the pitch down and split the neddles and she glides...well not like an airplane but nothing like we remember from flight school. Anyway, an uneventful summer with lots of water drops and long lines, with a few crew transports thrown in. I get a lot of comments from my Boomerang Decal on the back of my helment. Most of the kids I'm flying now don't know anything about Viet Nam. Ken Carlton Dong Tam/Can Tho 69-70 Bounty 36 and Green Delta 26
Ken Carlton <rimrock@infowest.com>
St George, UT USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 17:36:54 (CDT)
Deleted by Webmaster.
chicoutimi, canada - Wednesday, October 01, 2003 at 21:16:21 (CDT)
I served with the 195th AHC '67-'68 and remember you guys at Camp Bear Cat. Seen Roger Barkley and Art Almarez a few years back at VHCMA reunions but have lost track of them as I have not attended for some time myself. It was always good to see the white pentagon with the red slash through it and know it was an aircraft from the 214th CAB back then. Great site, lots of work went into this. Larry S. CE 195th 1st Air Lift - 117th AHC Maint.
Larry Simon <flingwrench@spe.midco.net>
Sturgis, SD USA - Sunday, October 05, 2003 at 14:41:30 (CDT)
Yeah Bounty Hunters! The best gun platoon in the delta. Dave Hamilton and Bob Gilbert contact now! I'd like to hear from you. Take Care
Doug Perrin BH19 <dougperrinBH19@hotmail.com>
LaConner, WA USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 19:52:11 (CDT)
nice page
USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at 04:53:55 (CDT)
Dear Bill:
My son was searching for 66-00715, a C model I crewed with the 191st, from Aug 68 thru Janauary 69 and he found this wonderful 191st site. I must say, my emotion are running wild at this moment. He called and told me about the site and I had him read some of the name from the 2002 convention and to my surprise, Jerry Kahn's name and picture came up; Jerry and I flew together on 66-00715. I had just rotated in 69 when Op's got hit. Owens sent me a letter in March 69 and told me that Lovellette and Heinmiller had lost their life and that 715 was torn up and would need to be rotated. I had gone to work for Bell Helicopter in Amarillo at the time. Amarillo was where all the Huey refurbishing was going on. I had the opportunity of seeing 715 when it made it back to the states. I went down and spent a few minutes with it but got on with my life. I had a picture of Lovellette and 715 that I attempted to send to his family in Illinois, but, was not able to find any of his family. This was in the late 80's. Dear Abby even tried to locate his family was was unable to find them.
I still see WO Richard VanDusen on a regular basis. He lives in Arkansas and drives for Tyson Foods. He comes thru Amarillo frequently and we visit.
My decision was immediate to come to Tulsa in 2004 and visit. To say this web-site made my day would be an understatement. I have several 8mm movies that I plan on transferring to DVD before I come. I also have some stills and will share them if anyone is interested.
I will spend alot of time catching up with how the world is treating everyone. I have been very blessed since I returned. No major problems to speak of. I have always considered the small part I played in Vietnam, and my time in the Army as a badge of honor. I have said many time: I had the good fortune of finding out many years ago what kind of material I was cut out of. I also found out what all of you guys were made out of too. I never saw one person, crew member or crew let the other down. Individually, we were nothing, but as a company, we certainly had to be dealt with.
I'll close now by saying it will be an honor being in your presence once again.
Ernie Houdashell
P.O. Box 1121
Amarillo, Texas 79105
Ernie Houdashell <ern@Randallcounty.org>
Amarillo, Tx USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 at 12:52:21 (CDT)
The Thursday Mass @0900 is now being said in a amazingly beautiful Church. It was renovated just a few years ago and is truly a worthy place to remember those who gave all. If any of you are ever in Rochester, please look me up and I shall give you the executive tour. Harrell, please e-mail me the names again of those men not on the list. They were misplaced in our move from MA, and at my age are gone from my head but not my heart. God be with you all!
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skyplt6@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Saturday, October 18, 2003 at 06:49:48 (CDT)
I was at Beatcat attached to DTOC and I can remember a dog there called RALPH. Your photos shoe Ralph as a pup. We were housed with the 720th Military Police at the Flags end of the base. I've had a look at all the photos and there are some great shots. My website is http://go.to/bearcatgrunts
You did a bloody good job. Cheers Nick
Nick Quigley <nickq@cqnet.com.au>
Rockhampton, Qld Australia - Saturday, October 18, 2003 at 21:57:56 (CDT)
MARTINEZ , GA USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 15:56:18 (CDT)
Forgive me for taking up so much space on this guest book, but I thought some might like to know that we had a guest Con-Celebrant at today's Mass for the 191st. This was Fr. David Leo, Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Angels (AOC) in Rochester. We also remembered to honor St. Crispin at this Mass. Many of you remember the St. Crispin's Day Speech in Baltimore, and since then I have kept a special place of honor for this Saint.My thanks to Fr. David for his help and prayerful support. Fr. Dave is also a Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, and an old friend from Seminary days (daze?) in Scranton, PA.
Fr. ken Strawhand <Stcasimir7@aol.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 15:16:14 (CDT)
Forgive me for taking up so much space on this guest book, but I thought some might like to know that we had a guest Con-Celebrant at today's Mass for the 191st. This was Fr. David Leo, Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Angels (AOC) in Rochester. We also remembered to honor St. Crispin at this Mass. Many of you remember the St. Crispin's Day Speech in Baltimore, and since then I have kept a special place of honor for this Saint.My thanks to Fr. David for his help and prayerful support. Fr. Dave is also a Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, and an old friend from Seminary days (daze?) in Scranton, PA.
Fr. ken Strawhand <Stcasimir7@aol.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 15:16:30 (CDT)
Forgive me for taking up so much space on this guest book, but I thought some might like to know that we had a guest Con-Celebrant at today's Mass for the 191st. This was Fr. David Leo, Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Angels (AOC) in Rochester. We also remembered to honor St. Crispin at this Mass. Many of you remember the St. Crispin's Day Speech in Baltimore, and since then I have kept a special place of honor for this Saint.My thanks to Fr. David for his help and prayerful support. Fr. Dave is also a Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, and an old friend from Seminary days (daze?) in Scranton, PA.
Fr. ken Strawhand <Stcasimir7@aol.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 15:17:06 (CDT)
If any of you guys know or worked with Terry Estes email me.
Jeremy Estes <sigpro5@yahoo.com>
savannah, Ga USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 23:43:56 (CDT)
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Deleted by Webmaster
Great Site , Served 68--70 In DONG TAM 93rd ENG.
Tom Breen <breenthomas@msn.com>
McHenry, IL USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 at 16:59:28 (CST)
I have told several of these people to send me the money and I will take care of it for them, but so far no luck. Guess asking for it to be shipped in cash in an unmarked trunk was a little too much. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Tulsa.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 07:15:12 (CST)
I see you are reuning in Tulsa. I hosted a reunion of the
Marine Corps Cryptologic Association in Tulsa in 2001. I see that one of your problems was room rent. FYI Most of the local hotels will honor the military room rate of $55.00 per night if you ask them. This rate is for active duty but they have a very broad definition of active duty.
I hope this will be of some value to you.
Semper Fi and thanx for all the rides.
Bill Haney
Nam 68-69, 62
cwo3 E. L. (Bill \) Haney <cwo3elhusmc@aol.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Saturday, November 01, 2003 at 20:20:24 (CST)
We are not trying to sell you anything at all. We don't even want your money!
This is simply an invitation for military veterans, wives and friends to visit us at:
We really could use your help in get this message out. Please forward it
to friends, military buddies, family, your newsletter, bulletin board or even
add a link to our website from your pages. We hope you deem us worthy!
Thank you very much!
Charlie Taliaferro
P.S.: Remember, VETERAN'S DAY is only 9 days away, November 11th.
Charles Taliaferro <chast@kitchentablegang.org>
NAS Lemoore, CA USA - Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 09:35:14 (CST)
Charlie and the Folks at the Kitchen Table Gang are the absolute best. Give them a visit, and please help where you can.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 22:57:58 (CST)
One of the most interesting sites I have visited
Brian Skipper <cadskip@wanadoo.es>
Alicante, Spain - Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 11:47:24 (CST)
Hello Hope Everyone is well. Bill I was looking on the web and I found the 9th Infantry site. http://www.oldreliable.org/index.html The 191st is listed under assigned units but the link does not work. Have you seen this site. They also have a publication section that is really cool. http://www.oldreliable.org/octofoil/octoset.html
August Kraemer <akraemer3@earthlink.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Sunday, November 09, 2003 at 23:32:34 (CST)
Thank you
On this day and every day I am thankful for the men and women who have served and do serve our country. And a special thanks to Bill for providing this website, you're a true friend. There aren't enough words adequately express my gratitude.
Penny Reese <preese37@msn.com>
Harrietta, Mi USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 06:15:50 (CST)
I hope all of you guys have a safe Veterans Day. See you in Tulsa.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 08:48:11 (CST)
Happy Veterans Day to all the brave men of the 191 AHC! You are all my heroes! Thank you for defending our country, protecting our freedom and preserving our way of life. I am so thankful to all of you and for this website. I have found so much comfort and healing in the generosity of your memories and kind words. God Bless you all!
Captain Norman R. Kidd's daughter, Diana Kidd Foran
Diana Kidd Foran <dlkidd007@aol>
Lake Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 09:21:26 (CST)
deleted by Webmaster
Hello, my name is Robin from MIchigan flew with the Bounty Hunters from Jan 69 through Jan 70 crew chief on 072 and 685. A friend of mine found the site and I guess I had to just say "hey". 072 had the tail boom blown off one nite out on the pad and we never painted it. Bareros my gunner painted clouds on her belly kind thought it be harder to see. I loved to get our patch to show the grandkids.
Robin Murphy <rbnlrn@aol.com>
Farmington , MI USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 18:59:28 (CST)
hello, Bounty Hunter Jan. 69/Jan. 70 Crewchief 072 and 685 072 had her tail boom blown off one nite on the pad and we never painted it we did paint clouds on her belly, Barreos my gunner's idea. MR. Smith and Mr. Allia and a guuner name Churchill and I took 685 into mud the hard way. I never had a chance to thank the cobra guys who lifted us out under fire all of us sitting on their skids, not an easy feat. Anyone know how to get our patch?
Robin Murphy <RBNLRN@aol.com>
Farmington, MI USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 19:37:54 (CST)
Hi---I'm looking for a man named David Luke who is stationed at Hunter Army Airfield....i'm not in the army...i know nothing about the army...but i LOVE this man and i HAVE to find him....so i can tell him how i feel!..if anyone knows anything at all....please e-mail me!
Lacy <baby_lacy@hotmail.com>
Dardanelle, AR USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 at 00:24:42 (CST)
I just received my notice of the VHCMA reunion June 23-27 in Indianapolis this year.
I may be able to make it this year and was wondering if anyone from the 191st ever attends.
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
Waynesboro, PA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 at 12:28:18 (CST)
I just received this email and had to pass it on to my 191st brothers! A little bit different than the way we were treated. Makes you Damn proud to be an AMERICAN!!!
Dear Friends and Family,
> I hope that you will spare me a few minutes of your time to tell you
> about something that I saw on Monday, October 27.
> I had been attending a conference in Annapolis and was coming home on
> Sunday. As you may recall, Los Angeles International Airport was
> closed on Sunday, October 26, because of the fires that affected air
> control. Accordingly, my flight, and many others, were cancelled and
> I wound up spending a night in Baltimore.
> My story begins the next day. When I went to check in at the United
> counter Monday morning I saw a lot of soldiers home from Iraq. Most
> were very young and all had on their desert camouflage uniforms. This
> was as change from earlier, when they had to buy civilian clothes in
> Kuwait to fly home. It was a visible reminder that we are in a war.
> It probably was pretty close to what train terminals were like in World
> War II.
> Many people were stopping the troops to talk to them, asking them
> questions in the Starbucks line or just saying "Welcome Home." In
> addition to all the flights that had been cancelled on Sunday, the
> weather was terrible in Baltimore and the flights were backed up. So,
> there were a lot of unhappy people in the terminal trying to get home,
> but nobody that I saw gave the soldiers a bad time.
> By the afternoon, one plane to Denver had been delayed several hours.
> United personnel kept asking for volunteers to give up their seats
> and take another flight. They weren't getting many takers. Finally, a
> United spokeswoman got on the PA and said this, "Folks. As you can
> see, there are a lot of soldiers in the waiting area. They only have 14
> days of leave and we're trying to get them where they need to go without
> spending any more time in an airport then they have to. We sold them
> all tickets, knowing we would oversell the flight. If we can, we want
> to get them all on this flight. We want all the soldiers to know that
> we respect what you're doing, we are here for you and we love you."
> At that, the entire terminal of cranky, tired, travel-weary people, a
> cross-section of America, broke into sustained and heart-felt
> applause. The soldiers looked surprised and very modest. Most of them
> looked at their boots. Many of us were wiping away tears.
> And, yes, people lined up to take the later flight and all the
> soldiers went to Denver on that flight.
> That little moment made me proud to be an American, and also told me
> why we will win this war.
> If you want to send my little story on to your friends and family,
> feel free. This is not some urban legend. I was there, I was part of it,
> I saw it happen.
> Will Ross
> Administrative Judge
> United States Department of Defense
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> "People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you DO
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 at 17:26:28 (CST)
I certainly, would like your company to please send an invitation to visit your upcoming conference with two delegrate
IDIAGHE MOSES <dr.idiaghe@minister.com>
BENIN CITY, EDO STATE Nigeria - Monday, November 17, 2003 at 08:46:21 (CST)
Now I have seen everything.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 at 09:43:02 (CST)
Scam artist wants to show up in person? Maybe he will bring that plain trunk of money after all.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 at 14:27:50 (CST)
Thanks for the help in '68. C/3/39 out of Rach Kien, Can Giouc, XDong Tam, etc.
Michael Canney <mikecanney2@yahoo.com>
Greenfield, WI USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 02:08:25 (CST)
MARCH 25, 1969 is on the HACKWORTH RADAR again: Greetings Boomerangs/Bounty Hunters - - hope this message finds all of you enjoying the holidays in good health. In his most recent best seller "Steel My Soldiers' Hearts", Colonel Hackworth wrote great things about the 191, and mentioned many by name. It would be great if we could locate the Crew Chief and Gunner that flew the hot extraction C&C mission with Bruce Palmer and me, on March 25 1969. At 60, my over extended memory vaguely remembers the Crew Chief's name as something similar to "SEVERSON" - - or something close thereof. The Gunner, I am embarassed to say I cannot remember at all. ANY HELP FROM ANYONE would be greatly appreciated.
Maw, if you read this and have a clue, please call.
Am also trying to locate Bounty Hunter John Cook.
Any Boomerang/Bounty Hunter - - or family thereof - - interested in 180 miles of pure white sandy beach in the warm South Texas climate - - golf courses galore - - great salt water fishing - - sailing - - wind surfing - - and more, feel free to call me toll free at 888-478-0888. Who knows - - the vacation land qualities of the region may bear future reunion site considerations. Perennially, a group of local families, young and old, assemble a tent city (2 day) affair at the Padre Island Beach - - fish - - swim - - cook - - soak a few suds - - we have a blast. Could easily be arranged for the 191 Brotherhood.
RAY RUG, if you're snowed in when you read this - - eat your heart out - - and bring your family down for some "FUN IN THE SUN" - - Irma and I will roll out the red carpet for you and yours.
Warm regards to all,
John Falcon
Boomerang 05 (68/69)
John D. Falcon <jfalcon@teamsmed.com>
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 16:29:27 (CST)
still alive and still doing what i wont to when ever i can
Mike Samperi
USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 22:25:41 (CST)
Just a note to wish all my brothers and their families from the 191st, a happy and safe Thanksgiving weekend. May your homes be filled with family and fun. God bless you all.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 at 17:47:25 (CST)
I extend my best wishes to the members of the 191st along with Bill Flores, but want to extend those wishes to the ones at peril on foreign shores. They
are America, and represent our best hopes. Our prayers go to them. None love America so much as those that fight for it. And, none are loved better by us than them.
The Family goes on, and it watches, and it listens, and it cares.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 01:32:42 (CST)
I hope all the 191st brothers have a very happy Thanksgiving. See you in Tulsa.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 at 07:13:41 (CST)
Deleted By Webmaster....
I will attend the 2003 reunion that will be in Tulsa Ok. This will be my 1st with the 191st, I have attended many other reunions from other units, I was a Boomerang from 1966 at Ft Bragg to the end of 1967 at Bear Cat. If any one knows the location of GEORGE HALL Please notify me or tell him I'm looking for him. He was in Maint.
Dewey Fambry <wolf380@swbell.net>
The Colony, Tx USA - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 10:02:41 (CST)
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Just ran across your site and want to tell you that as Foxtrot-6 of the Seabees building the Kien An Base in 1969-70 , we were truly thankful that you guys were there every night! The U-Minh could be awful rough but you guys flying the night fireteams were a great security blanket! Thanks...Jim Lucey CWO-CEC-USN-Ret.
Jim Lucey <jimlucey@outdrs.net>
North Las Vegas, NV USA - Friday, December 05, 2003 at 00:00:56 (CST)
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USA - Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 18:17:48 (CST)
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USA - Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 18:22:30 (CST)
WE GOT HIM!!! Saddam has been busted! This has to be a very happy day for people all around the world!
Now take him to Baghdad and let his people STONE HIM TO DEATH!
bruce cromwwell <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 06:59:59 (CST)
Down to 3 working days until retirement. Its about time after 36 years. Hope all you guys and families have a very merry Christmas.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 at 06:03:39 (CST)
Best wishes to all Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters for a healthy and joyous holiday season. Your forever positive attitude has helped guide me for a lifetime.
Bud Patnode <bpatnode@aol.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 at 14:47:25 (CST)
Happy Holidays to all the members of the 191st AHC and their families! Carol and I hope to see you in Tulsa in 2004
phil stanley <rsccollect@aol.com>
Denver, Co USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 at 10:40:17 (CST)
I want to wish you all the blessings of the season and a hope for a terrific new year to all of you and your families. Looking forward to Tulsa. Congratulations, Guidry; retirement was the third best decision I ever made!
fred tinker
chula vista, ca USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 09:16:07 (CST)
served with bounty hunters
1970 to 1971
crew chief
george h klinger <gklinger@gci.net>
eagle river, ak USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 16:50:56 (CST)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members of the 191st and their families. Congratulations, Harrell on your retirement. It was also the third smartest thing I have ever done in my life. Due to a smart investment my wife was able to retire this month. I hope to see everyone in Tulsa.
Glenn R. Phenicie <phenicie@cvn.net>
Waynesboro, PA USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at 03:20:06 (CST)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the "Stitt House" to all Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters wherever you may be. Boomerang 17
Harold Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at 18:02:28 (CST)
05JUN68 Dinh Tuong
what happened that day in that we lost four......
Tejano, Turone, Akers, Vines
If you know, please write....
valentne53179@hotmail.com 12/24/03
valentine <valentine53179@hotmail.com>
USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at 20:45:53 (CST)
For those interested parties, I e-mailed "valentine" about the incident of 5 Jun 68 since I was the first aircraft on the scene and I was personally involved with the flight. Have a happy and safe New Year.
Terry Wilund <twilund@jcn1.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 at 13:19:36 (CST)
Hi Folks, here is a brief update on the ongoing 191AHC history project. So far only five people have responded/completed the 191AHC questionnaire and that limits the avenues available for research. Awards for Valor usually provide dates, units involved and other information that can lead to the supported unit for further information. If you are concerned about privacy issues you can black out the Service Numbers/Social security numbers from the award letters. I have found that making a copy of the original then blacking out the SN#/SS# on the copy and then making another copy from that usually is sufficient for deleting the personal identifiers from a document. Moving along, I have found a few things that some of you may find interesting.
This piece is from the book NAM by Mark Baker: “It was Christmas Eve [1968] and the truce was supposed to begin at six o’clock. At that time everything shuts down and we have three days of Peace on Earth. . . . A ground unit in the Delta stepped into it. They were getting the living sh_t kicked out of them. These guys were trapped. It looked grim for them. There were fifteen light fire teems in the area – thirty helicopters. Any number of Navy jets were flying in, just trying to blow the sh_t out of the enemy and save these guys. A one-star general is circling in a helicopter directly above us overseeing the whole operation. He was trying to hustle us along, because at six o’clock, we had to break it off. Otherwise, we would be violating the cease-fire. . . . “Let’s line up. Bounty Hunters, you’re five –seven. You go first. Five-six and five-five will be right behind you.” “ Mark Baker, Nam 231-232 (Berkley Edition 1985)(1981). ISBN: 0-425-07168-5.
Like many of you I remember this particular day and have been grateful that the past 35 Christmas Eve’s have been slightly quieter. The author is relaying the story from one of the crewman from another gun team that was involved in the action but I thought some of you may appreciate the fact that what we did has not been completely forgotten by others. I have relayed the core of the action as related in the book but those who fell compelled to read this book may find some of the other comments a bit disturbing.
Next, up on history’s mysteries is the case of the missing battalion. I have always wondered what happened to our parent battalion, the 214 CAB, almost as much as I have wondered if the 191st is still an active part of the modern U.S. Army. I haven’t found anything yet about our company but I have found out a few interesting things about the 214 CAB.
On 16 August 1987 the 214 Aviation Battalion was relieved from assignment to the 9th Infantry Division and concurrently redesignated as the 214th Aviation, a parent regiment of the United States Army Regimental System. I found this information fairly interesting as the lineage also states that the 214th was: Constituted 1 February 1967 in the regular Army as Headquarters, 214th Aviation Battalion, and activated at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Further, it was inactivated on 22 January 1973, assigned 1 July to the 9th Infantry Division and activated at Fort Lewis Washington and again inactivated on 15 September 1986. http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/lineage/branches/av/214av.htm
Having cited the aforementioned Army speak here is the interesting part from the 214th Aviation Honors/Campaign Credit: Viet Nam Counteroffensive, Phase II through Counteroffensive, Phase VII; Consolidation I & II; and last but not least the Southwest Asia: Liberation and Defense of Kuwait . I guess the 214th marches on.
Now here are some other things I never heard anything about or maybe I just wasn’t listening. According to the Lineage and Honors Information as of 27 November 2001 the 214th has received the following Decorations: Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army) for 1967 [to receive the Meritorious Unit Commendation (See http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/ribbons/Army1.html )(To receive this decoration a unit must display such outstanding devotion and superior performance of exceptionally difficult tasks as to set it apart and above other units with similar missions. The degree of achievement required is the same as that which would warrant award of the Legion of Merit to an individual); See
Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for Vietnam 1967-1968, 1969, 1969-1970, 1970, 1970-1972; and the Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class for Vietnam 1967-1969.
I will continue to post more information as I get the time and energy. I hope each of you have a safe and happy new year.
Jerry Kahn <gerardkahn@direcway.com>
Ghent, NY USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 14:32:05 (CST)
A very Happy & Holy Christmas to you all, and may you be blessed with health, prosperity, and a good spiritual life in 2004. And above all, with the Peace that passes all understanding.
All those listed on the Honor Page will be remembered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today, 01/01/04 (The Solemnity of Mary, The Mother of Our Lord) @1000, as will you all.
Again, Peace (even in the midst of adversity) and All Blessings for the New Year-
Fr. Ken Strawhand+, & the Folks at St. Casimir's, Rochester
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, January 01, 2004 at 07:59:56 (CST)
Deleted By Webmaster
LAGOS, LAGOS LAGOS - Tuesday, January 06, 2004 at 20:51:27 (CST)
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LOME, TOGO USA - Wednesday, January 07, 2004 at 06:38:52 (CST)
I had no idea this website existed until New Year's Day 2004. It amazes me how one little year in our lives can impact us so much. I recognize lots of names from the guest entries. I was at Bearcat, Dong Tam and Can Tho from 9-68 to 9-69 in the maintenance hanger, hydraulic shop. I was on KP the night Major Petric and others got killed and remember hearing the rockets whiz over and the shrapnel hitting the steel roof of the mess hall. I fell and cut open my knee running to the "best durn bunker" and the medic thought I had been hit. Years later, I happened to locate Maj. Petric's brother in my local area, met him and showed him some photos and explained what had happened that night. He was gratified to see me. I gave him an option of meeting with the rest of his family, but they did not pursue it. I have lots of slides from that year. I usually hung around with Archie Love, Ted Halitsky, Jerry McKinney, who I ran into in Kitzingen, Germany, a year later.
Bill Faucett <BFaucett22@juno.com>
Hartville, OH USA - Thursday, January 08, 2004 at 10:51:10 (CST)
Removed by Wemaster
Removed by Webmaster
Tigers and Vikings, Warriors and T-Birds, Knights and Cobras, Outlaws and
Mavericks, Vultures and Copperheads, Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters, Innkeepers
and Bartenders, Darkhorses, Lighthorses, Blackhawks, Hillclimbers, Delta Devils,
Delta Hawks, Green Deltas, Swamp Foxes, Shotguns and all the others. If you were
a member of the following units, you are called to return to Rucker: Hqtrs 13th,
307th & 214th CAB 121st, 114th , 175th , 336th , 162nd and 191st AHC 147th and
271st ASHC 199th and 221st RAC 235th AWC 244th SAC 7/1 ACS, (A,B,C,D Troops &
D/3/5ACT) C/16th ACT 18th CAC H/29th arty 611th TC Any other support or ground
unit that served with the 13th Battalion, the Guardians of the Delta. It's time
to come home for a visit. This is your reunion, enlisted or officer. We had 400
Delta alumni and families at our initial reunion two years ago and all had a
great time. The 1/13th Aviation Regiment and Ft. Rucker staff rolled out the red
carpet for us (like you never had when you were there!). There will be Armed
Forces Day activities, static displays, air show, flight line tours, simulator
tours, golf tournament, picnic, evening dinner and guest speaker. And of course
individual unit get-togethers. Dates: 14, 15, 16 May 2004 at Ft. Rucker-where it
all started many years ago! Cost $45 per person for early registration, $50
after 1 February. Please register early to facilitate planning. Click Here and
follow "Reunion"links for itinerary/ lodging/and registration information. Or
call or e mail Stan Gause at (561) 852-1675 or sgause@dycominc.com
Jim Ewart <jewart@optonline.net>
Marlboro, NJ USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 09:01:25 (CST)
Re: 13th CAB Rucker reunion, I left off the link for further info. It is
http://www.162ahc.com/ . A former deuce pilot Larry Castagneto is still on
active duty and currently works for the 13th at Rucker, so the Batt. Cdr.,
awarded him the job of coordinating. Officially I'm told he volunteered. Jim
Jim Ewart <jewart@optonline.net>
Marlboro, NJ USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 18:33:22 (CST)
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Friday, January 16, 2004 at 06:55:33 (CST)
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Friday, January 16, 2004 at 06:55:44 (CST)
Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 08:42:10 (CST)
Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 08:46:16 (CST)
Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 12:21:11 (CST)
Hello, I was just visiting the site to see if I could find any mention of my dad, Randall L Edwards, who served as a doorgunner in the 191st AHC sometime between 1968-1971. He was from Rutland, Vermont and had an incredibly infectious laugh. Some of the medals he earned while on tour were the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Silver Star, and the Air Medal for Valor, as well as a plethora of others. My dad passed away in October 2000 of brain cancer. I was his only son. If anyone knew my dad, you may feel free to contact me if you'd like. Also, as a suggestion to this website, maybe you could have a separate section of your website dedicated to those you died soon, and in lots of cases, far after the War. Thank you.
Ryan Edwards <Saab900VT@aol.com>
Stowe, VT USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 at 20:03:41 (CST)
Deleted By Webmaster Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 14:22:21 (CST)
Just noticed a mistake in my entry :) I meant to write "Also, as a suggestion to this website...who died soon, and in lots of cases, long after the War ended.
Ryan Edwards <Saab900VT>
Stowe, VT USA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 17:23:28 (CST)
Wednesday, February 04, 2004 at 08:07:10 (CST) - Deleted by Webmaster
To: Ryan Edwards.
Ryan, I tried to reach you after reading your e-mail and was unable to get to you.
I knew you dad, Randy. We flew together a lot and kept in contact after we came home. The last time I visited with him was in 1999: He told me he was ill and losing his sight.
Please contact me. I have many things to tell you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Ernie Houdashell
Amarillo, TX
Ernie Houdashell <elh@randallcounty.org>
amarillo, tx USA - Thursday, February 05, 2004 at 09:52:08 (CST)
to whoever can help me...i was a crew chief/gunner with the 162nd ahc at dong tam in '68,'69 & the 191st was our sister company w/ the 214th bn- the 16deuce had a website about 18 months ago...anybody have a clue??
mike foster <redptmf@comcast.net>
springfield, or USA - Friday, February 06, 2004 at 12:54:10 (CST)
It was great to visit the web site after all these years. Would like to hear from those folks who served from Aug. 67 thru Aug. 68 when I had the honor to be called "Boomerang 13." " The proud birds with the golden tails."
Rick Inskeep <rinskeep@cox.com>
mesa, az USA - Friday, February 06, 2004 at 17:06:09 (CST)
Messed up on E-Mail address
Rick Inskeep <rinskeep@cox.net>
Mesa, AZ USA - Friday, February 06, 2004 at 19:52:02 (CST)
Mr. Inskeep, glad to see that you're still about and it sounds like you're doing well. I remember you and have the pix to prove it. Bst wishes to you and yours.
fred tinker
chula vista, ca USA - Monday, February 09, 2004 at 10:44:31 (CST)
removed by webmaster
served aug69-aug70 dongtam and can to i worked nighted nites in the prop shop and the flightline
leroy(lee))lehman <llehman@dejazzd.com>
manheim, pa USA - Monday, February 09, 2004 at 19:14:28 (CST)
removed by webmaster
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deleted by webmaster
Mr. Inskeep nice to hear from you again. Bearcat 1968 crewchief. Hope all is well with you and glad to see your back in Mesa. Got a chance to speak with your Mother once, hope that both your parnets are well, if not my condolences. Hope to see you again in Oklahoma. Art Almaraz
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 21:32:16 (CST)
Mike foster look for the 162nd at http://www.162ahc.com. visited the site and it comes up. Hope this helps and lots of luck on your web search.
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 21:40:07 (CST)
deleted by webmaster
Gents of the 191st who have helped me put the pieces back together in my mind and soul about my father Richard Weske, Sorry I got lost. I transfered, picked up LDO (can you say Ensign) and spent the last year in schools, gotta love the Navy! On my way to Japan, but I have to thank each of you for your stories and going painfully back to help me. Thank you! Please write and keep in touch, your insight filled a hole in my life no one else could but you guys, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, bless you all! You are the Best!
Melissa Miller <melissajmiller@hotmail.com>
Everett, WA USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 01:16:38 (CST)
I, love this siste.so keep it up okay!
UZOAGBA <uzoagba@yahoo.com>
ABA, ASABA NIGER - Thursday, February 19, 2004 at 03:38:44 (CST)
Hey!!! What a lovely site I found out today. The webmaster deserve three pieces of Kpomo and Zobo drink.
Keep it up ok
Peter N. Eze <v_arins@eudoramail.com>
NSUKKA, EN Nigeria - Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 00:13:46 (CST)
Today is the 35th Anniversary of one of the worst days in the 191st history. For those of us that were there we will never forget that night as a Rocket landed on our Operations Office and killed 6 brothers including our Company Commander.
Will you please take a moment to Pray for them and their families!
Major John Petric C.O.,1lt Carl Radtke, 1Lt Dennis Coker, Sp5 Robert Heinmiller, Sp4 Carl Douglas and Sp4 George Lovellette.
bruce cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
celina, oh USA - Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 16:31:09 (CST)
removed by Webmaster
Where are my posts???
cove <ceive@mail.com>
- Friday, March 05, 2004 at 15:02:42 (CST)
Webmaster Note:
I put these posts out with the rest of the rubbish. There are rules on
this Guestbook, and I am the final judge. Please read the rules on the Add
Entry Page, and note as well that the Webmaster reserves the right to remove
On another note, I must say that I am impressed with the global ramifications
of the Internet. This message was posted from That
Internet address is owned by a provider in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the user
is running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 on a Windows XP or Windows 2000
operating system. Wow!
dan leonardo 'leo' <leovnam>
chula vista c hula chula vista , ca USA - Saturday, March 06, 2004 at 18:12:46 (CST)
I love whatyouhave here I was with the 240th alst helocopter in vietnam 1970 &71
Dennis Manns <Bulbcat@hotmail.com>
Rensselaer, In USA - Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 17:19:13 (CST)
Thankls for the great info!
Sorry Jake - NO FREE ADS Here.. Deleted By Webmaster
Sofia, Bulgaria - Tuesday, March 09, 2004 at 09:07:03 (CST)
Does anyone have a recent contact details for Hal Bohne?
Karen <karenpelling@hotmail.com>
Durham, England - Tuesday, March 09, 2004 at 09:42:36 (CST)
Bill I know the family will stick togeather and once again meet. I have my room reserved, what about the rest of the group? With warm thoughts of the past and hopes for the future we will be togeather again in Sept.
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 13:07:01 (CST)
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 01:59:25 (CST)
Webmaster Note: Doggoneit, these "Enlargement"
creeps are worse than Fire Ants. Deleted By Webmaster.
And, Joe's note below is credible I think.
Apparently "enlargement" in the entry above doesn't know the 191st people very well. Anyone who knows US knows we already sport the biggest and best in the world!!!
Joe Roberts <roosterroberts@earthlink.net>
Bidwell, oh USA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 16:48:41 (CST)
Deleted By Webmaster From:
USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 01:51:16 (CST)
Hal Bohne,
Time you checked in with me...
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 23:41:44 (CST)
I was in Washington yesterday and had the privilege to witness the retiring of the Huey Hellicopter. We had a group of high school students with us. They were quite amazed to see men who had sereved in Viet Nam. I was wondering if you could send a picture of this historic event. Thank You Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson <snowwoman@frontiernet.net>
Wells, NY USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 at 09:53:57 (CST)
Expect to be in Tulsa w/my son, Ken Jones, Chuck Schander and, hopefully, Harold"Spud"Taylor(work in progress). Through this site I, along with others, have gotten in contact with Norm Kidds' daughter and she has every intention of attending also. Really looking forward to connecting and re-connecting with all. Kevin
Kevin Kenney <KKenney@nt.dma.state.ma.us>
Arlington, Ma USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 07:20:52 (CST)
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 12:48:02 (CST) - Deleted By Webmaster
Content deleted by this webmaster..
Any City, Any State Georgia - Sunday, March 28, 2004 at 12:24:42 (CST)
Deleted by Webmaster
- Friday, April 02, 2004 at 22:11:51 (CST)==============================
Hmm - Guestbook is closed again
Ok, having taken a break, I'm going to turn the guestbook on again.
For the last guy from Germany that posted a website, stop. This
webmaster patrols this guestbook and deletes everything not appropriate.
One thing that you will not get here is free advertising from this site.
If you the reader want to advertise here, email me the webmaster at
billj@191ahc.org and I will consider it
for a sizeable fee. I doubt you can afford the quote that I will send you.
I know the IP address that every post comes from. I delete whatever I
don't like. So, leave this site for the purpose it was intended, and leave
the SPAM off this guestbook, please.
Thank you,
Ok the Guestbook is fair game again.
Hope the posts come from good folk with good purpose.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, April 05, 2004 at 22:39:06 (CDT)
Diet Pills advertisements Not allowed - Deleted By
- Tuesday, April 06, 2004 at 20:49:06 (CDT)
The post came from
Posted an email complaint to speakeasy.net who hosts this IP address.
I am working on a project to honor Vietnam Vets. I would love to talk to anyone who is willing. I was a nurse on the spinal cord ward at Long Beach VA. Hosp in Calif. during part of Vietnam and have wanted to do this for years. Thx, Dianne
Dianne Soriano <Jacksonfam@nccn.net>
Grass Valley, CA USA - Friday, April 09, 2004 at 02:27:02 (CDT)
Am searching for my cousin Tom Materene, I believe he flew 68-69 336th T-Birds, 69-70 121st Vikings Soc Trang. We have an elderly aunt in her late 80's who is wanting to contact him. Anyone with info please contact me. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Sandra Anderson Gonzalez <ATTICQUILT@aol.com>
Galveston, TX USA - Friday, April 09, 2004 at 23:30:51 (CDT)
Am searching for my cousin Tom Materene, I believe he flew 68--69 336th T-Birds, 69-70 121st Vikings Soc Trang. We have an elderly aunt in her late 80's who is wanting to contact him. His last posted e-mail is no longer good. Anyone with info please contact me. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Sandra Anderson Gonzalez <ATTICQUILT@aol.com>
Galveston, TX USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 at 00:13:31 (CDT)
CL, CL USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 at 11:00:05 (CDT)
I haven't checked in here for a while now. Retirement seems to be more work than I thought (ha). How did I ever have time for work. Hope this finds all well and I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Tulsa.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 at 06:21:22 (CDT)
Have made our reservations in Tulsa.....looking forward to seeing everyone again, (isn't this about the sixth reunion ?) Roger
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 06:51:39 (CDT)
We have made our reservations for Tulsa. Really looking forward to the reunion. See you in September
Phil Stanley <Pstan@earthlink.net>
Thornton, Co USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 at 09:35:24 (CDT)
Hi. I'm seeking some help getting my father's info from the war. He was a helicopter gunman and I'm really not even sure if he was in the 191st. He did not get drafted. He joined on his own accord. His name was Thomas Fialkowski. He's been deceased since approx 1990. If you know where or how I can get any info on him, please email me back. Thanks for your time.
Amber Treasure <ambermtreasure@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas , NV USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 14:03:02 (CDT)
I will be at the reunion in Tulsa, This is my first reunion with the Boomerangs, I was an orginal at Ft Bragg and then to Vietnam, after 6months I was Transfered to the 3/5th Cav I was the Intelligence SGT (S2)worked in operation with Cpt Stack, also worked with Cpt Kidd at Ft. Bragg.
Julius (Dewey) Fambry <wolf380@swbell.net>
The Colony, Tx USA - Monday, May 03, 2004 at 18:42:37 (CDT)
Well Guys, I know I said I wouldn't do this anymore, but can't
help it. You can beat me up about it at the Reunion. But, you gotta
come to beat me up. Latest pic of Son and Grandson Justin

Bill Janes
I was the original Boomerang 20 and Bounty Hunter 20 from May '67 to May '68. I went to the republic from Ft. Bragg, NC with the unit.
William E. (Bill)) Smith <boomer44@cox.net>
San Angelo, TX USA - Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 20:14:37 (CDT)
Reservations are made for Tulsa. I will be arriving Wed morning. If anyone else is arriving that day and would like to play golf, I am bringing my clubs. See you there.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 08:08:06 (CDT)
Bill, there is NOTHING wrong with being a proud grandpa! If anyone wants to beat you up at the reunion I'M ON YOUR SIDE! LOL! See you there.
Joe Roberts <roosterroberts@earthlink.net>
USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 at 10:50:23 (CDT)
Please excuse me but I was not with the 191 ahc but with the 116th ahc 69 to 70 as a crerwchief uh-1c at chu lai.Peace.
Carl Scott <doorgunnerone@yahoo.com>
Yucaipa, Ca USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 at 12:05:00 (CDT)
Ihave not been in touch since 2001,as i have had 3 surgerys since then my last one was 30 mar 2004. I AM glad too see more members have gotten in touch.I was with the i91st from oct68-oct69.I AN still trying too find our old motor ssg campano if any one knows were he is let me know.will i will close for may god be with all of you
donald rbeck
donald r beck <donbec@bellsouth,net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 at 14:04:30 (CDT)
A must site to visit!
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 at 20:41:01 (CDT)
It has been some time since I made a psoting here, so lest anyone think that we have forgotten, let me say that Mass is still offered every Thursday at 0830 for the men listed on the Honor Page. The only difference is that I am now joined at the altar by Fr. David Leo. And special thanks to Paul Zawicki for getting the ball rolling on this in the first place.
Of interest perhaps, is this prayer, offered at every Mass:
"Lord, accept this sacrifice we offer for our brothers on this day of their remembrance. May Your Love cleanse them from the effects of their human weakness and forgive any sins they may have committed. We ask this through Jesus Christ, You Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."
Fr. Ken Strawhand
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 10:16:17 (CDT)
P.S. that SHOULD have been POSTING-hope to see all of you in Tulsa, and how about some new faces as well! Hoping for the best Reunion yet!
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 10:19:36 (CDT)
Remembering and Thanking All Who Served this Memorial Day. Army Crewmembers
Griffin 704 <cowboywaydesign@cobaltemail.com>
TX USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 11:53:45 (CDT)
Lome , togo USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 08:12:32 (CDT)
I see Edward Sebek has registered for the Reunion. I knew an Ed Sebek in the first days at Bearcat who had a ship with a pair of dice painted on the doors. Is that you Ed?
Phil Stanley <rsccollect@aol.com>
Denver , Co USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 09:25:18 (CDT)
This site is dedicated to
the men and women of the United States Army's Aviation Branch who paid the
ultimate price for freedom and liberties enjoyed today by all Americans, and to
their families.
The men of the 191st. Honor Page will be remembered in prayer on Memorial Day @ 0830DST at St. Casimir's
Fr.Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 11:58:07 (CDT)
I don't know what words I could say that would express my family's heartfelt appreciation for what Bill Janes and the rest of the incredibly good men of the 191st did for Joanne. You really lived up to the unit's motto that when needed Boomerangs Always Come Back.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, Tx USA - Thursday, June 03, 2004 at 23:36:42 (CDT)
CLEVELAND, OK USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 22:01:19 (CDT)
Reservations for the reunion have been made, we are arriving in the afternoon, 2 Sep. We are looki26:33 (CDT)
Looks like we are going to have more reunion FNG's than ever. That does my heart good. Keep trying you guys to find more that can come.
The deadlines that I post are there for one reason: To get you busy. If any Unit member wants to come, we'll figure it out even if they show up at the last minute.
They do need to make their hotel reservations, though.
At the same time, there are some logistics to work out, so early
registrations help out the effort.
One thing I will say is this:
We don't have enough coming to suit me yet.
Go find them for me.
See Ya in Tulsa
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, August 05, 2004 at 23:00:23 (CDT)
As we get closer to this year's reunion, I have noticed some strange things going on. For example, the other day, I noticed that there has been a picture of me circulating the internet late at night. This picture is of me wearing nothing but my fruit-of -the-looms. I was hoping that my wife would say something about what a hunk I was. Instead, her only comment was "at least you have your shorts on." I have some inside information that says that a guy named Fred Tinker (former super gunner) may be at the root of these shenanigans. Now that Fred has finally threatened to show up at this year's event, maybe we can get to the bottom of this obvious smear campaign. I was just hoping that my kids wouldn't see a picture of their dad like this, but my wife has already forwarded it to them. At first I was so embarrassed that I thought about not coming, but I remembered that we have non-refundable plane tickets. So, with all of that in mind we are looking forward to seeing everybody there. Roger Barkley, I thought we trained Fred better than that. On second thought, maybe this is a result of that training.
Harold Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Friday, August 06, 2004 at 08:58:28 (CDT)
Mr. Stitt, Sir, let me 'splain. A)There are sinister forces at work we can neither control nor understand that impinge our lives when we least expect it. B)I didn't do it and I'll never do it again. C)It was not my fault--Roger made me do it! D)Your wife is right. At least you were wearing shorts.
Fred A. Tinker
Chula Vista, CA USA - Friday, August 06, 2004 at 16:06:56 (CDT)
Ok, Fred, the plot thickens with Roger's alleged involvement. I just can't believe that he would make you do something like that. But now that I athink about it, it makes sense. So, you're temporarily off of the hook. By the way, there are lot worse pics around somewhere. I remember some that resemble those we recently saw from that Baghdad prison. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Harold Stitt, Boomerang 17.
Harold Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Friday, August 06, 2004 at 20:51:56 (CDT)
I can't wait to get to Tulsa to see the crew of Supership, -- Stitt, Barkley, and Tinker..... what a crew -- LOL... I know this will be a great reunion... take care my wonderful friends.. Oh yeah, you to Sandrock... (grin)
Don Williams <CobraCapt@aol.com>
Las Cruces, NM USA - Sunday, August 08, 2004 at 23:41:55 (CDT)
Ahhh....the plot thickens.....they'll be some scores to settle !!! Especially if I can find some misplaced photographic evidence...Tinker with a horse..or maybe it was a donkey ?? ;-) Wouldn't it be nice if "Super Slope" could join us ?
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh. USA - Monday, August 09, 2004 at 11:52:18 (CDT)
Given the choice between seeing "Super Slope" or seeing Harold in his fruit of the looms, I'm in 100% agreement with Roger----it would be nice if old "Super" could join us.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, Tx USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 08:36:25 (CDT)
Looking for Rob Murphy , crew chief, 191st Ahc.. Also served with 214th Maint,. Battalion. 2nd Armoured Div., Ft. Hood , Texas.
I served with the 162nd AHC, At Dong Tam and Can Tho.
Mike Rush <hsurml@juno.com>
Stow, Ohio USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 18:41:30 (CDT)
It's offical, I'm a grandfather!!! Little Abigail Ruth Graves was born to Jeana (my daughter) and Bill Graves on August 19, 2004. Mom and child are fine and are leaving the hospital today.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 at 12:11:57 (CDT)
CONGRATS, and welcome to the Grandpa club.....
Send me a pic and I'll post it here with your entry..
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 at 20:50:30 (CDT)
Way to go, Bill! Being a grandpa (or TaTa, as we call it) will make you feel good about life and the world in general every time you look at your baby and your baby's baby. Best wishes to the new mom and dad.
fred tinker
chula vista, ca USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 at 20:58:47 (CDT)
Found your site while doing a Google-search for the lyrics and/or melody to "Winged Soldiers" by the WOC Chorus. Great site, by the way. I flew as a crew chief with the 114th AHC "Knights" out of Vinh Long from 11/69 to 10/70. God Bless y'all.
Carl Crisp <lpcrisps@juno.com>
La Porte, TX USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at 14:25:37 (CDT)
I sure am glad to see that Bill Janes and our host Larry Miller have signed up for the reunion. I was beginning to think we were flying solo this time around. I sure am going to sleep better at night now that these guys are coming. See you soon, Boomerang 17
Harold Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 20:25:00 (CDT)
Hello Everybody.........I wanted to wish all a safe trip to and from the Reunion. I will not be able to be there as I have a Family wedding the same time. I so much wanted to be with all of you. Good Luck and have a great time. I miss you all very much, and will especially be thinking of all my Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters this weekend. Remember " A Good Crewchief Never Comes up Short " And Boomerangs Always Come Back.
Paul Vitale <uh1-d@mail.capecod.com>
E. Falmouth, ma. USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 at 22:57:43 (CDT)
If anyone coming to Tulsa remembers their days as an acolyte, or if anyone is serving now as a lector I can sure use you on Saturday morning. I will be in Thursday @ 1630, so we have all day Friday to get together on this. I won't take a lot of your time, I promise. If we get more than 200 volunteers we'll just have to have a lottery!
Ya'll fly safe now. Last time I was SUPPOSED to go skydiving the guy told me the plane ride was FREE-the 'chute was $179.50! That "perfectly good airplane didn't fly either-the driver told me his ship was not any good at all!
Go figure-see ya'll in Tulsa!
Fr. Ken
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 06:03:20 (CDT)
BELTON, TX USA - Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 07:16:53 (CDT)
OK Guys, I'm late as usual ... Sorry (G)
Glad to know that so many of you made it back. Not a day goes by without my thinking of you and those who weren't so fortunate. God Bless you all, and thanks for helping get my lily white one back.
Keep Tap Dancing
George Clogston
Boomerang 7X
01/70 - 01/71
(and remember, If ya gotta be one, you may as well be a Big Red One, 69-41)
George Clogston <clogstong@camerondiv.com>
Coldspring, TX USA - Friday, September 03, 2004 at 16:05:10 (CDT)
To the men of the 191st AHC. Boomerangs & Bountyhunters.
I've been reflecting on the events of the last 4 days of the 2004 Reunion. I hope it was a success for all who attended.
A couple of months ago when my brother and yours, Larry G. Miller, asked me to help him put this reunion together I said ," No problem Bro." After all We have been each others wingman for the last 14 years. That's on our Harleys. You can't say no to your wingman.
I'm here to tell you all, it was an honor.
Friday night at the American Legion Post #1 went well. The kitchen crew had not had to move like they did in some time. They were led by Rick Alfero(Army in and around Saigon) and Ray Champeux(101st airborn Sniper in country). Rick burned the steaks and Ray washed the dishes.The rest of the crew were from the Auxillary and The Sons of the Legion. They all were glad you all came and joined the family for dinner.
Saterday the Memorial Service went well. OK the sound system screwed up and our Oklahoma wind would not cooperate with the candle lighting.
The colors were presented by the Bixby High School Jr. ROTC. The rifle squad from Legion Post #1. And the bugler, Jerry Presley, does many ceremonies in the area. Jerry is a Navy Vet.
Larry and I had thought of arranging a flyover but due to mission requirements the Ok. Air guard F-16s and the Army guard UH60s were unavailable on short notice. The geese filled in nicely. I saw them as downed brothers helping us out.
The Traveling Wreath that Larry G. and I laid at Tommy's grave will be retired with honor at a future date. Probably Flag day at the Legion.
I've gone on long enough. Again it was my honor to help at your reunion.
OOH AAH my Brothers
John D. Stadler USN 61-65 70-74 Tulsa Ok.
John (Wheezy) Stadler <Skybum1511@netzero.com>
Tulsa, Ok USA - Sunday, September 05, 2004 at 22:03:45 (CDT)
So much to say so I won't. Larry. "Wheezy" and all those connected with you to give us a super time in Tulsa. You accomplished your mission and I thank you for one, if not the most enjoyable time of my life. Who else can boast of so many true "brothers" as we of the 191. God Bless You All. Thanks KK
Kevin Kenney <KKenney@nt.dma.state.ma.us>
Arlington, marlana USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 07:29:36 (CDT)
Happy Birthday Dad! Norm Kidd's birthday was September 6, 1936. I can now celebrate his life knowing more about him and comforted that he has not been forgotten. What a wonderful gift to him and to me! Thank you to all of the 191AHC who stepped in for him wrapped their arms around me and accepted me as one of their own. My dear friend Country put into words how I have felt for so long when he said I was the lost daughter, well now I have found my home. I thank you all for giving me a place to call home as a member of the 191 family.
Kevin (and thanks to Kevin Jr., too) your entry of my Father's name in the guest book started so much of this. Thank you for your open heart and open arms from the moment I walked into the lobby. You guided and held me up through so much of this weekend. Stan and Mary your thoughtfulness is so appreciated, the picture of my Dad is already up. Bud your compassion and leadership is like no other and guides us all. Harrel, Country, Ollie, Larry S., Jim Wino, Bill F., and so many other brothers, thank you for sharing your stories and hugs with me. Dewey, I feel his hand on my shoulder (great story), and I am going running on Tuesday. Don W. thanks for dinner and the poetry you shared was breathtaking. Larry M. and Wheezy the work that went into planning such a memorable event will never be forgotten. Larry M. your song touched my soul. Bill Janes (and your wife too) thank you for starting this web page and for all the hard work it takes to maintain it. Thank you to the Sandefur family for sharing this weekend with us. The DVD is incredible and so generous of you to give us all one. Your beautiful songs and voices at the Memorial Service will always be remembered. To all of my father's "191 brothers" I thank you from the bottom of my heart for including me as a member of this special family. I do not mean to forget any names you were all so wonderful to me and my family. God bless you all! Love, Diana
Diana Kidd Foran <dlkidd007@aol.com>
Lake Forest, IL USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 12:00:29 (CDT)
After this morning’s prayers and meditations, the words from the Memorial Service were still ringing in my heart
. The day was filled so many emotions that the words may have been forgotten, but the spirit in which they were delivered should never be. To each and every person that shared in the Service, in any capacity, and there were so many that I won’t try to name all, my personal thanks, and the thanks of all who attended or were unable to attend but wanted to and supported this effort in spirit. I must also give special thanks to my dear brother in Christ and old and trusted friend Rev. Jack Bradberry of St. Michael’s Reformed Episcopal Church, Broken Arrow, for all of his help. He provided us with all of the altarware, vestments and the like for the Service. To see him again was a a true blessing for me.
Foremost in my mind and heart are the words of the Preface of the Day; “Almighty God, who in Thy infinite wisdom, in the passage of time didst cause to come into existence our Nation, and destined it a brilliant goal; that our Nation may be a main support of Faith and Freedom, an example of Christian manhood and a harbor for all persecuted peoples this day be glorified for us.” and “may the heavens resound Thy glory, the earth and myriads of innumerable stars, all the pure spirits, apostles and martyrs and confessors and all who for the truth of our Nation lived, suffered and died..”
I have been told that I am a wee bit dramatic at times, but it is only drama I think if it is not true. And there is no fiction here. We came to honor the best, and that which we came to do, we most surely have done.
To all of those that I have come to know over these several years, may I say, for what it is worth, that it has been my great privilege to be allowed to do so, and that I would be proud to serve with you anywhere. And to the rest, it is only because of time and logistics that we have never spent much time in conversation, but the same is true I am sure. The 191st. is a remarkable entity, and those who make it up remarkable Americans.
St. Paul tells us that if Christ has set us free, then we are free indeed. This freedom has never come cheaply, purchased first by His own Blood, and preserved for us by those who have valued it above all things, even life itself, and paid for it with their own
blood. To you my Brothers, if you will allow me to call you my
Brothers, and especially to the Forty Six that gave all, not only America but the entire world owes a debt of thanks that can never be truly repaid. And may we never forget, or allow to be forgotten these Forty Six, and I pray God that we always keep their Memory and the memory of their Sacrifice in the highest honor that men can give. Nothing else will do, and it is so very small compared to what they have done for us.
I am glad that I was out of Tulsa at 0430 Sunday, not because I would not have enjoyed much more time with all of you, but because it is difficult always to say goodbye. And I pray to see you all again soon. I pray also may God grant us all the Grace to be ready for the greatest reunion of all, the one that will never end.
Faithfully, your Friend and Brother in Christ, Fr. Ken Strawhand
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, New York USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 19:05:58 (CDT)
Irene and I got back from Tulsa tonight, and I just wanted to thank everybody
that worked so hard to make this Reunion great. It was a time of remembering, it was a time of comforting, but most all it was a meeting of the FAMILY.
That, I think, is what Families are for..God Bless you all, Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 23:10:44 (CDT)
A man once told me "anything you can buy with money can be replaced" our relationship with family and friends are more precious then refiners gold. Roberta and I are so thankful to all of you who made this reunion such a memerable affair.
Skip Waugh <robertawaugh@yahoo.com>
Roy , UT USA - Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 08:04:26 (CDT)
If Larry Miler doesn't look into "Events Planning" as a second career he is missing a great opportunity! Everything was well-planned and very well executed. While it is true that God, commitment to country and the draft board brought us together, it is true that Bill Janes keeps us together. Thanks, Bill. Without your efforts to keep the site going I would never have been able to reunite with the finest men I have ever known. I was touched to my soul by Sandefur's singing family trio in a way I had not thought possible for me. Seeing Don Williams and hearing his voice again always makes me realize how blesst my life has been. I would have recognized Pat Boyd from his voice and by the map of Ireland stamped on his face anywhere. The memories he shared with me have been an important part of my life for over 36 years. I have never forgotten Mr. Stitt's flying skills and his deft exercise of command. Seeing him and Mrs. Stitt together reinforced my belief that good people do get rewarded in this life. Roger Barkley, the only real crew chief of "Super Ship", has, over the years, become a better man than I remembered him. And that is saying a lot. Stephen "Rocky" Roccabello. I would have bet that, even today, if something had gone wrong at the reunion he would have had a part in his room that could fix it or at least a roll of duct tape for temporary repairs. When Art Almaraz told me he had driven to the reunion in his truck I had visions of the "Tijuana Taxi" he drove at Bearcat. Captain Kennedy. It seems no matter where he sits, in the banquet room or the hospitality suite, he's at the head of the table. And didn't Lt. Parker look great!? After all of these years he's still the fittest of us all. I have resolved, after seeing him, to send for some brochures on gyms in the area and consider working out. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this a success. Finally, I want to close with a few observations. They say that war does not develop character, it reveals it. This is so true with you all and has has remained true over the years. As I looked around the room on the final evening I realized a couple of things. Many of you did marry above yourselves; I was honored to be in your company; and, after all of these years, I was still the lowest ranking man in the place. Go figure. Take care of yourselves.
fred tinker
chula vista, ca USA - Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 09:53:00 (CDT)
Since arriving home Sunday night I have not been able to think of anything else but the reunion in Tulsa. If I may, I'd like to share the highlights for me. I finally met Larry Miller face to face Friday afternoon. In e-mail he had told me how much he loved my uncle and his dear friend and brother, Tommy Sandefur. Friday afternoon my mother and I asked him about his and Tommy's experiences in Vietnam together and I'll never forget the moment when he was describing how, at the end of the first day of Tet and what turned out to be the day of his death, Tommy took off flying for another mission, and Larry followed. "I'd follow him anywhere," Larry said, choked with emotion. At the memorial service I met many more with whom I had exchanged e-mail that I have saved and treasure -- e-mail from Bud Patnode, Don Williams, Stan Cherrie, August Kraemer, Bill Flores, Ed McKee, Harrell Guidry and last but not least, Bill Janes -- who I have become fast friends with over the past weeks in working with him to create the video. (Nobody loves the men of the 191st more than Bill, but you all know that best of all.) Others I met that morning certainly made lasting impressions. Skip Waugh was pointed out to us as Tommy's door gunner, and he later shared stories of Tommy with my mother. Ben Hauser introduced himself and said that when he thinks back to the days of Vietnam, he always thinks of Tommy, and that when he learned that the Sandefur family would be at the reunion, he knew he would be there too. Wow. Following the memorial service I believe it was Fred Tinker who came over to my son to thank him for singing. He shook his hand and said, "You are blessed with a gift from God. If I live to be 100 years old I will never forget this day." Then he turned and walked away. Looking at the expression on my son's face, I believe that will be marked by him as a pivotal moment in his life. I met Diana Kidd, who lost her father when she was just 2. With tears in her eyes she told me how much it meant to her to meet so many who knew and loved her father, that she was so happy she had decided to attend. I thought I could sense a healing taking place in her. The memorial service, my family and I believe, was anointed with the presence of God and the sweet spirits of your fallen brothers. I can't remember ever before the national anthem being interrupted so that a plane could fly by, but if Larry hadn't delayed us by that 30 or 45 seconds, the chiming of the church bells at the last "Amen" would have been late! I admit that I had prayed for a sign of God's presence and affirmation of the memorial service, and it couldn't have come in a more delightful way than the geese overhead in Boomerang formation. Bill Janes had explained to me while working on the video that the Boomerang formation signified a brother going home. In my heart I believe those geese were affirmation of not only what we were doing at that moment, but also that your fallen brothers are home. Father Ken, anyone who accuses you of being "dramatic" just doesn't get it, for anyone who truly understands the supreme sacrifice made by these men could not overstate the magnitude and the nobility of it. God has assigned you to the 191st and now I know why. No one loves and honors those men more than you, and they deserve nothing less. The banquet that followed Saturday night was very moving, made even more poignant by the sweetest "Danny Boy" I have EVER heard. As we were saying our goodbyes late that night, hugging Larry Miller, he whispered to me, "I've done it. I can rest now." I know I speak for all of the Sandefur family when I say, yes, Larry, you've done it. You've consoled us in honoring Tommy, and we will never forget it. If there's ever anything we can do for you, if there's anything you need, please let us know. We'd follow you anywhere.
Terri Beckham <traebeck@comcast.net>
Nashville, TN USA - Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 11:40:43 (CDT)
My dad James J Shereck was a BOOMERANG 1967-68 in Phu Loi with the 191st. He died flying a MOHAWK IN Phu Bai 4 March 1971. I have deep memories of living at Army bases and hearing the thump thump thump of that Huey, and still to this day when I hear that sound I get an adrenalin rush and an emotional high. People that haven't lived in the Huey circle can't understand that feeling, nor they never will. The only Hero's in life served in Viet-Nam and no person can take that away. Tony Shereck
Tony Shereck <bercher@bresnan.net>
CO USA - Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 23:27:30 (CDT)
To Fred Tinker. Great letter Fred but, new friend, if there's one thing for sure I, as others, took from the re-union it's that there was no lower or higher rank in the place.
Kevin Kenney <KKenney@nt.dma.state.ma.us>
Arlington, Ma USA - Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 09:49:01 (CDT)
WOW!! What can I say brothers!! Was that one heck of a reunion or what!?! Larry Miller, I can't possibly imagine the work it took to put something like that together, you must have run yourself and your family ragged.You and your "flight crew" did the 191st proud, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you also for having your daughter available with that big yellow school bus to transport us to shopping and dinner. What a very nice young lady, you must be very proud.
It was so nice to get together with old buddies and to make new friends. It doesn't seem to matter at what time in the units history you were in country, it just seems to matter that we are all one. A family. Father Ken, no thanks necessary, it was an honor to have particpated in the memorial service thank you for being there. Ray Rugg, I know you like to think you only crashed two aircraft, but people I talk to have the count at three. Bill Janes, if it wasn't for you and this web site it's doubtful that these reunions would have grown the way they have. Through the years you have put in a tremendous amount of effort to make this web site what it is. I know that to you it's a labor of love. Thank you for bringing us all together.
One of the highlightes for me was being able to meet Diana Kidd Foran (Norman Kidds' daughter) and Terri Beckman (Tommy Sandefurs niece). To both of these young ladies, I welcome you with open arms and a warm heart to the family of the 191st.
And finally I would like to thank all who attended, it was really nice to see all of you. Harrell, don't forget to bring your sticks Branson. See you all in 2006, until then, take care and God bless you all. Bill Flores
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca. USA - Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 14:42:24 (CDT)
What a wonderful weekend in Tulsa. I am sitting here going through my photos that I took and you can almost hear the conversations taking place. I wish to join the others in saying thank you to Larry Miller, his family and friends for all of the hard work they did to logistically pull this off. Many thanks to Bill and Irene Janes for their relentless devotion to this bi-annual affair and to Bill for running our comm center year round that enables us to communicate with each other. For those of you reading this that did not make this reunion for some reason or another, you really should start making plans to join us in Branson, MO in 2006. Everybody needs their tear ducts drained at least once every 24 months and this will do it for you. You could feel the emotions building starting with the graveside service at Tommy Sandefur's grave with the reading of the 47 names who gave their all. This carried into the evening banquet where Terri Beckham, Tommy's niece, played the DVD she made from old pictures and movies of us in the 191 AHC. Just an incredible tribute to the Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters. This was followed with Kevin Kenney's tear-jerking rendition of "O' Danny Boy". This year was very special by just being together with the Super Crew from Super Ship, Roger Barkley and Fred Tinker after 37 years. Also getting the opportunity to meet Norm Kidd's family as well as Ann Sandefur and the other members of her family was something very special. I am sure we will be in Branson in 2006. I'm serious about this, for I know that my wife, Virginia, is going even if I don't. I am going through my digital pictures that I have and there are some good ones. After I'm sure that there are none of me in my fruit-of-the-looms, I will be sending these on to Bill Janes soon for posting to our site as he sees fit. This is so exciting, I just can't wait to see what we all look like 37 years from now. Harold Stitt, Boomerang 17
Don't worry, guys, there will be no more fruit-of-the looms pics! I join Harold in sending our heartfelt thanks to Larry, his wonderful family and all those who had a part in putting together such a great weekend for the 191st family. Larry, I hope you fed the geese well after their perfect flight! And special thanks to Bill and Irene for what you do day in and day out for us all. You're special people! I have tried to explain to friends and family the special bond I have witnessed among the 191st brothers - you just can't understand it until you see it. What an honor and a privilege to have been able to be with you special men - my husband included. What a joy also to get to know the wives - new found friends and family. To the Kidd family and the Sandefur family - you are a part of the 191st family and always will be. Hope you can make it to future reunions. This weekend was even more special with all of you being there. I will never forget the Beckham family's beautiful voices and Kevin Kenney's song bringing chills and tears to us all - a special memory since Harold's grandfather was Irish. Thanks, Kevin! To Don, Dee, Roger and Fred - what a privilege to be in your presence - you have touched my heart. Thanks also to Terri for the beautiful DVD - Harold is wearing it out playing it so often! To all of you - thanks for a beautiful memory and we will see you in Branson! Love to you all, Virginia Stitt
Harold Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Thursday, September 09, 2004 at 10:59:16 (CDT)
There has never been (nor will there ever be) a little sister who loved and idolized her big brother more than I loved and idolized Tommy Sandefur. His death some 36 years ago was a blow from which I have never fully recovered. When I met many of you through e-mail two years ago--although I couldn’t check my e-mail often enough and I eagerly read every story and sentiment you wrote about Tommy--I went through a time of mourning that was comparable to what I had experienced at the time of Tommy’s death in ’68. To be completely honest, a part of me was wishing September 2 would never come, as I was so afraid that it would bring on another devastating wave of grief. Meeting you in person, especially those of you who knew and loved Tommy, I found that instead of feeling grief I felt the presence of my brother, and it was beautiful. How I love hearing your stories about Tommy. Skip Waugh told me a great one about one of the guys killing two elk and how he and Tommy made barbeque sauce for the feast, and then the antics that followed. What a wonderful story! Skip and his wife Roberta have invited us to their home and one day I will get there. Thanks to both you and Roberta for all the time you spent with me and for sharing your album of Vietnam. I can’t wait to sit around the Waughs’ kitchen table and get to know both of you better. Harold Stitt gave me his original program of the Memorial Service that was held for Tommy on Feb. 3, 1968. I was so moved that he had kept it all this time. It will be framed and will hang on my wall very soon, Harold. Don Williams and I have been great friends for years--we just hadn’t met in person yet! We have shared so many e-mails, and Don has mailed me mementos of Tommy that are so precious. It was wonderful meeting this fine man in person and I will always appreciate his hand of friendship. Bless you, Don Williams. Ed McKee, Ben Hauser, August Kraemer, Harrell Guidry and Stan Cherrie all were dear friends of Tommy’s and made a point to warmly greet us and make us feel so welcome, so wanted. Bill Janes, all of your work is so much appreciated, and the love you have for your fellow brothers can never be doubted. Irene, thank you for all of your hard work and for your constant smile and selfless attitude. I don’t often meet a man like Bud Patnode! He is the epitome of a gentleman and a wonderful representative of the 191st. He was my brother’s friend and now he is ours as well. I am also thankful and blessed to have Terri Beckham as a daughter. Many thanks for all the hours of hard work that you spent on the making of the 191st Air Assault DVD. Your Uncle Tommy was there and aware of what you did and loves you for it. Thanks to Clark and Virgil Beckham as well for their beautiful voices along with Terri’s at the Memorial Service. I wrote Father Ken earlier today and told him what his Saturday service meant to me. I have never heard a sermon that was more heartfelt. Father Ken is truly one of a kind and the 191st is blessed to have him as a chaplain and a brother. The uncanny timing of the geese flyover in boomerang formation and the bells at the end of the service was a wink from the heavens that I will treasure always. Larry, what an incredible job you did. Your every move was out of love for all of your brothers and for my brother as well. I’ll never forget it. Well, it seems that not only did I make it through this reunion, I am already looking forward to Branson! So thank you, you men of the 191st, for making a place for me and my family in your family. I am, once again, Tommy Sandefur’s little sister--and I love it.
Ann Sandefur <asandefur@fmbanktulsa.com>
Tulsa, Ok USA - Thursday, September 09, 2004 at 11:08:24 (CDT)
During the past thirty years, I've had the good fortunate to be able to attend a lot of business meetings and conventions at 4 and 5 star resorts, but the 191st reunion was truely special. Which proves that it's the people and not the places that really count. Thanks guys for letting me be part of the 191st 37 years ago, and for letting me continue to associate with you now.
Ed McKee <ed@atsweb.net>
Arlington, TX USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 at 17:02:21 (CDT)
I am Tommy G. Sandefur's Granddaughter. I would like to thank my cousin Terri for the hard work she did to make the video, as well as my family who told me different stories about my Grandpa and that made me know him more and more everyday. I sometimes have a look on the 191st Assault Helicopter Compagny's site, and was very touched by everyone. I would like to know more stories about Tommy so don't hesitate to write me. I would be so glad to hearing from my Grandfather's dearest friends. My Grandmother told me Larry Miller was one of the best friends of Tommy. I wished I could be there at the reunion in Tulsa but it was unfortunately impossible! God bless you all!
Cynthia RICKARDS <rickards.m@evc.net>
Mutzig, FRANCE - Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 04:59:28 (CDT)
Where does one begin? From the first reunion until this one they just get better! Larry, you, your family, and Wheezy have set the bar higher still. Can't thank you enough, everything was top shelf! Can only imagine what Branson will be like. It's not the place though, it's the family we are, there is nothing I look forward too more than getting together with my Boomerang family no matter where that may be.
Bill and Irene, what don’t you do? From the website to the smallest details...you're everywhere!! I don't know what we would be without you! Thanks so much.
How great it was to be together again, from the old friends to the new, early Boomerangs to the late, what a family! To the Kidd and Sandefur families, your presence was so special and re-enforced the fact we are family. And the ladies, I have to agree with Tinker that we have all married “above” ourselves. I want to go on and list names but I would have to name everyone. I will say "Super Crew" is always special though! Knowing the Army, how did they manage to assemble a unit like the 191st ??
I overheard someone mention a comment made in Baltimore, that we were the "huggingest" bunch!!… Well yes we are!!… The hardest part of hugging is to let go, and I sure had a hard time letting go until next time. May Love and Peace be with you and yours until then. Roger B. “Super Chief”
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 at 07:24:13 (CDT)
The following is from a posting in the notices at St. Casimir's NCC, Irondequoit, for this week, the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
"The Sanctus Candle (Sanctuary Lamp) will burn for the next 46 weeks in Memory of the men of the 191st. AHC that gave theur lives for Freedom.Each week, the name, rank, and date of death will be posted. The lines titled PANEL & LINE refer to the place where each manÕs name is found at the VietNam Memorial in Washington, DC.
(The Wall).
This Week: Capt. Norman Richard Kidd
26 May 1967
Panel 20E-Line 118
Thursdays - 0830- Veteran's Mass -for the Departed Members of the 191st. AHC and all that gave their lives so that we may live and be free."
Fr. Ken <Strawhand>
Irondequoit(Rochester), NY USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 09:34:51 (CDT)
I enjoyed my visit. It was good to see all of you at the reunion. Thanks Larry you did a great job. I was able to get a picture of the geese that did the fly over for us. I posted a few other pictures. All you have to do is right click on the picture and then click save picture as, to have a copy for yourself.
August Kraemer <akraemer3@charter.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 11:15:59 (CDT)
I enjoyed my visit. It was good to see all of you at the reunion. Thanks Larry you did a great job. I was able to get a picture of the geese that did the fly over for us. I posted a few other pictures. All you have to do is right click on the picture and then click save picture as, to have a copy for yourself.
August Kraemer <akraemer3@charter.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 11:16:30 (CDT)
This Week's Sanctuary Lamp at St. casimir's will burn in Honor of:
26 MAY 1967-Panel 20E - - Line 113
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, New York USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 08:02:10 (CDT)
It is very sad the way some things have to end up.
I do this for the memory of my uncle.T/sgt Ralph J Lund c130 Flight Engineer. Shot down over svn 345 TAS Tail # 621785 Boa Loc 09-06-1968
Earle (bo) Cole <bradleyv@frontiernet.net>
Gloversville, ny USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 at 01:35:39 (CDT)
The Sancturay Lamp this week burns in memory of 1LT. DAVID COLIN HALL, 29 AUGUST 1967 Panel 25E - - Line 62----Eternal Rest, grant unto them O Lord, and may Light Perpetual shine upon them.
Fr,. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 at 08:35:42 (CDT)
The Sanctuary Candle for the weeks of 10& 17 )October 2004 burn in memory of:
- Panel 25E - - Line 66. SSG RICHARD LEE SCADUTO - Panel 25E - - Line 65, SGT
LOUIS CHARLES MUSER II - Panel 25E - - Line 64-all- 29 AUGUST 1967----Psalm
27:1-7 Dominus illuminatio -The LORD is my light and my salvation;whom then
shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life;of whom then shall I be
afraid? When evildoers came upon me to eat up my flesh, it was they, my foes and
my adversaries, who stumbled and fell. Though an army should encamp against me,
*yet my heart shall not be afraid; And though war should rise up against me, yet
will I put my trust in him. One thing have I asked of the LORD;one thing I seek;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life; To behold the
fair beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble
he shall keep me safe in his shelter; he shall hide me in the secrecy of his
dwelling and set me high upon a rock. ALL of the men of the Honor Roll were
especially remembered at Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral, Buffalo, NY on 7
October 2004, on the Feast Day of Title. ŅMay the God of hope fill us with all
joy and peace in believing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.Ó Romans
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 at 06:39:10 (CDT)
Miami, Florida USA - Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 01:06:12 (CDT)
The Santuary Lamp and Memorial this week are in honor and memory of Tommy G. Sandefur-Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon him-and may his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed Rest in Peace-Amen.
Fr. ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 07:49:01 (CDT)
Trying to reach Melissa J Miller daughter or Richard A Weske KIA. She posted the called.htm on your site. I grew up with Richard, and may have some pictures and newspaper clippings.
Steven Covey <sdcovey@compuserve.com>
South Lake Tahoe, CA USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 05:21:11 (CDT)
Hellow fellows, I know I haven't written since the reunion. Got a request for information on Dale Mikesell from Larry Simon (195 AHC). Seems that Dale Mikesell was a DG sometime in 1967, he transfered to the 195th in Dec. He also sent an inquire to Roger Barkley, I don't recall him, I guess a picture would help me, maybe not. Anyway he wants to enter the 195th web site but needs an invite, I guess someone who remembers he was a member in our unit or theirs. Anyone remember him contact Larry @ helo1@spe.midco.net. See you guys soon, 2 years is sooner than 30 years. Art
Art Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Tx USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 at 10:09:02 (CST)
Hellow fellows, I know I haven't written since the reunion. Got a request for information on Dale Mikesell from Larry Simon (195 AHC). Seems that Dale Mikesell was a DG sometime in 1967, he transfered to the 195th in Dec. He also sent an inquire to Roger Barkley, I don't recall him, I guess a picture would help me, maybe not. Anyway he wants to enter the 195th web site but needs an invite, I guess someone who remembers he was a member in our unit or theirs. Anyone remember him contact Larry @ helo1@spe.midco.net. See you guys soon, 2 years is sooner than 30 years. Art
Art Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Tx USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 at 10:09:13 (CST)
It's a little after midnight, so today is election day. I would encourage you to go to the polls today and vote. It's a privilidge to be able to do that, and the right to do it came at bitter cost. So make time in your day today, and record your vote, please.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, November 01, 2004 at 23:13:19 (CST)
Sanctuary Lamp this week in honor of Jeffery. J. Yarger
A Prayer: Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at 06:37:44 (CST)
All will be remembered at today's Mass,11 November 2004, Veteran's Day-
Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, Father; take our honored dead unto your bosom. Comfort them in their new duty assignments. Make them soldiers of the Lord God. May they ride beside Christ the Lord upon His return. And comfort the ones they leave behind. May they rejoice in knowing that their loved ones are with You and that our children were always Yours to begin with. And You know best. Grant them the comfort of family, friends and of a grateful Nation.Father, stand beside us in this war. Be our guiding light. Open the eyes of the doubters and unite us as one Nation under God.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord-
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester(Irondequoit), NY USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 06:58:50 (CST)
Thanks to all who served, especially those from the 191 AHC on this Veterans
Day, 2004. Ralph Bramlett "68"
Ralph Bramlett <mustangwidow@msn.com>
Lake Havasu City, AZ USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 19:44:11 (CST)
Wow, only took me 35 years to find this site! I arrived in the 191st at Bear
Cat in June of '68. A dumb E-3 with a few weeks of powertrain (68D20) repair in
my head from Fort Useless (Eustis). I remember Wendel Hand and Sgt. Gunning and
working out of the tents near the flight line. From there things got a little
hazy. I also remember Mike Jackson and our little "underground" newsletter - The
Boomerang Barb - poking a little fun at the "Green Circus". The POL fire and the
cooked fire truck. I've got a few photos that I'd be happy to pass along. The
trip to Dong Tam also sticks in my head. No electricity in the hangers at night
so we juast hung around and listened to Sgt Pepper hoping he'd play the long
version of Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. Anyone remember the night I snuck
into the mess Sgts. conex and stold a case of C's? We pigged out over the other
side of the berm - real dumb! I remember Bob McKenna, Phelps, Hippie, Carlos
Ramirez, and others. I left in June of '69 and had a year left which I served at
Ft. Hood. Being 1969 I was drawn into the hippie lifestyle at the University of
Texas in Austin. Lots of coeds and skinny dipping in Barton Springs. After the
Army I returned to college and became a school teacher, salmon fisherman in
California, homeless wanderer, ski area groomer, children's welfare worker,
merchant mariner, museum manager, not necessarily in that order! Along the way I
had two daughters and now have four grandchildren. My experience in Viet Nam
with you guys wasn't always positive, but I learned a few things about myself
and the world around me. It took many years to leave my Viet Nam fatigue shirt
behind in a trash can at a commune outside of Nashville. It took a long time
before I could go to visit the Wall in Washington. It took a long time before I
realized that I needed to do a lot of living for those we left behind. Mike M
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 at 13:24:27 (CST)
Hello, Just checked the message list today and did not see my previous note. (?) Maybe they dissolve into cyberspace after a period of time.
Anyway, I'll give thanks this holiday to all who served in the 191st and all those who came after. I think about my kids and grandchildren and those who will never know those joys and fears - those who, in Lincoln's words, "gave the last full measure of devotion". To life!
mike m
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 10:11:34 (CST)
Hi Mike,
Nope, only the unauthorized ads go into cyberspace. I was putting up
the Holiday decorations on the 191st main page today and accidentally restored
the guestbook from November 11. Your original post is back now.
Please forgive the old guy moment... <GRIN>
Anyway, this old Boomerang wants to wish the best of the Holiday Season to
the family of the 191st. And, what a FAMILY it is!
God Bless,
Hi Guys,
Today at work I uploaded the holiday decorations on the main page. While I was doing that, I also uploaded a previous version of the guestbook inadvertently. My bad. Sorry, some entries were lost, and I didn't have backups for all of them. Unit members, Post again please.. Sorry
-- Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 22:06:13 (CST)
Happy Thanksgiving to all, I seem to remember a Thanksgiving segment on AFVN where Boomrangs/Bounty Hunters were interviewed and comments were made about
C-Ration turkey ?? Maybe Capt. Cherry ?? Any way Happy Thanksgiving again and especially to those serving away from home. Keep them in our prayers. Peace, Roger B.
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 11:55:48 (CST)
Greetings Boomerangs & Bounty Hunters: Hope this note finds all of you enjoying the holiday season. FYI John Cook, Jerry Kahn, and I had a mini-reunion in Washington DC when we attended the 4/39 Inf. grunt gathering. They were gracious hosts and we thoroughly enjoyed their festivities. Jerry and I met for several hours to coordinate writing the 191 story and map out a plan. We are now communicating frequently and moving forward. John Cook is still flying and 'fit as a fiddle'. Hackworth and crew send warm regards to all of you and extend their reunion invitation to all 191 vets - - their next gathering will be in (of all places) BRANSON - - one year earlier than ours - - they meet annually.
HELP NEEDED: "Eye witness" information regarding any 191 member KIA would be a premier gift to the 191 story. Those of you who can contribute to this effort, please get in contact with either Jerry Kahn or me.
Happy Thanksgiving to all - - may God bless you.
John Falcon, Boomerang 05 (68/69)
John D. Falcon <jfalcon@teamsmed.com>
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 14:54:56 (CST)
Ill never forget thanksgiving of 1967,coochee had been attacted all night long the night before. We were the gun team , captain Stack and I that escorted all the slicks and 9th infintry they could put together for reinrorcments. The slicks landed and ate turky dinner, captain Stack was gunghoo so we took off looking for trouble. Flying down a jungle road I saw my first gook standing in an ambush sight looking up at me.I asked Stack if there were any friendlys in the area,he said hell no why, oh I said we just ah gook with a weapon. I wont use the language but we turned by and by I had my first 9 confirmed kills. Ive always called it my thanksgiving turkyshoot.I ended up eating crats that day.Glad for the memories glad to be home. Hope yall have a pleasent thanksgiving with family an friends. Skip and Roberta
Ma&Pa Wa
Skip Waugh <robertawaugh@yahoo.com>
roy, ut USA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 12:09:38 (CST)
Thanks Bill! With my keyboarding skills it takes a lot of time punching these keys one by one!
I was smiling about Thanksgiving in '68. I had KP (poop! I was in the Army three years and had KP every Thanksgiving!). They did what they could to make it seem like home - only made us miss it more. The best thing was the other guys who had KP too, we made a game out of it! Also had a smile remembering Christmas day in '68. I was working the night shift and someone from the CO's office came and woke me up. "Morrison, Morrison, wake up! there's a PHONE CALL for you in the CO's office!" Huh? So I drag myself out of the sack and follow the guy to ther "orderly" room. The Major was there - "Morrison! There's a phone call for you!! Take it in my office! Want me to turn the AC off?" So I pick up the phone and hear some Navy operator in Hawaii telling me I've got a call from my mom! I couldn't hear her so he relayed the message - "she says 'merry Christmas'". I walk out of the office and they're all standing there - "Morrison who WAS that?" "Oh, just my mom wishing me a merry Christmas" The look on their faces was worth an R&R in Hong Kong! They must have thought my father was God or somebody huge at the pentagon! Little did they know my mom was just a telephone operator at the Fifth Naval District headquarters in Norfolk Virginia with top secret clearance! Since it was Christmas day she had the duty so more senior people could have the day off. HA! The officers all gave me a little leeway after that phone call! Except the night I left the torque multiplier on the rotor head (thank God for a WO's preflight!), but that's a story for another time!
Solidarity and Brotherhood!
Mike Morrison 191st June '68 - June '69
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 13:03:47 (CST)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mass this week for Ricardo Robert Tejano WO1-lamp burns this week in his memory-
Advent Prayer I:
First Week
Stir up thy power, O Lord, and come, that by thy protection we may be rescued from the dangers that beset us through our sins; and be a Redeemer to deliver us; Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 18:08:15 (CST)
May all the members of the 191st and their families,have a great holiday season-stay safe and frosty,till we meet again in Branson in 2006-------Jack
Jack E,Tiesing Sr
New Albany, IN USA - Wednesday, December 01, 2004 at 20:35:18 (CST)
Just want to take this time to wish everyone a very joyous holiday season before mine gets too hectic.I'm working on those stories I promised John, but probably need a little more time. Already clearing the calender for the 2006 reunion in Branson.
Dale Mikesell <dale.w.mikesell@delphi.com>
Hemlock, Mi USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 20:07:27 (CST)
Served with the Bounty Hunters from December 1968 to January 1970. Thanks for the web site. Its graet.
Irving Richards <Richardsfallbrk@AOL.com>
Fallbrook, Ca USA - Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 15:50:01 (CST)
May I wish you all a good and Holy Advent, and a most joyous Christmas from the Western Frontier!
Please be advised that the men are all still remembered every thursday, and the Sanctuary Lamp still burns in honour of them each week. This week (Advent III):Richard Larry Vines, SP5
A Christmas gift to all, and the best advice I have ever heard: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -
think about these things.
Phil 4:8 NIV
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 at 08:49:00 (CST)
Thank You Bill and all. I love this site, I've sent e-mail to some of you. Boomerang 20 Mar'68-Mar'69, Dave James.
Dave James <davejamesj@peoplepc.com>
East Lansing, Mi. USA - Sunday, December 12, 2004 at 14:16:48 (CST)
Thanks to my wife for finding you guys.
In memory of Robert Heinmiller who died on March 2,1969. As years go by most of the names and faces fade away. But not Robert, I only knew him for a month. He is engraved in my memory. We looked a lot alike and could almost pass for twin brothers, except he was better looking. Strange fate how we end up in places and meet people. Ironic, I was there on March 2. I left the building minutes before and was only a few hundred feet away when a rocket hit. God bless the families. We will always remember. I was a 19 year old sarcastic punk changed forever. Sorry I don't remember a lot of guys. Special Thanks to Owens & Smitty your training kept me alive. To our Sarge you took me under your wing and made me a good door gunner. My role model Dale Grebe you kept me gung ho. Thank you. Now still sarcastic at 55 with a wonderful wife of 34 years, 2 beautiful daughters, 2 beautiful grand children, and 4 dogs. I had a real job for awhile. I didn't work out great. My wife said I have a problem with authority or something. So we opened a couple of espresso bars by Camp Pendleton. Over the years many Marines, men and women worked for us. Mostly weekends for extra money. Young,reckless and alot of attitude. I remember those days. Thank You to a fine group of men & women. Educated, well trained and proud to serve. We are lucky to live in such a great Country. Carry on, it is a fun run.
P.S. Checked out some reunion photos, hope to go some time. But who are the old guys? Glad I still look like Rambo. Hold on.. I have to take my Lipitor. God bless & Merry Christmas to All... Irv Richards
Irving Richards <Richardsfallbrk@aol>
Fallbrook, Ca USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 at 15:18:29 (CST)
I would like to wish the very best in Christmas wishes to all the brothers and their families of the 191st. See you in Branson in 06.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 07:11:15 (CST)
LAKE ELSINORE, CA USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 12:44:47 (CST)
Wow, another year gone by, and Christmas is only a week away. I wanted to reflect on how great a treasure it is to me to have found so many Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters. We especially extend our best wishes to the families of those defending this country today. We pray for their safe return to their loved ones. -- Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 00:05:44 (CST)
Merry Christmas, warm thoughts of Christmas passed, present and of course the future.
Arturo Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Sunday, December 19, 2004 at 10:40:05 (CST)
A healthy and joyous holiday season to all Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters. Hope to see many of you at our 2006 reunion.
Boomerang 6.
Bud Patnode <bpatnode@aol.com>
Cottonwood Heights, UT USA - Sunday, December 19, 2004 at 16:11:37 (CST)
Me and Ma are buzzy making carmel corn for neighbors and friends,we have pleasent memories of ya'll and pray your Christmas will be full of childrens lafter and family all around. We cant wait for the next reunion to see even more of the old brotherhood and there familes. Don't forget to bring your golf clubs.Merry Christmas from Ma & Pa Waugh
ROY, UT USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 09:01:15 (CST)
A warm and happy Christmas to all of my brothers of the 191st and their families. God bless you and yours and I'll see you in Branson
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 12:21:41 (CST)
I served as XO of the 191st from Mar '70 to AUG '70. Have not kept in touch with anyone since Nam. My apologies. Had a rough time after returning to CONUS (marriage,etc). Currently retired and disabled. Would love to hear from anyone that served with me at Can Tho or any where else. Happy Year and God Bless all of you and other Veterans.
Fred Evors <evnet@verizon.net>
Bala Cynwyd, PA USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 13:18:49 (CST)
Hi Guys... Anybody remember a UH-1D with tail number 65-10105? This ship served with the 191st until December '68. It is currently being restored to flying status. The owner would like to mark it as it was in Vietnam.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, Tx USA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 21:33:29 (CST)
Great site Took me back to RVN and had great content.
Welcome home Brothers
Al Kemes aka Trapper <aarkemes@direcway.com>
Susquehanna, Pa USA - Sunday, January 02, 2005 at 20:47:51 (CST)
I hope all Boomerangs, Bounty Hunters and their familes had a wonder Christmas and New year celebration. Best wishes to all in 2005. Will see you in Branson in 2006.
Don Williams <CobraCaptain@earthlink.net>
Las Cruces, NM USA - Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at 00:49:23 (CST)
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Mike Horritz <Mike Horritz>
Boston, MA USA - Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 10:37:51 (CST)
all of the men were remembered at Mass today, the Feast of the Epiphany, as on all Thursdays. A hynmn for them:
For those we love within the veil,
who once were comrades on our way,
we thank thee, Lord; for they have won
the cloudless day;
And life for them is life indeed,
the splendid goal of earth's strait race;
and where no shadows intervene
they see thy face.
Not as we knew them any more,
toil-worn, and sad with burdened care:
erect, clear-eyed, upon their brows
thy Name they bear.
Free from the fret of mortal years,
and knowing now thy perfect will,
with quickened sense and heightened joy,
they serve thee still.
0 fuller, sweeter is that life,
and larger, ampler is the air:
eye cannot see nor heart conceive
the glory there;
Nor know to what high purpose thou
dost yet employ their ripened powers,
nor how at thy behest they touch
this life of ours.
There are no tears within their eyes;
with love they keep perpetual trust;
and praise and work and rest are one
with thee, 0 Christ.
Words: W. Charter Piggott, 1915
Music: Es ist kein Tag, Gaza
Meter: 88 84
Pacem et Bonum,
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 22:53:01 (CST)
Hi Heroes:
Last evening I sent an email to a great pilot and friend that I served witn in the 114th AHC in 1965. I had been planing to contact him for the last 5 years. Shit happens, and I failed to contact him. He was a great guy and kept a diary of his tours in Vietnam. He had written a book about his tour with the 114th and the preface was that he told it like it was. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He had pressured another pilot, Jim Gosnell, dedicated for contacting those that served with the 114th to join the Association. I was contacted and just never followed through. I meant to go to the last 2 reunions, but for whatever reason didn't attend. Last evening, I sent an order for his book (praying that I wasn't one of the uglies) and got a response that the Web sit was invalid. Luckily there was a telephone #. I called and his wife answered, amidst a lot of children's noise, and she informed me that Bailey Jones, an original pilot with the 114th Cobra Platoon, had passed away in Sept of this year from prostate cancer. I was stunned and heartbroken. Because of my lack of iniative, I missed speaking with one of the most honest, bravest men that I had ever had the pleasure serving with. I must admit that my tears have yet to stop. If you served with me, or with whomever, and you had any modicom of respect or feelings for anyone you shared this experience with, don't hesitate to contact them. Regardless if it was good, bad or ugly. I am bereft for the loss of oportunity to have spoken to W. Bailey Jones one more time. God bless
Fred Evors <evnet@verizon.net or evnet@comast.net>
Bala Cynwyd, Pa USA - Friday, January 07, 2005 at 19:32:24 (CST)
Hi Heroes:
Last evening I sent an email to a great pilot and friend that I served witn in the 114th AHC in 1965. I had been planing to contact him for the last 5 years. Shit happens, and I failed to contact him. He was a great guy and kept a diary of his tours in Vietnam. He had written a book about his tour with the 114th and the preface was that he told it like it was. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He had pressured another pilot, Jim Gosnell, dedicated for contacting those that served with the 114th to join the Association. I was contacted and just never followed through. I meant to go to the last 2 reunions, but for whatever reason didn't attend. Last evening, I sent an order for his book (praying that I wasn't one of the uglies) and got a response that the Web sit was invalid. Luckily there was a telephone #. I called and his wife answered, amidst a lot of children's noise,(Grands of course) and she informed me that Bailey Jones, an original pilot with the 114th Cobra Platoon, had passed away in Sept of this year from prostate cancer. I was stunned and heartbroken. Because of my lack of iniative, I missed speaking with one of the most honest, bravest men that I had ever had the pleasure serving with. I must admit that my tears have yet to stop. If you served with me, or with whomever, and you had any modicom of respect or feelings for anyone you shared this experience with, don't hesitate to contact them. Regardless if it was good, bad or ugly. I am bereft for the loss of oportunity to have spoken to W. Bailey Jones one more time. God bless
Fred Evors <evnet@verizon.net>
Bala Cynwyd, PA USA - Friday, January 07, 2005 at 20:29:51 (CST)
Hello guys! I was with the Greyhounds and the 240th, better known as Mad Dogs. 1968-1969...Our company commander was Major Hoffman. Im looking for anyone who knows what happpened to Joseph Zappa, he was a gunner. Also, if anyone is looking for captain Watts, hes here in NYC, and weve been friends for 37 years. That's saying something. I am happily married with 2 chilren(and no girlfriends) and have a buissness in Brooklyn, NY, where I opperate 170 yellow taxi cabs.
Please call me at (718)222-4040.
Yours truly,
Malcolm (Max) Rattner
Malcolm Rattner <cwsusan@aol.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, January 09, 2005 at 11:50:18 (CST)
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Hi folks. There seems to be a problem with the guestbook, but I have
recognized that and am working on it... Hope to have it all working again
by Friday..
Best to all,
Deleted Junk
Hmmm... Well Clearly the guestbook works once more.... If I have to delete
the daily junk from this guestbook, life is good again....
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA -
My wife went to an Art Opening at a local university. The next day I saw a small wooden block shaped like a house. On the bottom of the block was this URL http://becauseweforget.net/
August Kraemer <akraemer3@charter.net>
Riverside, CA USA -
I had the privilege of meeting with Tim Petric, John Petric's younger brother, last week. You all would like him. He is truly one of our brothers. I have also contacted their sister via email. The Petric family asks if anyone has photos of Major John that they could share. If you can help, please contact me.
Bill Faucett <BFaucett22@juno.com>
Hartville, OH USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 at 15:49:49 (CST)
Dear Heroes:
I salute you all for your service to our country and for all your prayers for your fallen brothers. Our families are all blessed to know the love of God is in your hearts as you remember all your brothers.
My prayers and ultimate respect.
Tim Petric, brother of John A. Petric
Tim Petric <hillcrest@sssnet.com>
Stow, OH USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 at 21:08:04 (CST)
Requesting information to document my involvement in a mid-air while ,working as a door gunner on white flight out of Dong Tam, my Piolet flew us into the main rotor of the chok 1 of the first flight as we made our approch to pick up the 9th Infantry Divisions troops Were choc # 2 Position
They were set up backwards from what information the flight was given
so ckoc one turned under us as we were coming in trail
Our Skids hit, # one's main rotor,our piolet pulled up sticking our tail into the main rotor and trimed our tail Off infront of the sink elevators
We did a few thigs crooked then but at one instance the chopper stalled and slamed into the ground hard on The right skid
I do remember Murphy was in chock one as crew chieff, and
Wilson I'm thinking was my Crew chieff
Like I said I am trying to get a claim in on this
I need some help getting it documented
I would appreciate any help I can Muster
Thanks for being here Dan Morin rafterm48@midrivers.com
Dan Morin <rafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 at 13:28:42 (CST)
I was involved in this midair collision as well. I was the crewchief in Choc 1, and my pilot that day was W02 Mann. I believe the AC in Dannie's chopper that day was 1LT/CPT Rudd and they were flying in the Choc 2 position. The bird I was in didn't hit near as hard as the other bird when it came down though, and I know we were all lucky just to walk away beat up some. The Stinger number on my bird was xx278 and Dannie's bird was xx696 if I recall correctly if there is an accident report in the unit files it would help document his case if anyone knows the whereabouts of those type of documents. I'd be glad to provide a sworn statement about the incident and the maginitude of it also. Thanks Maurice
maurice wilson <asahel49@hotmail.com>
prineville, oregon USA - Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 11:22:19 (CST)
Paul Mann was AC with Jack Hubrik as CP in #1. Ray Cunneen (deceased in 78) was AC with Tom Rathge as CP. I was AC in #4 and will prepared a letter in support of your claim, Dan.
Paul Zawick <zapzpaz@yahoo.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 22:22:10 (CST)
I have a couple pictures of that midair. Unfortunately, I can’t share them because I haven’t figured a way to download them my brain to a computer. As a replacement, I will try to describe in fewer than a thousand words. The first was taken looking up through the greenhouse of the left seat in the lead aircraft. Notice how large and close the skids are? That’s chalk/chock two or three depending on how you count. He used to be to my left rear in staggered left formation. This didn’t seem to be the proper time to check for loose rivets so I’ll just slap the collective down (maybe I shouldn’t have touched the controls but it would have been hard to resist) and we’ll move on to the second picture. This shot is taken through the chin bubble. Those are the fine men of the 9th Infantry. I don’t know how long they have been out here or what obstacles they have clambered through in the performance of their duties but they were patiently waiting for us to arrive and give them a lift to their next destination. Now they are scrambling for safety, for disaster looms above them, some of them not even taking the time to drop their equipment. See how they scatter in various directions?
Time has had an effect on memory so I rely on pictures and documentation to fill in some blanks. The accident summary I have just seen, apparently an official record, List me in aircraft #696 with Cunnen, McNeil, and Morin. It also states #696 is chalk three. This document or investigation must be flawed because there is no way I will be convinced I wasn’t in the left seat of lead aircraft – I have the pictures to prove it.
Before I get parked in some permanent revetment, I guess I’ll have to write it down – my recollections of that event.
Tom Rathge <prago98@yahoo.com>
Defiance, Oh USA - Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 09:52:25 (CST)
Midair injuries - regardless of the accident summary stating none, I recall chalk three crewman recieving a nasty injury as a result of the seat belt restraining him as the aircraft suddenly stopped spinning on impact/landing.
Tom Rathge <prago98@yahoo.com>
Defiance, Oh USA - Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 10:04:20 (CST)
Thanks for the correction's
I landed hard nailing a metal ring that secured my seat or set belt,(didn't have the time or inclination at the time to give it a look) with my tail bone. I bailed out and started laying down a base off fire, Instant Reaction being dazed and in pain.
Shortly some fine pearson jarred me back into focus by breaking my ammo belt and Hollering" come on Dan WE got to get out of here."
I do rember next being woke up at my bunk being told how long I had laid there and was told to go to sick call.
Being short handed I was not alloud that consideration.
I wish now I had went to sick call when we got back to Dong Tam instead of my bunk.
Then possably the records would be correct.
I know my trust in my Platoon Sargent went away and remeber drinking moor to kill pain. my Pride and anger and the OLD GranDad I drank built a resistance for the pain .
Hiding pain was a way of life I new as kid. To day referred to as Cowboy Up.
I for one know I went throgh a bunch of gurdian angels so far
and feel fortunate to be here.
My gift is that you guys are here to be able to relate too.
In a world full of uncaring , unknowing ,Greedy People that think they run things now. And By Golly They really Do...
So I thank you all kindly for giving me your Time.
Daniel B Morin <rafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Sunday, February 06, 2005 at 14:36:17 (CST)
Thanks for the correction's
I landed hard nailing a metal ring that secured my seat or set belt,(didn't have the time or inclination at the time to give it a look) with my tail bone. I bailed out and started laying down a base off fire, Instant Reaction being dazed and in pain.
Shortly some fine pearson jarred me back into focus by breaking my ammo belt and Hollering" come on Dan WE got to get out of here."
I do rember next being woke up at my bunk being told how long I had laid there and was told to go to sick call.
Being short handed I was not alloud that consideration.
I wish now I had went to sick call when we got back to Dong Tam instead of my bunk.
Then possably the records would be correct.
I know my trust in my Platoon Sargent went away and remeber drinking moor to kill pain. my Pride and anger and the OLD GranDad I drank built a resistance for the pain .
Hiding pain was a way of life I new as kid. To day referred to as Cowboy Up.
I for one know I went throgh a bunch of gurdian angels so far
and feel fortunate to be here.
My gift is that you guys are here to be able to relate too.
In a world full of uncaring , unknowing ,Greedy People that think they run things now. And By Golly They really Do...
So I thank you all kindly for giving me your Time.
Daniel B Morin <rafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Sunday, February 06, 2005 at 14:36:27 (CST)
Yo, Daniel, Tom, & Maurice. You didn't state in your comments when the mid-air occured. I was powertrain repair and have some photos of damaged UH-iD's & and at least one UH-1C. In any case, those of us who were in support on the base salute those of you who were in the air.
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, Maine USA - Monday, February 07, 2005 at 12:35:47 (CST)
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Chris Patterson <Chris Patterson>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, February 07, 2005 at 23:15:17 (CST)
Some of the details of the accident may be incorrect in my mind because of time. However, the one thing I do remember is Dannie's bird #696 was spinning around very hard and hit the ground extremely hard also. Although I was in the other aircraft I can remember being glad I wasn't riding his bird down because it hurt me just watching it hit the ground. The official accident report sounds doctored up/politically correct to me. He has a ligitimate claim with the VA and I for one will do everything I can to insure he gets it approved. I salute all of you fellow 191st Vets as well regardless if you were on flight status or not, you guys were a great team to serve with, and I'm proud to have been a part of it. Welcome home men. Thanks Maurice
maurice wilson <asahel49@hotmail.com>
Prineville, OR USA - Wednesday, February 09, 2005 at 10:06:17 (CST)
Served with 191st from Ft.Bragg to Bearcat RVN to Aug.1967
Was the first Boomerang 27.
Frank Strickland <strickland@meredith.edu>
Oxford, NC USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 12:10:39 (CST)
I was with the 191st from Dec 1970-Nov 1971. I was Wingnut 6 for most of that time.
Rick Korn <RKORN1@msn.com>
Columbus, OH USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 16:49:47 (CST)
I heard about a movie called In The Shadow of the Blade
It is currently showing on the military channel Discovery Wings Channel Feb. 10 and 11th
August Kraemer <akraemer3@charter.net>
Riverside, CA USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 23:35:03 (CST)
was in 191 in 1971/72 in Can Tho
Tomas Cantu <mexcantus@yahoo.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 02:01:11 (CST)
was in 191 in 1971/72 in Can Tho {Boomerang}
Tomas Cantu <mexcantus@yahoo.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 02:11:23 (CST)
For all you new guys signing in, welcome to the site and seriously consider making a reunion with us. I assure you that it will be something that you won't soon forget.
Harrell Guidry
Groves , Tx USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 06:46:32 (CST)
Mike Morrison, please don't sell yourself and the rest of the support group short. Believe me if it weren't for the long hours and hard work you guys put in helping keep our ships in the air, doing our hundred hour inspections, helping with our tewnty-five hour intermediate inspections, patching up our combat damage and answering the stupid questions that we crew chiefs asked, there is no way we could have kept flying. Let me reverse your statement by saluting you and all of the guys that worked so hard to keep us flying.
Welcome my friend and I hope to see you and other support group members at our next reunion. Bill Flores
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 12:54:09 (CST)
Mike Morrison, please don't sell yourself and the rest of the support group short. Believe me if it weren't for the long hours and hard work you guys put in helping keep our ships in the air, doing our hundred hour inspections, helping with our tewnty-five hour intermediate inspections, patching up our combat damage and answering the stupid questions that we crew chiefs asked, there is no way we could have kept flying. Let me reverse your statement by saluting you and all of the guys that worked so hard to keep us flying.
Welcome home my friend and I hope to see you and other support group members at our next reunion. Bill Flores
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 at 13:14:23 (CST)
I'd like to reiterate August Kraemer's Feb. 10th message about the Military Channel's presentation of a two-part program titled "In The Shadow Of The Blade". It's a present-day documentary with very little vintage file footage. So far, it's been televised on Feb. 10, 11, and 14. I'm assuming it will be shown at other times during the month. It's quite interesting and emotional.
Terry Wilund (Boomerang 28 Mar68-Oct 68) <twilund@jcn1.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 01:03:59 (CST)
Just a short Thank You to Father Ken for keeping us and our departed brothers in his prayers. It means much to us, Father Ken.
Paul Zawicki <zapzpaz@yahoo.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 00:38:03 (CST)
Just a short Thank You to Father Ken for keeping us and our departed brothers in his prayers. It means much to us, Father Ken.
Paul Zawicki <zapzpaz@yahoo.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 00:38:29 (CST)
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Christina Turlington <Christina Turlington>
Reno, Nevada USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 at 01:46:59 (CST)
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Viagra <admin@the-ciagra-rx.com>
USA, USA USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 at 04:55:48 (CST)
I haven't posted in some time, because I really didn't want to load the Guest Book up with my entries. Other people have important things to say as well. I have also been very busy with new duties as Diocesan Chancellor (I couldn't SPELL it four months ago. Now I ARE one!) and in working for unity among orthodox Christians of all types. I want you all to know, however, that all the men are still remembered every Thursday morning at 0630 (sometimes an hour later) and that the candles we lit (or TRIED to light) in Tulsa still burn, one a week, for the men who gave all. This week we remembered Glenn Robert Lawfield, SP4. The men are all remembered and one of the candles burned every week, in order, from the Honor Page. When I come to the end, I simply start again. I do wish you all a good and Holy Lent. The Collect (prayer) for today, the Second Friday in Lent is: "Almighty God, who seest that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls; the we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen" God bless you all.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:38:16 (CST)
with special recognition to Alan Maw from this division
Dale Jolicoeur <djolico@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, Fl USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 08:59:15 (CST)
Around 12:30 am tonite will be the 36th Anniversary of the tragic loss of 6 of our Brothers when the Operations Office was hit during a "Red Alert" on March 2 1969. May we keep in our prayers, CO John Petric, Carl Radtke, Dennis Coker, Robert Heinmiller,Carl Douglas and George Lovellette. The memory of this tragic nite is permanently etched in my memory! Lets also keep in mind and Prayers our Sons in Harms Way tonite. God Bless The USA!!
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Tuesday, March 01, 2005 at 18:30:39 (CST)
I rember that night well. We were sleeping in our quarters when the first incoming rounds hit near the company area. As usual we waited in the darkness to "hear" if the next one would come any closer. When schrapnel showered the roof we all bolted for the bunker! Little did we know at the moment that six of our brothers had bought the farm. Reading the message above brought it all right back as if it happened yesterday. Growing up my dad always used to watch the WW II TV documentaries with a far away look on his face (he was a Navy Vet). Thinking about that night in Nam I suddenly realize - my God, I'm just like him. Remembering things that only a select few could ever relate to. He never had a community of brothers that could communicate like this -instantly through cyber space. I'll be thinking of you all this night - maybe light a candle and a stick of incense - and remember those guys who never made it back to the world. When that round came through the roof I had 90 days and a wake up - a time I thought would never happen - all those years ago. Amen.
Mike M
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 12:33:36 (CST)
Well after posting my last message, I now have another reason to remember March 2nd. My newest Grandaughter was born at 8am this morning. My wife of 35 years and I were there to see her born. The miracle of Life is just amazing!
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 14:59:51 (CST)
just wondering if anyone remembers my ship "072" it was the only bird that was Cammo till they blew the tail boom off her one night in Dong Tam. Bounty Hunter crew chief 1/18/69-1/18/70.
Robin Murphy <rbnlrn@aol.com>
Farmington, Mi USA - Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 19:24:18 (CST)
I was wondering if anyones remembers my ship"072", the only cammo bird in the flight. At least till they blew the tail boom off one night at Dong Tam and we flew it with the primer green . Bounty Hunter crew chief 1/18/69-1/18/70.
Robin Murphy <RBNLRN@aol.com>
Farmington, mi USA - Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 19:32:37 (CST)
Yes, I remember 072. I have a hundred hours or so in her as Peter Pilot then AC. I was Bounty hunter 6 and arrivred at the 191st on 3 March 69, Dong Tam.
Ken Carlton... AC's were Hamilton. Aayla(SP) Embrey, PP's Kennedy me and Lisfsy
I made a DVD last year about firefighting with helicopters (Bell 212) a Huey H model with and extra engine. For any Bountyhunters or Boomerangs its free, send me your snail mail address and info about when you served in the 191st. I'm still Flying Huey's during fire season
Ken Carlton <rimrock@infowest.com>
St George, UT USA - Saturday, March 05, 2005 at 19:50:38 (CST)
Hi, I'm going to be out of the country for a few weeks. So I will discontinue the free DVD offer, for the 15 folks that took me up on the free DVD, let me know how you liked it.
Ken Carlton <rimrock@infowest.com>
St George, UT USA - Wednesday, March 09, 2005 at 21:58:15 (CST)
been off line for afew years.just got back in service 2-22-05.saw an old buddy tried to e-mail him came back as daemon e-mail e-mail(hop@fiam.net)does any one know how i can get in touch with him.was in dong tam&can tho 69-71 1st.flght.bird 998.from oct. 69to may 70 crewcheif/gunner.tried to make it to reun. in louisville had medical problems.couldn't make it.been off line so no contact with flight operations.keep your skids 0ut of the trees and welcome home one&all of the 191AHC.
james wheeler <jim998w@aol.com>
auburn, ga. USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 14:40:19 (CST)
Cool website. will recommend it to my friends.
Gregor <aswertas@hotmail.com>
LA, CA Canada - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 23:51:15 (CST)
Looking for info on James Mott of Manchester, Conn
jack hughes <jkhughes85@earthlink.net >
USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 at 21:45:34 (CST)
Dear Brothers, It is early on Good Friday morning, and I want you all to know
that the men of the 191st., most especially The Forty-Six, were remembered on
Holy Thursday and shall be remembered again at the Mass of the Resurrection on
Sunday. I thought during this Holy Season that you might find the following
meaningful, though St. Therese’s Feast Day is in October. And I wish all of you
and yours a happy and Holy Easter Season. Fr. Ken Strawhand Prayer for Aviators,
to St. Therese the Little Flower (Patron Saint of Aviators, Feast Day, October
3rd) O St. Therese , Little Flower of Jesus, named by the Church as the
Patroness of Aviators, pray for us. You have said "I will spend my heaven in
doing good on earth and after death I will let fall a shower of roses." These
roses, as so many favors for they clients, you waft through the skies to descend
gently upon those devoted to thee. From thy bright throne in heaven, turn your
eyes kindly towards us, that we, who fly like birds through God's firmament, may
ever enjoy your intercession and secure the graces we yearn for so ardently to
strengthen us in life, defend us at the hour of death and lead us to a happy
eternity. Amen. (Devotions Under the Flag: A Prayer Book for Catholic Men in
Every Branch of Service , 1941.) The Peacemaker Alfred Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)
Upon his will he binds a radiant chain, For Freedom's sake he is no longer free.
It is his task, the slave of Liberty , With his own blood to wipe away a stain.
That pain may cease, he yields his flesh to pain. To banish war, he must a
warrior be. He dwells in Night, eternal Dawn to see, And gladly dies, abundant
life to gain. What matters Death, if Freedom be not dead? No flags are fair, if
Freedom's flag be furled. Who fights for Freedom, goes with joyful tread To meet
the fires of Hell against him hurled, And has for captain Him whose
thorn-wreathed head Smiles from the Cross upon a conquered world. Volume One:
Memoir and Poems (1918), p. 108. Sgt. Kilmer, well- known Catholic poet, was
killed in action in France , July 30, 1918. "The Peacemaker" was the last poem
he penned, June 14, 1918.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@frontiernet.net>
Irondequoit, NY USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 at 06:47:00 (CST)
Looks like the guestbook has been broken since I deleted the last SPAM. Should be fixed now.
Best to all -- Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, April 08, 2005 at 22:56:24 (CDT)
SPAM deleted..
I finally hooked up with the Vietnam unit website that Dewey Fambry has ties to, the "Boomerangs". I know Dewey through the 3rd/5th Cavalry Black Knights. He has maintained our List of Fallen Brothers. I've looked around a bit here and this is a very nice site. Cudos to those who created it and maintain it. I've gotten some ideas for the Black Knights website that I think I'll pass on to the webteam. No copyright infringements of course, just ideas to think about. Dewey is a fine man who does so much for the Black Knights, always keeping a cool and calm, level headed demeanor that probably kept him alive during his two tours in Vietnam. I was there the same time he was on his second tour, up in I Corps by the DMZ and it sure was no picnic. Best regards to all Boomerangs and their families. Keep the memory of our fallen brothers alive in your hearts, lest we forget.
Doug Hallas <blackknight3-5cavr@sbcglobal.net>
Carson City, NV USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 08:48:21 (CDT)
Glory to God and his dear Son Jesus Christ,
the great Revival is coming.
What is a revival? How does a revival rise?
The Body of Christ, the most valuable that
exists on the earth
God's Law and God's Gospel
Allan Svensson <allan-sv@algonet.se>
Sweden - Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 11:53:08 (CDT)
Does anyone know where I can get a 191st assault "Boomerang" patch for my Reunion party jacket.My dad was James John Shereck.He flew with the "BOOMERANGS" 67-68 out of Phu-Loi.
Thank You
Tony Shereck
Tony Shereck <bercher@bresnan.net>
Grand Junction, CO USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 21:38:50 (CDT)
I thought I'd thank you for the recent photos of the 191'st at Can Tho.I was there from May 1970 to June 1971. Seeing those young men made me realize how really young we all were. Here I am 34 years later, feeling my age, and ready to retire from the Massachusetts State Police. By the way, I have a few pictures of my experience there flying for the VIP if anyone is interested.
Dick Poore <dp1743@comcast.net>
Stoughton, MA USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 19:42:05 (CDT)
Tons of spam deleted here.
SPAM on this Guestbook is going to be deleted. So why post it? Posting junk here is a waste of your time and mine.
Webmaster <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 23:15:52 (CDT)
Just checking the guest list after a vacation to "Never Never Land", (Key West). Wanted to let those interested that Ken Carlton's DVD is top rate! With a score that rocks! It took me a lot of years before I could get back into a helicopter. I was working for a cross country ski area and we were looking over the back country for possible new trail locations. I closed the door and looked down and flashed back on rice paddys and wondered where the chicken plate was. Not good to live in the past, but it sure don't take much to bring it right back!
Here's an idea. I'm sure you all remember watching WW II movies growing up - I sure do, my old man was a Navy Vet. Might be an interesting dialog to get going on how "our" war has been depicted on screen. I have my favorites, and some I think are pure "BS". What do you think?
Mike Morrison, '68 - '69
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Saturday, April 23, 2005 at 10:17:49 (CDT)
Was a Bounty Hunter Plt.sgt from Feb 1968 to Aug. 1968.Worked with Maj R. Stack. Just found your web sight.You did a great job Bill. Looking to see when the next reunion is.Looking for Maj R. Stack and Sgt Gunning. Would like to hear from anyone who remember me.I'm not much good on remembering names.Best days ahead for all of you
RET SGT WALLS <snooks990@hotmail.com>
Williamsburg, Va USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 11:43:15 (CDT)
Was TDY at DongTam in 68. After the building of Dong Tam became a crewchied for the Boomerangs. Went to Can Tho in 69 as a Bounty hunter. Was shot in 11-69 flying over the Pain of Reeds. Best to all my fellow brothers.
Ray Coronado <raysr@sbcglobal.net>
Palmdale, CA USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 19:17:45 (CDT)
was reading the unit operations page on your site, and wanted to say "Thanks" for the write up on the "Infant" unit. I was a crewchief/gunner on Infant 179, durning 70-71. We flew support for the 191st on night missions out of Can-Tho. I don't remember any names, but I do remember learning how to rig an ammo box to go bang when you kick it out the door, along with a few other tricks from other crews in the 191st. Had some good times there, and some real close calls. Just wanted to say "HEY", sites lookin good !!! LeRoy Barton CE RVN oct 70 -apr 72 Infant 179 tours--- Phu-Loi Infant Nett Det. hhc 11th CAB, Di-An 187thahc "Crusaders", Ben-Hoa 120thahc "Deans".
LeRoy Barton <lbarton13@cox.net>
winfield, ks USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 20:34:07 (CDT)
Was a boomerang gunner in Can Tho in 69 doing combat assaults before moving down to Soc Trang with the 336th AHC.Great to see the pics on your site of that time.
Frank Mitchell <frmetals@aol.com>
Bensalem, Pa USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 07:34:03 (CDT)
I was with the 191st in 1971. I was Boomerang 16 flying #807 with a great Crew Chief, SP4 Mead. Later I was Delta 6's AC in his UH1 C&C and AH-1G Cobra. I would like to hear from anyone I served with or any members of the 191st family.
Boomerang 16 <highnoond15@hotmail.com>
USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 12:54:50 (CDT)
Pics taken by me at Omaha Beach in Normandy, and the Cemetery above the beach
on our trip to France. Best to All -- Bill Janes

Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 01:46:50 (CDT)
Awesome pics Bill. I would have gotten chills just being there and knowing what happened on that beach.
Harrell Guidry
Groves , Tx USA - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 06:36:54 (CDT)
nice site.sepu nu aka umunne
nwaaba <aba@imo.com>
aba, imo USA - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 19:30:03 (CDT)
To all the lady Boomerangs who are Mothers May 8th is your day and may it be a happy and healthy day for you and your family and may it continue on untill the next one, and that every one will meet in Branson in 06
Dewey Fambry <wolf380@swbell.net>
The Colony , TX USA - Wednesday, May 04, 2005 at 14:42:29 (CDT)
Anyone rated 10% for tinnitus before July 03, a ruling has been made that VA can not rate both ears together. They have to be rated separately meaning a 20% disability now. It should be automatic, but talk to your VA rep just in case. There is not an answer to the question, is it retroactive? Just have to wait and see.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Sunday, May 08, 2005 at 07:27:11 (CDT)
A great site. Being ex Army myself ( NZ Infantry and the French Foreign Legion.)It's always good to visit quality sites. This is one of them. Keep up the good work.
Tashi Messervy <legionaire61@yahoo.com.au>
Perth, WA Australia - Monday, May 09, 2005 at 08:53:43 (CDT)
Thanks to Harrell Guidry for clueing us in on the Tinnitus ruling. I submitted a request to have my 10% increased to 20% as of the date of my original request back in 1996. Will keep you posted on the outcome.
Dick Calton <CaltonSanDiego@juno.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Monday, May 09, 2005 at 18:28:48 (CDT)
I just heard that Col. David Hackworth died. He was 74 and died of Pancreatic Cancer. RIP Colonel...A lot of us Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters wouldn't be here today with out your field leadership...there were very few WIA or KIA's when working with his unit because he let us fight the war like it should have been.
Shoot first, fast and a lot...when in doubt...shoot some more..."Full supppresion Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters hit the nipapalm on the right". "Thats a lick on them"
Ken Carlton <rimrock@infowest.com>
St. George, UT USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 14:13:59 (CDT)
I'd like to know the name of the tall blonde Capt. that I used to sing with in the O-Club and 191st barracks. He played a guitar and was around between 11/69 - 11/70. OB
Denny O'Brien Copperhead 31 <chead31@comcast.net>
Dewitt, Mi USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 14:47:24 (CDT)
Webmaster Note:
Just so you know. There has been a lot of
SPAM posted on this guestbook lately, and most of it comes from IP address
This IP address is owned by ATRIVO TECHNOLOGIES,
and I have notified them of the problem. I have advised them that
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of their subscribers.
This Webmaster has no patience with spammers on
this Guestbook, and since I am tired of deleting this junk, I am seeking to
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i would like 2 say is that i watch dog the bounty hunters show everytime it comes on. I would be glade to meet he whole gang.I would love 2 be on one show and try out to be a bounty hunter. I think the show is awsome. please dog write me back. God bless all of you. Tanya Smallwood
tanya smallwood <squeaker_gurl@yahoo.com>
lynchburg, va USA - Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 15:55:24 (CDT)
Bounty Hunter Show?
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 at 22:10:50 (CDT)
Bill, this person is talking about a T.V. show called Dog the Bounty hunter. It's a show about a real Bounty Hunter named Dog and his adventures chasing bail jumpers. Personally, I think it sucks. When I first read that message, I also had a question mark over my head. Obviously this person is a little confused.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 17:20:47 (CDT)
Jane Fonda had the right of freedom of speech.
We have the right to BOYCOTT her movies.
Let's do it!!!!! Boycott "Monster-in-law"!
Joe Roberts <roosterroberts@earthlink.net>
USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 19:55:36 (CDT)
As you all know, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered weekly for one of the men of the 191st., unless there is a Parish member that requests that Mass. Also, I am still burning the candles that we used in Tulsa. This week, the candle is in memory of Jaime Restropo, SFC, 4 November 1970. For those that don't know, these candles burn seven days, and I light them each and every Sunday at about 0600.
I metion this only because this Sunday if the Feast of the Holy Trinity, and I shall be finally installed as Pastor. of St. casimir Parish. Also, three of my younger children were baptized on Trinity Sunday by Canon Ellsworth Stone at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, many (too many) years ago. Trinity Sunday, then, is a very emotional day, not only for me, but for my wife Patricia. I just wanted any of Sgt. Restrepo's family to know that he will be carried in my heart to the Altar of God this Sunday, as will the rest of the 46, and you all that are always with me. Like it or not.
I wrote a simple prayer for this day: "Almighty God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us the peace of Christ in our time. Deliver us O God, from all falsehood and deception, and make us once again Thy holy people, united in the bond of this holy peace and love, purchased by the blood of Thy own dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end, AMEN."
Love ya'll, and I do hope to see you in Branson-
Fr. Ken Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 08:10:14 (CDT)
I am not a vet but a woman who misses one dearly. His name is Virgil Whitaker and he was 117th Gunner with 2 tours, `68 and `69. I'm looking for anyone who knew him or knew of him. He died 3/12/92. Please help me. I miss him daily. I have also wrote an email to many of the addresses listed on this site trying to find someone who knew him. My email explains much more than this and anyone can feel free to post it. I thank all of you for the horrors you lived and wish it never happened. I'd still have Virgil in my life then. Please help me.
Christy Thomas <ThmsChris@aol.com>
Ludlow, KY USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 10:54:50 (CDT)
I am very good friends with "Dutch" Schmidt. I believe he was a CO in the Boomerangs. If any one knows him or wants to get in touch with him, please email me. He has some great stories!
Mitch King <epkings@elp.rr.com>
El Paso, TX USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 19:23:35 (CDT)
Just a quick note to say hi to my new found(long lost) friends from the Tulsa re-union and say that, though It means I'll be a year older and closer to my maker,I am so looking forward to Branson and, hopefully, a large addition to the "roster". Best to all you warriors and defenders of justice & peace as we understand it to be. Kevin
Kevin Kenney <popsk2003@yah00.com>
Arlington, Ma USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 10:21:21 (CDT)
Memorialday is a day for remembering past on family and friends, Roberta and I want to wish ya'll wounderful memories and many more to come. Be safe this summer season and we look forward to our next reunion sept of nextyear.Sgt Walls email me I got plenty of storys about you!Lt col Stack was alive and well last time I talked to Floyd Davis, over and out.
skip waugh <robertawaugh@yahoo.com>
roy, utah USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 15:30:29 (CDT)
Looking for anyone with the 9th Avaition Battalion. I served with the unit Jan 68 - Dec 68.
817-475-6529 or 817-246-1264
Edward H. Lopez
Ft. Worth, TX USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 02:23:05 (CDT)
Memorial Day, 0905, and I am getting stuff together to go out and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at our Parish Cemetery at 1000. I shall remeber the 46, and I wish that you could all be here.
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 08:07:48 (CDT)
Mass said for the 46 and another fifty so from WWII, time is 1150-
At St. Caimir's Cemetery-one Coco Nowaki, WWII vet, in UNIFORM, me, and a little lady named Emily (in her 80's) and her kids.
We read all the names, and you won't believe this, but have my word as a priest-when we finished Mass, and were standing at the grave of a guy named Franz (23 years a submariner, Cheif Petty Officer, as Coco tells me , he was buried in his uniform with gold braid) two F-18's flew over, raisn' all sorts of hell, filppin' and poppin' and just havin' one good ole' time. Barrel rolls, me Brothers, and engines screamin'!
No air show (that will be in two weeks) no reason for them to be there that I can determine. F-18s, honest to God, F-18s!
The men were remebered, I promise you.
It was a beautiful day, and one of the best Masses I have ever said.
Rest Eternal grant unto them, O Lord,
and may Light Perpetual Shine upon them.
Pachem et Bonum,
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 10:47:03 (CDT)
A happy Memorial Day to my 191AHC family. I think of you all often and I am looking forward to reuniting with you again in 2006. In the meantime you will all be in my prayers. Lots of love, Diana
Diana Kidd Foran <dianaforan@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Forest, Il USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 10:59:07 (CDT)
I served with Recon 2/60th Tan Tru 68-69. Returned to Viet Nam 71-72 SOF Nha Trang. Retired 1991 as CW4 Aviation branch. I would like to know if our old Tiger Scout Houm, or Duc are still alive and living in Long An province.
Kevin Tendall USA RET <ktendall@comcast.net>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 03:21:28 (CDT)
Hello 191st. Boomerang 6 (2 March 1969 thru Can Tho move) checking in. Alive and well, though getting a little long in tooth. Friend of mine, Mitch King, a border patrol Helicopter pilot, told me about the web site. Do you have a historian? I have a copy of the unit history dated 30 June 69 and a company roster dated, Aug 69. I live in El Paso, TX and saw Dave Hackworth when he came to Barnes and Noble to promote his book ("Steel my Soldiers' Hearts"). I'll be in touch. Dutch
Erwin A. Schmidt <dutch_fusequick@earthlink.net>
El Paso, TX USA - Sunday, June 12, 2005 at 18:35:07 (CDT)
Hi guys, Long time since I posted ... back when I was going to the reunion in St Louis 2001 ... backed out 2 months before. Fortunate as it happens as we (my wife and I) were to fly out the day the Towers came down, our scheduled flight never got off the ground. I am going to make every effort to meet most of you guys at Branson, especially the guy who saved my life ... your Web master Mr Bill Janes ... besides, he said he would buy me my first beer in Branson, definitely an offer I shouldn't refuse. I was in Tech Supply 11/68 to 5/69 so some of you might remember me, my OIC was Mr Patton. If you do please, drop me a line. My memory is not so good as with a few others but, I do remember March 2, as I was having coffee in the Mess with George Lovellette 20 minutes before be bought it. I can see it as plain as day but can't see his face ... does that make sense? But then I can't see a lot of faces; maybe, I guess because I didn't want to for some 30 odd years. Enough. Hope to have a beer in Branson, long trip but it will be worth it if I can make it. Stan
Stan Allen (The Limey) <theallens1@optusnet.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Friday, June 17, 2005 at 19:50:55 (CDT)
I would like to hear from any Boomerangs that served in '71 & '72 @ Can Tho. If anyone knows anything about Cpt Jim Smothermom, SP4 Mead or Cpt David Knowlton please contact me with information.
Boomerang 16 (Marv Tucker) <highnoond15@hotmail.com>
USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 at 11:54:45 (CDT)
Hello all Boomerangs & Bounty Hunters! Happy (?) Fathers Day to those who are, and Happy Day to our (F)father Ken. Just spent time with my oldest daughter (reunited after far too long) and two grand kids. I was reflecting on all the young men from our unit who never got the chance. Been a long time since Dong Tam. What a long strange trip it's been! Hope to see you all in Branson. Mike 6/68 - 6/69
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 at 13:41:00 (CDT)
Hey Bill what's all of this about too much spam being posted. I can still get it for about a buck a can and love it fried with a little mustard on whole wheat. I think we still have a spam season here in Alabama and you can hunt them without a license. Anyway, a happy fourth to all of my brothers in the 191st.
Harold Stitt (Boomerang 17) <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 at 17:34:36 (CDT)
Greetings Boomerangs & Bounty Hunters: Quick sitrep on progress of the 191st manuscript - - have approximately 50 - 70 "Bios" & submissions - - approximately 10,000 words in working draft - - expect to have 30,000 by year end - - shooting for approx 130,000 words - - quality of information has been excellent - - because of copyright protection - - access is limited to the "FOREWORD" entered above on this web site. The edit committee (six individuals who collectively served from 67-71) are working hard to create a book that reflects the pride we all share in serving with the 191st. The project task force is working well - - among us exists an outstanding editor - - when done - - you will like the outcome - - you have a hell of a story to tell - - you'll see. For those who have not yet submitted your "BIO" - - there is plenty of time - - get er done - - you earned a place in this story - - matters not what you did - - if you served with the 191st - - your children and grandchildren deserve to read about how you served your country.
Warmest regards to all,
John Falcon, Boomerang 5 (68-69)
PS: Of the 45 brothers we lost in combat - - I only have details on about half - - it would be fitting to expend all efforts to properly recognize these brave souls in our story - - if you can remember anything about any of these individuals - - please call me on my toll free line 888-478-0888. Thanks.
John Falcon
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 19:14:26 (CDT)
what a joy and memories to stmble upon this site today. wanted to find what the internet had to offer regarding the 191st! I have spent the past few hours remembering how young and vital we were! There will never be memories and friendships like those from the days of the 191st. Had the great honor to serve with the unit from Aug 69 to Aug 70 as Boomerang 19. Hope to make the next reunion! Keep up the good work.
Bob Sitze <rgsitze@adelphia.net>
Enterprise, AL USA - Friday, July 01, 2005 at 22:11:57 (CDT)
I checked out the website to find out more about my brother - Cpt Arnold W. Luke, who died in VN on 12 Aug 68. I obtained more insights about the 191st that I could have hoped for. I used the site to also learn more about his fellow crew members and even a picture of his co-pilot. I will pass this site along to his daughter - who never new her father - but wants to know. Thanks, John
CW4 John Luke (Ret) <marks30@comcast.net>
Waldorf, MD USA - Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 12:41:46 (CDT)
Hi Guys,One thing that I have always wanted to be able to do on this website
is to post a picture of all the forty six that we lost in Vietnam. We only
have photos of a few, so I am going to ask that you dig out those old slides,
and photos. I have the capacity to scan and enhance photos or slides
if you need help with that, or you can send me your scans in email.
Thanks - Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, July 08, 2005 at 18:40:00 (CDT)
Great site you have. I have been searching to get some information. I was a pilot with your sister company the 240 AHC, the Greyhounds, at Bear Cat Mar 68 to Mar 69. I was a FNG on loan to the 191 on 25 March 68 when I was shot in the left chest. As I remember we were lifting ARVN that morning near Dong Tam and was probably shot by one of the troops we were lifting. Anyone out there remember the day?
John Kocur <john.kocur@uop.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 at 01:16:58 (CDT)
Every time I read this it brings a tear of sadness but also causes my chest to swell with pride, for I was one of those lunatics. These words were spoken by Joe Galloway in July of 2000 at the Wall.
Jim E.
"Is there anyone here today who does not thrill to the sound of those Huey blades? That familiar whop-whop-whop is the soundtrack of our war, the lullaby of our younger days.
To someone who spent his time in Nam with the Grunts, I have got to tell you that noise was always a great comfort. It meant someone was coming to help . . . someone was coming to get our wounded . . . someone was coming to bring us water and ammo . . . someone was coming to take our dead brothers home . . . someone was coming to give us a ride out of hell. Even when I hear it today I stop, catch my breath, and think back to those days.
I love you guys as only an Infantryman can love you. No matter how bad things were, if we called, you came. Down through the green tracers and other visible signs of a real bad day off to a bad start.
I would like to quote to you from a letter General William Tecumseh Sherman wrote his friend General Ulysses S. Grant at the end of the Civil War. "I knew wherever I was that you thought of me, and if I got in a tight place you would come, if alive."
That was always in our minds and that is how we thought of you. To us you seemed beyond brave and fearless, that you would come to us in the middle of battle in those flimsy thin-skinned crates, and in the storm of fire you would sit up there behind that Plexiglas seeming so patient and so calm and so vulnerable, waiting for the off-loading and the on-loading. We thought you were God's own lunatics, and we loved you. Still do.
We are gathered here this morning to appreciate the lives and honor the memory of 2,209 helicopter pilots and 2,704 helicopter crewmen who were killed while doing their duty in the Republic of Vietnam between May 30, 1961 and May 15, 1975. Theirs are some of the names among the 58,220 on this precious Wall. So many good men, so many good friends.
Before I come here, I always remind myself of what another good friend, Captain B.T. Collins, who is now gone, liked to say at gatherings like this. "No whining and no crying! We are the fortunate ones! We survived when so many better men gave up their precious lives for us. We owe them a sacred debt, to live each day to the fullest, trying to make this world a better place for our having lived and their having died."
So we come here today to remember them, and to celebrate their lives and their deeds. I like to come here at dawn, or around midnight, when things are so quiet you can hear their voices. What they are saying when you listen hard enough is this: We are at peace . . . so should you be . . . so should you be.
I would like to close by reading from something written by a World War I poet named Lawrence Binyon:
"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not wear them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
we will remember them."
God bless all our absent friends . . . and God Bless you."
Jim Ewart <helivet333atyahoodotcom>
USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 21:21:06 (CDT)
I need some info on who the Company Commander was after 2Mar69. Or any other CO from then till 12-69 and any address's or info on how to contact them. I'm going to check on getting some disability for my Bilateral Tinnitus and Hearing Loss. Per some info sent to me from Richard Calton from our unit, he advises me to get a letter of support from a CO that I was under. I beleive that this is directly caused by working around those jet engines with out hearing protection. I have pics of me doing tail rotor and main rotor tracking on the Hueys without hearing protection. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Bruce Cromwell
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, Oh USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 11:30:53 (CDT)
Bruce, I don't think you need any written support for tinnitus. I didn't and don't know of anyone else that did either. They will not pay you for hearing loss. Just the ringing.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 20:12:10 (CDT)
After a visit to the VA Rep today, it sounds like these are two separate disabilities and we are filing for both. I will update everybody when I know more.
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina, oh USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 22:28:37 (CDT)
It is with interest that I read Jim Ewart's recent entry. Especially when he quoted from a poem, "The Fallen" by Lawrence Binyou. This excerpt ... "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." followed by "LEST WE FORGET" is played in every Ex-Servicemen's Club in Australia. "LEST WE FORGET" is repeated by all present whilest turned toward a "light" on the wall whilest all other lights are dimmed. In Australia the extract is known as "THE ODE" and it is really quite moving. It is also played or recited at most, if not all, military occasions. The Clubs, and there are hundreds throughout all of Australia, would play this through at either 6pm or 9pm (at the going down of the sun) EVERY evening. An interesting web site for an Australian perspective on this is .... www.defence.gov.au/army I sure you will find it interesting. Also while you are at it go to www.cabravale.com/ for a look at how the Club system is in Australia.
P.S. When are we going to hear more about Branson?????
Stan Allen (The Limey) <theallens1@optusnet.com.au>
Sydney, NSW AUSTRALIA - Monday, August 01, 2005 at 00:23:41 (CDT)
Hi, I sent this email several days ago and the copy to you got kicked back. What is the correct email for your webmaster?
> Subject: Hawk Magazine online now
> Hi guys, I hope summer is treating you well and you are finding some time for
> family and friends.
> I know from previous emails that many of you never saw a copy of Hawk - the
> country brigade magazine that was published from mid 67 to the end of 72.
> Well, better late than never. I am in the process of scanning and loading all
> issues on the brigade website in full size and color. I have 16 up now, with
> the rest coming over the next several months. Check them out at this link, and
> please feel free to download any articles or magazines that are of particular
> interest to you and your company website.
> http://www.1stavnbde.com/Hawk/Hawk_index_visual.htm
> If you did keep a Hawk or two, there are three issues I have not found: Nov
> and Dec 1967, and August 1970. I would love to get hold of them long enough to
> scan them in - no harm will come of them.
> Larry
Larry Cox <lcoxisu@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, USA - Friday, August 05, 2005 at 15:51:35 (CDT)
I have not posted in some time, for reasons that would bore most of you, but be assured that the 46 are still remembered every Thursday here @ 0730, and the Sanctuary lamp still burns in rotation for them as well. Didn't want anyone to think that they were forgotten. Did anyone know this man:
or where is is today?
Pachem et Bonum,
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Saturday, August 06, 2005 at 06:21:33 (CDT)
We spend a good portion of our lives looking forward to special events ie: 16th Birthday, drivers license, marriege, kids, grandkids etc until we finally settle into a routine & the time flies by. This past year I've been waiting for notice of a very special event, the 2006 re-union & finally it's getting started. So anxiuos to see you all again & hope the folks who have discovered the website this past year make the extra effort to get to Branson as the comraderie, judging by Tulsa, is an experience one should not let pass.
Kevin Kenney <popsk2003@yahoo.com>
Arlington, Ma USA - Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 06:44:19 (CDT)
As I read Kevin's remarks about special events in our lives, I decided to write and urge all those who have attended reunions in the past and those who are just finding this site to seriously consider and make plans to attend the 2006 reunion in Branson. As a Boomerang wife, I have witnessed the special bond of all the 191st brothers and their wives at each reunion we have attended. I can assure all newcomers this event will change your life as well as your family's. It's a time of healing, comradrie, and such closeness of people who never knew each other before but all have a common thread in their lives. You will experience one weekend that will remain very special in your entire life and reunite you with former comrades and make new lifelong friends.
Virginia Stitt <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 11:06:13 (CDT)
Thanks Virginia! I think that you have captured what these reunions are all about. For the husbands whose wives are thinking that there is nothing there for them, tell them not to worry. The women, God bless 'em, have a reunion of their own
so there is plenty for the girls to do. This is not a structured gathering, but merely a meeting of old friends. Old soldiers meet after all these years, sure, but these reunions are a celebration of life, and a chance to remember. If you served in the 191st, please come and bring the family. It is a family that we are, and if you don't come, the family will miss a very important member. You.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 at 00:11:48 (CDT)
Hi Bill, I was looking through the pictures section and remembered the fact that I have about two dozen photos I took at Bear Cat and Dong Tam. How do I go about getting them to you? I guess the easiest way would be to snail mail them?? Also, does anyone remember the "underground" newsletter - The Boomerang Barb? Mike Jackson and I were the "authors". Mike Morrison 6/68 - 6/69
Mike Morrison <mmorrison@mountwashington.org>
Fryeburg, ME USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 at 14:16:10 (CDT)
HI, Just wanted to update everyone... I moved back from Vegas last Nov 1st to Florida. Have a wonderful home one mile from the beach, great job as Director of Operation for a company call ResponseLink. Retired in Sept 87 as SFC was in Bear Cat and Dong Tam 68-69 as a gunner than crew chief on the White Flight. See my entry from 03 on here. Bill I have some photos and film and will send to you. Use as you wish. What a great site full of information of years past,,, 37 yrs now where has the time gone? Sorry I miss John Falcon's deadline but it was when I was preparing to move from Vegas back to FL. New email is amaw@tampabay.rr.com please stay in touch. Thanks,
Alan Maw <amaw@tampabay.rr.com>
Largo, FL USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 02:56:43 (CDT)
FOR ALAN MAW: There is no DEADLINE. Get your Bio in as soon as possible. The manuscript is not scheduled to be complete until sometime in 2006. Anyone who served with the 191st and submits a bio will be inserted in the story. You certainly earned a place in the book. If you follow the instructions on the web, it should not take you more than five minutes to complete the general information form, sign the release statement, and mail to me. Look forward to hearing from you. Take Care. John Falcon
John Falcon
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 13:31:20 (CDT)
Just wanted to stop by and wish all my brothers and sisters a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. Can't believe that it has been a year since we all came together here in Tulsa. It has gone by so fast, and I hope the next year goes by as quickly. Branson should be fantastic! I finally got off my tail and dealt with the VA, should have done it long ago, but they saw fit to initially award me %50 on PTSD, with a 90 day upgrade to %70 to follow. Another %20 on my ears and another %40 on my back and neck. The VA has changed since my retirement physical I went through with them in '81, and all for the better. In '81 they didn't know what PTSD was and just shined me off when I asked for help. But this time around was a different story and if any of you brothers have put off giving the VA a chance to help you I can't urge you strongly enough to go visit them. Give them a chance to help you if they can. It was much easier than I thought it would be and I was treated warmly and with kindness and respect. Besides, what have you got to lose? My next stop is ReHab and out-patient treatment for PTSD. I haven't given up all my bad habits or evil ways and don't really expect to, but the world around me is much better than it used to be.
Hope to see you all in Branson this time next year!
Till then, with love and respect, I remain,
Bounty Hunter 27
Out here.
Larry G Miller <larrygok@earthlink.net>
Tulsa, OK USA - Friday, September 02, 2005 at 08:53:42 (CDT)
CONCORD, OH USA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 17:10:06 (CDT)
Has anybody heard from Harrell Guidry? He makes his home in the Port Arthur, Texas area.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 17:52:19 (CDT)
In response to my own question, I just got a phone call from Harrell Guidry. He and the family are safe and well. He has not been back to his home which was just about the point where
Hurricane Rita landed, and does not know what he faces when he returns.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 21:46:39 (CDT)
Hi Guys I was with the 191st in dog-tam from about
Oct 1968 to about May 1969.
I would like to get in touch with Ken McKenna,or anyone else that was there a that time
Paul a, Bernier <paulbernier@cheqnet.net>
Washburn, wi USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 14:25:35 (CDT)
Just a short note of thanks to Bill Janes , John Falcon, and Bud Patnode for all they have done and are doing for the 191st.
Stan Cherrie <stan.cherrie@cubic.com>
Leavenworth, KS USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 16:05:51 (CDT)
Bill, Had word this afternoon about the house. Roof severly damaged which means that everything inside is ruined. Carport and covered backporch no longer exist. Place on the lake had only one broken window from son-in-law when he broke in the house. Have no idea about my boat since it was down there being worked on. Oh well, I am heavily insured and brought out everything that was not replaceable when I left. Hell I was tired of that old house anyway (ha). At least we are safe and well. Look forward to Branson next year.
Harrell Guidry
Groves ????, USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 20:49:06 (CDT)
Well, that about proves it. Boomerangs always come back.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 21:49:49 (CDT)
Harrell, Laurel and I were talking about you the other day and wondering If you were in an area that was affected by the hurricane. I'm sorry to read about the damage to your home and the inconvenience of being displaced for a prolonged periond of time. On the other hand I thank God for the safety of you and your loved ones. Property can be replaced, people can't. God bless you and yours and know that you are in our prayers. Bill and Laurel.
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 12:44:54 (CDT)
Received an email from Skip Parker. He and his wife Susan are in Lake Charles, Louisiana doing volunteer work. I gave him a call on his cell phone, and
interrupted their dinner such as it was. Skip's email to me appears below:
Susan and I are in south Louisiana doing hurricane disaster relief work
with the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army, not the Red Cross, is the
primary agency in this area providing 15,000 to 20,000 meals per day at 16
sites to feed hurricane victims in this area. We are working with the
"Canteens" (mobile kitchens) and also providing some on the spot medical
treatment. Anyway, we are not available by email (this is the first time I
found an online computer in a week), but we are available intermittently by
phone. We will leave here on October 7th (driving) and be home on the 9th.
Say a prayer for everyone down here, they really need it. And if you plan
to make any donation, please send it to the Salvation Army. Thanks.
Skip & Susan
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, October 01, 2005 at 19:07:06 (CDT)
Harrell, I wish you God's speed in replacing your home and belonging's. I am so thankful to hear you are safe, well and still in good humor...You are irreplaceable! All the best to you and your family. Diana Kidd Foran
Diana Foran <Dianaforan@sbcglobal.net>
USA - Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 21:36:26 (CDT)
I found this interesting, I hope you do also
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm enjoying retirement so much that I'm considering hiring a couple of folks just to share the experience.
Harold Stitt (Boomerang 17) <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 10:03:17 (CDT)
Thanks Diana. Port Arthur area looks like a war zone. Most people here have never seen anything like this except in pictures. Three small beach front towns 20-25 miles from me were totally erased. Gulf of Mexico now stands on their site. I am fortunate to have a house still standing. Damaged roof is covered and we are staying there. I have friends that only have a vacant lot remaining. Wife and I are spending the weekend at the lake relaxing. I have one broken window here since son-in-law didn't have a key, he used a hammer to get in (ha). I will be in touch as soon as cable is repaired in Groves and I can get back oline. Take care everyone.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 06:59:06 (CDT)
I was with the 191st in 1971 (Boomerang 16) flying #807 with a great Crew Chief, SP4 Mead. Later I was Delta 6's AC in his UH1 C&C and AH-1G Cobra. I would like to hear from anyone I served with or any members of the 191st family.
Boomerang 16
Marv Tucker <highnoon36@hot.rr.com>
USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 11:43:31 (CDT)
As I'll be out of the country until the end of January, I want now to wish you all a happy, safe and blessed holiday season. I hope the new year brings us all the very best and that you and your families stay healthy and close. I realize this is way early, Kevin, but I want you to know that "Danny Boy" is a must. So take care you don't do anything that would preclude you continuing this tradition. Speaking of traditions, Mr. Williams, you know "once more into the breach" is expected of you. If Mr. Stitt can find a pair of pants, I look forward to seeing him in Branson as well. Best wishes to you all!
Chula Vista, CA USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 19:54:29 (CDT)
Fred Tinker, have a safe trip and also, a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I was just planning on having my shorts starched for the Branson trip next year. However, maybe Santa will be bring me a new pair of pants. Til then, Harold Stitt (Boomerang 17)
Harold Stitt (Boomerang 17) <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 07:52:58 (CDT)
Thanks Fred. There are few things that I consider a true privelidge, one of them being to sing our National Anthem at functions and now, the thought of being part of a "tradition" with my new family. I'll do my best to keep the chords and thanks so much for thinking of me. Anything for you guys(& gals) Kevin
Kevin Kenney <popkk2003@yahoo.com>
Arlington, Ma USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 at 09:20:31 (CDT)
Please know that all of the men shall be remembered on All Souls Day, 2 November 2005, THE COMMEMORATION of ALL the
FAITHFUL DEPARTED-The Church teaches us that the souls of the just who have left this world with traces of venial sin remain for a time in a place of expiation, where they are corrected but what means may be needed due to their offenses. Even if pardon has been obtained for our sins, satisfaction must be made to God, our Creator, in this world or in the next; for His sanctity has been, as it were, insulted by the self-will of one of His ignoble creatures. The more noble the person offended, the more serious the offense, even according to human laws. It is a dogma of our faith that these suffering souls are relieved by the intercession of the Saints in heaven and by the prayers of the faithful upon earth. To pray for the dead is therefore an act of charity and of piety, certainly obligatory for a Christian who professes to have charity in his heart. We read in Holy Scripture: “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.” (II Maccabees 12:46) Do remember that in this place, a soul only grows better and better and purer and purer.
Also, many, many thanks to the Petric Family for the books-these are GREAT treasures, and the extra Divine Armory of Holy Scripture replaces a very old and worn one that I have-I NEVER thought I would find another one!
Vse premine, samo Bog ostane. Blagor mu, kdor to razume.
In Christ's Holy Love,
Fr. Ken, St. Casimir's, Rochester
Fr. Ken Strawhand <fyrebyrdv@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 15:14:08 (CDT)
Co. B, 25th AVN BN, 25th INF DIV, 1966-67
Crewchief, UH-1C Gunship
Richard O. Nash <ronash@tva.gov>
Loretto, TN USA - Wednesday, November 02, 2005 at 14:53:34 (CST)
Tinker, Whats this out of the country stuff ? No forwarding address ? Do you know anything about cheese ? Safe travels,....Have a joyous and safe Holiday season, may Peace be with you and yours. Roger
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fuse.net>
Moscow, Ohio USA - Thursday, November 03, 2005 at 04:50:35 (CST)
Less we never forget!
Leon Greybe <lgreybe@gmail.com>
Northampton, UK - Sunday, November 06, 2005 at 04:45:31 (CST)
The Vietnam Moving Wall will be in The Colony Dec 1 through Dec 4 it will be located in the Five Star complex at 4100 Blair Oaks, on Saturday Dec 3rd there will be a special ceremony to honor all Veterans at 10:00 AM any one in this area please feel free to attend. The Wall will arrive on Nov 30th and will be ecorted into The Colony by a Motorcycle Brigade from Hwy 380 and HWY 720 at 9:00 AM. any one wishing to ride in the escort , just be there. we are praying for good weather.
Dewey Fambry <wolf380@swbell.net>
The Colony, TX USA - Wednesday, November 09, 2005 at 07:19:53 (CST)
Thank you to all the men of the 191AHC for your service to our country, the protection of my liberties and now your friendship. You are all in my heart, thoughts and prayers.
Diana Kidd Foran <dianaforan@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Forest, IL USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:32:51 (CST)
This being Veterans Day I started a fire to knock the chill off in the house than put in a DVD with all our pictures of the early days at Bear Cat. What memories flood in every time I dare think of the past and all the heroes I so proudly served with,David Bergman sent me an E mail with memories of being shot down in a rice paddy, after pulling his bullet shield back I raced accross the rice paddy to set up a defence, he still swears I walked on water. I can hardly wait to read the book John Falcon is writing with all our memories, Dont keep them to your selves send them to be enjoyed by all of us.Its my prayer that all your memories and dreams will bring you peace of mind knowing we gave our all.
Skip Waugh <robertawaugh@yahoo.com>
Roy, UT USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 17:51:18 (CST)
"In The Shadow of The Blade" will air on The Military Channel on the following dates: 11/16 at 6am 12/10 at 8pm 12/11 at 4pm.
I am still looking for Bounty Hunters' Crewchief Robert Goble (Lighting), Crewchief Brad Owens Hayward, CA, Door Gunner Harley Morgan (Shorty)Sulphur,LA and Crewchief Whitaker (Teach)MT. If you find this site send me Crewchief August Kraemer(Flash)an email.
August Kraemer <akraemer3@gmail.com>
Riverside , CA USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 19:31:10 (CST)
SKIP WAUGH - - You are in the book "Mo-Gator" - - DEER HEAD and all. Here's wishing all 191st Vets & famalies a GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON. Writing this book has been one of my greatest pleasures. YOU GUYS WERE FANTASTIC! Its amazing how the different perspectives add so much more to a story than what one person sees. Keep the excerpts coming, we're only about half way through. I can still use more information on our fallen brothers. Anyone, who can provide first hand information of any 191st member who died while serving with the unit, please call me or email. I can be reached toll free at 888-478-0888 (days) or 361-993-2067 (nights). May God bless us all - - and give us another joyful reunion at Branson. John Falcon
John Falcon <jfalcon@teamsmed.com>
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 21:03:03 (CST)
The 13th Aviation Regiment at Ft. Rucker Alabama is sponsoring a reunion for 13th CAB units 31 Mar Š 2 Apr 2006 (Fri-Sun). We have now finalized the agenda and dates. Below are details and also a registration form to make out a reservation, please register early to help our logistical planning and coordination efforts.
Anyone who served with any 13th CAB unit at any time in any capacity whether officer, enlisted or civilian is invited, even though your unit may not have been assigned to the 13th CAB during your tour. This includes the following units: 13th CAB HQ; 114th, 121st, 162nd, 175th, 191st, and 336th AHCÕs; 147th and 271st ASHCÕs; 235th AWC; 73rd, 134th, 199th, 221st and 244th Avn CoÕs (Caribou, Birddog and Mohawk units); Co. A, 101st Avn Bn; Co. A, 502nd Avn Bn; C Troop, 16th Cav and H Btty, 29th Arty. Members of the 7/1st Cav, C/3/17th Cav and any other units based at Soc Trang, Can Tho or Vinh Long are also cordially invited as Honorary Delta Battalion members. Also invited are all current and former members of the 1-13th Aviation Regiment which is currently stationed at Ft Rucker.
This is a great opportunity for you to see Ft. Rucker - where it all started for many of us. It is rare for an active army unit to sponsor an event like this and as such, we'll get first class treatment. It will be a lot of fun and the primary purpose is to see your old friends and make new ones too.
The 1st Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment is now a training unit at Ft. Rucker. 1-13th consists of:
-HHC which trains Advanced Individual Training (AIT) students in Air Traffic Control, Aviation Operations Specialists, UH-1 and OH-58 Mechanics and the Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) course for all ranks.
-A Co whose Drill Sergeants and cadre house and training these students in basic soldier skills in preparation for unit assignment or return to reserve or Nat. Grd duty.
-C Co provides admin control for all of Ft RuckerÕs graduate level training students whether permanent party or TDY. (Instructor & Maint. Pilots and all transitions)
-D Co provides admin control for all of Ft RuckerÕs international students which have come from 87 countries around the world for aviation related training here at Ft Rucker.
It is important that we get a feel for how many people will attend as soon as a possible so it would be appreciated if you completed the registration at your earliest convenience
Per Person* Reunion Registration
Received before 1 February, 2006 - $45.00 each x # in party
Received after 1 February, 2006 - $50.00 each x # in party
Full details and registration form can be seen at www.162ahc.com.
Hope to see a full complement of Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters there!
Jim Ewart.
Jim Ewart <jewartatoptonlinedotnet>
Marlboro, NJ USA - Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 12:01:21 (CST)
Bill, this is Stan Gause, a 162nd alumni and 162nd
website administrator (actually I spent 4-5 weeks as a Boomerang when I first
came in country). We're having a reunion for the 13th CAB and any
other aviation unit that served in the Mekong Delta at Ft. Rucker on March
31-April 2, 2006.
I would appreciate it if you could help me get the
word out to the 191st folks. Many of our 162nd guys also served with or knew
folks in the 191st and we lived next to each other at both Dong Tam and Can
Please refer people to the 162nd website at
www.162ahc.com . There's a reunion button
on the front page that takes to details and they can also register for the
reunion electronically. The 13th Regmient at Rucker sponsors reunions every
other year and we've had 2 so far, with 200-300 people taking part. I'm sure
your folks would enjoy it.
Best Regards,
Stan Gause
Vulture 26
This is my new email address
God Bless You All
Tim Petric <hillcrest1@neo.rr.com>
Stow, OH USA - Monday, December 05, 2005 at 10:51:42 (CST)
I don't think words could ever really express how thankful I am for the service all of you men have provided our country. And I am so very proud of my uncle, Bill Janes. He's the best damn pilot there ever was and I love him more than I know how to say.
Jessie Janes <jv.janes@comcast.net>
Renton, WA USA - Monday, December 05, 2005 at 22:07:37 (CST)
Webmaster Note:
PC, I love you too..
Just a little test here. Been trying to block some of the SPAM on the guestbook, and wanted to be sure that the doggone thing still works. To the Guys of the 191st and their families, this old dogface webmaster says Merry Christmas.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Wednesday, December 07, 2005 at 22:10:51 (CST)
Merry Christmas everyone. Repairs are going nicely on the hurricane damage. Almost complete now. Maybe when I get them finished I can take Bill fishing again..
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Thursday, December 08, 2005 at 06:29:19 (CST)
I am Dutch Schmidt's son. Any good, hopefully embarrassing, stories invloving him would be appreciated. Under his command for 44 years now, I can tell you, if I were initiate a war, I think I'd wind him up and aim him at the enemy. Cheers! Robert D. Schmidt
Bob Schmidt <bobeschmidt@verizon.net>
Flower Mound, TX USA - Thursday, December 08, 2005 at 15:00:23 (CST)
Warmest Greetings for the Holidays.
Art Almaraz <aalmaraz@hot.rr.com>
Killeen, Texas USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 at 19:51:28 (CST)
i knew norman turone...
are you aware of this webpage... did not read the posts of late...
glad that you are all linked to each other...
the information may or many not include info about your group... a note in their guest book about your fallen will help those who are looking but who have not found their parents...
a good holiday to you all.
TITLE: Vietnam Virtual Wall
DESCRIPTION: Vietnam Virtual Wall by the
organization that maintains the Vietnam Wall in Washington D.C.
valentine <valentine53179@hotmail.com>
USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 00:47:09 (CST)
Just to say hello to any who were there Dec 70- Dec 71. Hope all is well with you and yours this Holiday Seasons--Jim
Jim Smothermon <jsmo1009@aol.com>
Lutz, FL USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 20:04:31 (CST)
Merry Cristmas everyone!
Calvin Aveman <captainaveman@gmail.com>
USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 05:40:22 (CST)
Way to go Jim Smotherman! Been a long time since OCS 65. See you in Branson if not sooner. As for the rest of the 191st family, God bless & keep you & yours during this Christmas season and the years to follow. Kevin
Kevin Kenney <popsk2003@yahoo.com>
Arlington, Ma USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 08:02:47 (CST)
I loved the website. My father is CW4 (ret.) Bob Sitze who flew with the slicks in Vietnam with the Boomerangs. I have now been in the Army for almost 4 years as Cavalry Officer and I'm now going back into the Infantry. I think it is very interesting to see the pictures of the things you guys did over there because me and my old man never really talk about things like this very much. If anyone has any good stories or dirt on my old man I would love to hear them.
William R. Sitze <william.sitze@wv.ngb.army.mil>
Morgantown, WV USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 12:46:07 (CST)
Just a note to wish all of my brothers of the 191st and their families a warm, safe and loving holiday season. Merry Christmas To all!!!
Bill Flores <bflores@arrival.net>
Visalia, Ca USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 at 12:43:46 (CST)
Dear comrades, I wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the memories soften with time. I don't know about anyone else but I seem to experience a time warp with regard to Vietnam. I am able to remember just about everything I experienced there 65-72 (4 years) but can't remember what I did last week. I spent four Christmases over there and so this time of year evokes many memories of being so far away from home and alone. My heart goes out to our warriors and their supporters far from home in foreign lands. God Bless the soldier. As I entered the Orderly room of my first assignment after basic in 1964 I saw a sign on the wall: IN TIMES OF WAR, GOD AND THE SOLDIER WE ADORE. THE WAR OVER AND ALL THINGS RIGHTED, GOD IS FORGOTTEN AND THE SOLDIER SLIGHTED.
Dennis E. Haskew <dhaskew@comcast.net>
Macclenny, FL USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 at 19:34:49 (CST)
ROY, UT USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 07:41:49 (CST)
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I realize that this is but the two days of Advent, and that I am one week early to send a Christmas message, but things will be getting very busy around here from today on, so I thought to send you all this greeting today.
As we approach the glorious Feast of the Nativity in the midst of all the turmoil of the secular activity and commercial madness that has now become the hallmark of the season, we as Christians should, for the good of our souls, spend much time in prayer and spiritual exercise. Perhaps we may attend more celebrations of the Holy Mysteries at an early hour on a weekday, make a Holy Hour visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or attend one or more penitential services to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Messiah. More and more, we should turn from the fleeting things of earth and turn our minds and hearts to our true home in heaven, by whatever devotional methods we may use.
These activities have, to a person of a carnal nature, no useful purpose, no dollar and cents value. And many of the things derived from such activities appear incomprehensible to one who lives in the natural world only. Thankfully, you are not among them. We, as Christians, have been described as “cosmic amphibians”, designed for the present to live in two worlds, the spiritual and the natural. And for this, we can never be thankful enough.
Based on this, Christmas letters from my office in years past have been filled with glorious visions of angelic messengers, “time warps” back to that first night when shepherds kept watch over their sheep, and were blessed and surprised when these magnificent beings heralded the beginnings of the end of wrong and the birth of the Prince of Peace.
This year, however, I would like you all to read the following, written by a little child in Israel, a student in a Lutheran School in the town of Beit Jala:
“O Lord Jesus, protect us from danger, and distance the bombs away from our homes because they have been destroyed and we are forced to leave our homes for the street. O, Jesus distance the evil from us and the missiles and the rockets so that we can go back to living peacefully and so that Santa Claus can come to us. Our teacher told us, that at the military checkpoint the soldier did not allow Santa Claus to enter Bethlehem. We want Christmas to come and want to decorate the tree like the rest of the children in the world. O, Jesus give us courage and strength to overcome fear and to live in peace and tranquility and freedom in our beloved land and precious Palestine. Amen.” (Bisan Mousa – Third Grade – Talitha Kumi Lutheran School – Age 7)
You should all know by now that it is never my intent to minimize the joy that this season brings. The time with family and friends is never to be diminished by gloom and doom. It is my absolute and sincere belief that God wishes us joy and blessings, not just at this time of the year, but in all of our lives. Yet we should also remember the poor, and the oppressed, and those suffering persecution. We should remember them because we, even the weakest and least of us as Christians, have the solution to all of the world’s ills. And that solution comes in the form of the Child whose birth we now celebrate.
How arrogant, someone may remark! The solution to all of the world’s ills! Yet Holy Scripture attests to this fact, as is written in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah:
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. --- For as in the day of Midian’s defeat you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. (Is 9:2-6)
Do not the last two lines of this passage still stir your soul to its core? The sound of them are sometimes too wonderful for me to hold, too great of cosmic importance for my small human mind to understand. The whole universe, let alone one human heart cannot hold them; just thirty-five words, but their power resound throughout space and time, and their power shall never be lost.
The meaning of these words were repeated some 20 centuries ago by the hosts of heaven to the poor and those who walked in darkness and the shadow of death. On that most glorious night, beginning in the vaults of heaven and rolling over the mountains and plains came the great message that we as children of the Great God are privilege to repeat at each and every Mass, ‘Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace to men of good will.”
Why then, in light of this joyous season, do I include this sad letter from a little child in the land of The Saviour’s Birth? It is to rend our hearts, my dear brothers and sisters. It is to remind us that to us, whom to so much has been given, from us much is required. It is to give us strength to carry on the task of the spread of the Gospel of peace, to cause us to remember that if even a seven year old child of the King suffers so much fear and pain, how much more those without faith at all.
And so my Christmas gift to you is the following, from an address by Bishop Frank Weston, one time Bishop of Zanzibar, and a man far greater than I:
“If you listen. I am not talking economics, I do not understand them. I am not talking politics, I do not understand them. I am talking the Gospel, and I say to you this: If you are Christians then your Jesus is one and the same: Jesus on the Throne of his glory, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus received into your hearts in Communion, Jesus with you mystically as you pray, and Jesus enthroned in the hearts and bodies of his brothers and sisters up and down this country. And it is folly—it is madness—to suppose that you can worship Jesus in the Sacraments and Jesus on the Throne of glory, when you are sweating him in the souls and bodies of his children. It cannot be done.
There then, as I conceive it, is your present duty; and I beg you, brethren, as you love the Lord Jesus, consider that it is at least possible that this is the new light that the Congress was to bring to us. You have got your Mass, you have got your Altar, you have your Tabernacle. Now go out into the highways and hedges where not even the Bishops will try to hinder you. Go out and look for Jesus in the ragged, in the naked, in the oppressed and sweated, in those who have lost hope, in those who are struggling to make good. Look for Jesus. And when you see him, gird yourselves with his towel and try to wash their feet. “
And may this be our Christmass gift to Our Blessed Lord, to take to these, our lost brothers and sisters to our hearts, to dry their tears, heal their wounds, and to bring them hope. Because, as the angels said so long ago, and say to us still:
“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
The 46 will be in my heart at the Mass of the Nativity.
Peace & All blessing, In Christ's Holy Love,
Fr. Kenneth Roy Strawhand, STM
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 14:18:59 (CST)
A very Merry Christmas to and to all a good night from all of us in the Stitt house.
Harold Stitt (Boomerang 17) <hstitt@comcast.net>
Huntsville, AL USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 at 16:24:31 (CST)
I remember being away from home on the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the family the Boomrangs were made it easier. Even after all the years I remember those times. Pray for our solders and their families. Merry Christmas and Peace to all. Roger
Roger Barkley <rvbarkley@fues.net>
Moscow, Oh USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 at 22:52:05 (CST)
Just wanted to wish all the 191st family a very Merry Christmas, a wonderful Holiday Season, and a Happy New Year.
And if the good Lord is willing, the creek don't rise, and my Harley will start, I hope to see all of you in Branson in September.
Out Here,
Bounty Hunter 27
Larry Miller <larrygok@earthlink.net>
Tulsa, OK USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 18:11:19 (CST)
Merry Christmas to the people of the 191st, the Family.That includes
the ones that served in the 191st, and it also includes the families that we all
left behind at home during our tours of duty.
The backbone of America is the ones that are willing to serve, and the
families at home that stand behind them.
We don't forget either this Christmas Day, or on New Year's day.
Truth is, we don't forget them on any day.
God Bless you all. - Bill Janes - Webmaster
A Merry belated Christmas to all you guys and your families.I sincerely wish you all a happy and better new year for 2006.
Been a hectic 2005. Keeping ahead of Bro. Larry G. is becoming a full time job. At 63 I wasn't expecting a new career. LOL
Love and respect to you all.
john "wheezy" stadler <skybum1511@netzero.com>
tulsa, ok USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 19:36:16 (CST)
Hello Bill sorry it has been so long since I wrote . no excuse just a lot going on. had tickets in hand for 2001
Andy Burney <rufus @exactlink.net>
White Oak, N.C. USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 00:19:45 (CST)
Been a long time since i wrote Bill sorry about that no real xuse just a lot going on wish i could say it was all good it doesn;t work that way HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MAY 2006 be a great year for all of us.
Andy Burneyrufus <rufus @ exactlink.net>
White Oak HITE, N.C USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 01:28:46 (CST)
Hope the 191st family had a wonderful holiday safe season 2005 and a great 2006.We have come a long way since Louisville----Jack E.Tiesing Sr
Jack E,Tiesing Sr <huey1@hotmail.com>
New Albany, IN USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 20:24:44 (CST)
Webmaster Note:
And nobody's done more to get the 191st back together than Jack
Tiesing.. Thanks Jack
I just thought I'd update everybody on my claim for bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus. I had my VA rep file the end of July and in November I had to go to the VA and have my hearing tested. Today in the mail , I got their decision. 10% for bilateral hearing loss and 10% for tinnitus. I've had this condition for many years and never knew that I could possibly get any compensation for this untill I read about it on this site. I have always said that I thought that this was contributed from working on those Huey's without ear protection which back in those days was nonexsistent. I just happened to have a picture of me tracking a tail rotor which I sent in along with prior records of hearing tests from several years ago.
So anybody that has one of these conditions should turn in a claim thru your VA rep!
Bruce Cromwell <crmwell@bright.net>
Celina , Oh USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 22:04:57 (CST)
Hi to all you old commarads out there I don;t know if anyone remembers me or not but I was the crew chief on the UH1H that had the han mounted minnie gun on the side and a 4 million candel power light on the other we use to fly at night mostly seeking out troop movement if you know who I am write back thanks
Bob Houghton <rusty2463@aol.com>
Coventry, R.I. USA - Friday, December 30, 2005 at 18:47:23 (CST)
Seasons Greetings This page reminds Me Of You All
Daniel B Morin <Rrafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 02:17:20 (CST)
Seasons Greetings everyone, This page reminds me of you all
Daniel B Morin <rafterm48@midrivers.com>
Glendive, MT USA - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 02:28:53 (CST)
I am new at this so bear with me. I flew with the Boomerangs white flight, 65-10105, known as the "Jinx Ship." Is there anyone out there who flew June 1967-June 1968?
Duane G. "Dewey" Snyder <ndroamer@3rivers.net>
Shelby, USA - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 22:33:57 (CST)
correction. I flew with the Boomerangs until late 68 and then was transferred to the 240th just across the street. sorry about that.
Duane G. "Dewey" Snyder <ndroamer@3rivers.net>
Shelby, Mt USA - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 23:32:34 (CST)
The FIRST Mass of the New Year was offered for the Holy Progress of the soul of Capt. Norman Richard Kidd-starting at the beginning of the Honor list-
Please be assured that these men are not forgotten-
And do have a NEW YEAR, not simply another year-
My best to you all, in Christ's Holy name-
Fr. Ken
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester (Irondequoit), NY USA - Monday, January 02, 2006 at 07:21:31 (CST)
I was with the 191st at can-tho in 70&71. gunner with the boomerangs.cant remember names that well anymore but i think that Mr.petri was the pilot and a young man with the last name was King and sometimes a man,from mauli was on the 50cal.most of the time.this is a great site.names could be wrong.iam sure the crewchiefs name was king from alabama just looking for people I knew their THANKS
don marcum <frankiehlb@aol.com>
Hazard, Ky USA - Wednesday, January 04, 2006 at 20:19:36 (CST)
As we start the new year,please take note of the hardships of our fellow Americans and help wherever you can.Hope to see all of the 191st family in Branson and if you can,bring alittle extra cash for our Webmaster and site,he does a GREAT job!!
Jack E,Tiesing Sr <huey1@hotmail.com>
New Albany, IN USA - Friday, January 06, 2006 at 13:08:21 (CST)
Hi Guys.. -- I was in the process of deleting the latest spam on the guestbook, a daily task, and hit the wrong button. As a result, a couple of the latest entries were deleted too. Please re-enter them, and I apologize for the inconvenience -- Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 17:17:58 (CST)
It was my entry of tues jan 10 .It was just a little trivia question. re. 1969 Does any body out there remember a BIG YELLOW peace sighn on the flite line at DONG TAM? and can you name the person used as the pivot man to make the circle ? I can still hear the radio trans. to and from the tower: request permission hover to peace sign and the tower clear peace sign .
ANDY BURNEY <rufus@exactlink.net>
WHITE OAK, NC USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 23:10:28 (CST)
CHARLESTON, SC USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 12:16:44 (CST)
Just feeling a little misty today and more that, I AM especially humbled. jan 13 was birthday just alittle older, and not much prettier. My day started out some goodies and a card from my wife, and I got aphone call it was JOHN FALCON, 1969 was my last contact. I WAS so choked up trying to talk to him I had to ask him to give me a minnute to get my act together. The call was about the 191 manuscript. and some pictures I TOOK ON MAR 2 69. The next surprise was an email from bill janes, thanks bill you made my day he sent pictures of my aircraft 66-835 shot down on sept 30 1969 at BIEN TRE one bad day, and if that was;nt enough to give a guy cold chills and raise the hair on his neck I got another email it was from BRUCE CROMWELL.he also emailed along a picture I had never seen a picture of a group of guys sitting around in our area in the 606 maint barracks at dong tam , thanks Bruce I was finnaly able to show my wife when I joke about a LEAN ,MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE, thaks again Bruce was the cap to a real nice trip back in time. It is humbling when you can just see and read on a comp. screen of people that we haven,t seen 36 plus years before and be stirred in your heart and soul, that is a real family and BROTHERS I am PROUD to be in it may GOD bless and keep our family til we meet BRANSON will be my first GOD WILLING..
ANDY BURNEY <rufus@exactlink.net >
White Oak, NC USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 18:03:26 (CST)
Greetings and thank you to all who served...I found this site looking for Larry G. Miller, who I knew in El Paso, Tx in the early 80s...knowing Larry helped to bring comprehension and compassion for those who served in Viet Nam, and still have PTSD, among other things...just wanted all who served to know that you are remembered in some of the oddest places and hearts. Back in El Paso, Larry and I (if same Larry, but seems like it) did a lot of processing about his time in Nam in a one-act play that we produced together...I'm sure the character of Tommy is based on the Tommy Sandefur referred to so many times at this site...wanted Larry and others to know that there are still folks who remember and care...and personally I have done some healing work with Viet Nam vets on issues of soul retrieval...you can contact Pathways For Peace and Healing at
for listing of healers doing soul retrieval work FOR FREE with veterans of any war era...(this isn't an ad, Bill) There are others like me who just want to help and give back...I'm in Michigan and also providing this kind of healing here...and if Larry sees this and decides to reconnect I'd be so delighted to hear from him...from Frannie R. Goldstein, frannie_rose@msn.com.
Blessings and Appreciation to all of you...
Frannie R. Goldstein <frannie_rose@msn.com>
Southfield, MI USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 at 10:34:16 (CST)
Webmaster Note:
Thanks Frannie for caring about us old dogs.
I do try to read all the spam the world posts here on the guestbook before I
delete it. Thank you for reading the notice that I posted about SPAM
on this guestbook. I wish the bad guys who post their junk
here every day would read it too. Best to you from the family
of the 191st.
Looking for any info on my daddy, Robert James "Troy" Cupp. Heard he was in the 191st feb 68 to feb 69 and nov 70 to aug 71, went to Ben wa, Pleiku, Chin le poss. dong tam. was a helo mech and a gunner was 5"9 180# hazel eyes lt red/blonde hair. 8 side ways as in the "infinity" sign tatoo on right hand also was working on a reunion in nov of 1992 scheduled for summer/fall of 1993 died of heart complications due to bomb concusions in april of 1993. was also and MP in "74 & '75 at Ft. Sheridan and in Germany ssn RA274-46-3379 retired after recruiting in MA from Ft. Devins. There is also a story about his last flight and 3 guys he saved and 1 his cpt. who died in his arms. Please contact me if you have ANY information. Thank you all, I am glad your are home and love you all. God bless and keep you.
Michelle Lee (CUPP) Harwick <odatchelle@yahoo.com>
Akron, OH USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 11:36:26 (CST)
Robert James "Troy" Cupp also used last name of Mckenna after 1988, he originally hailed from Akron/Barberton Ohio.
Thank you again. God Bless. Michelle Lee Cupp/McKenna- Harwick
Michelle Lee (CUPP) Harwick <odatchelle@yahoo.com>
Akron, OH USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 11:40:21 (CST)
I have new e-mail address, in case anyone cares. July 1969 to Sept 1971,
Spare ship 1969,
GreenDelta 777 1970,
1st Flight night missions 1971,
the Shadow
Daniel Bonifas <dbonifas@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, NC USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 11:25:17 (CST)
If any of you intend to be in D.C. on Monday, the 23rd., for the Pro-Life Rally, I will be there-we will be coming in on a bus from St. Thomas the Apostle, Irondequoit-I will be meeting with my son who is coming in from Jersey-
If you would like to get together for the rally, my cell number- 978-902-1466
I do hope to see some of you there!
Fr. Ken Strawhand <skypilot6@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 07:50:23 (CST)
Bill, so glad to find this site. Brother "TJ" was a Bounty Hunter 70-71. We rarely talked about VN. This site helps me to know him better. TJ died in June 04. The term "Family" comes up time after time on the site. That is the best and only way to describe the support and love our family received from friends and neighbors in the Edgewood, MD area. I want to express my thanks to all who served. God bless you and your families. We owe you so much. Godspeed.
marge johnson-oliphant <moliphant1@sbcglobal.net>
downers grove, il USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 17:03:56 (CST)
INFORMATION REQUEST FOR 191 MANUSCRIPT: Anyone having knowledge of Maj. Petric's flight on March 2, 1969, please contact me. If you were on his crew, or among any of the crews that flew combat assaults that day, I would be ever grateful if you would call me. I can be reached toll free at 888-478-0888. THANKS: John Falcon
John Falcon <jfalcon@teamsmed.com>
Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 at 17:22:07 (CST)
OK, guys, here is the drill. I am
tired of deleting all the SPAM from all over the world. It takes about six hours of work per day to
just keep on top of it. So, going forward, if you want to post something on this guestbook, just send it to me in email.....
I think it is easier to delete spam email in my
inbox than it is to monitor the guestbook with the volume of SPAM that is
currently being posted here.... As of tonight, the guestbook is closed to
the outside world, and the purveyors of porn, and pills, and member extenders
can go someplace else.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 03:07:43 (CST)
The latest news on the 2006 Reunion from John and Fran Davis is
here. Thanks to
John and Fran for all their hard work.
Hi Guys, I received this from Tom Materene from the
336th AHC. He has a forum up on the Internet for Vietnam Vets to visit
and speak their mind. Give it a look if you want to, and decide for
yourself if you want to participate. This website is not sponsored
by the 191st AHC, or endorsed by it.
Gent's may I extend an invitation to each of
you to come and visit The BeetleNut Lounge forums. This is an uncensored
forum for members of my two companies and any and all Vietnam Veterans, for
that matter any Veteran is welcome as well as people serving in our Armed
Forces Now.
You may register with a user name and password to
post on the forum and you can use personal avatars and unit patches. A
signature block is available to add something to the end of your post each
time or simply use a bbcode image tag.
This is a private member only forum ran by myself
and maintained and served from my own server at home. It is not in any way a
profit venture but only an attempt to make an avenue for all of us to
communicate effectively and have some fun doing it.
ATTENTION: Lycos search engines used in some home
pages will not find my link, simply cut and paste the link listed here below
this text and place it in Google or MSN or even Yahoo and it should take you
to the forum.
Tom Materene
336th AHC
121st AHC 68-70
OK guys,
lets open up the guestbook again. Hopefully the ones that were targeting this website
with SPAM have gone elsewhere. Hope to see all in Branson.. -- Bill
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Saturday, February 18, 2006 at 22:03:24 (CST)
Hi! Nice to meet u people!
Log Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, February 18, 2006 at 22:23:36 (CST)
Drug ads from - [02/18/06 22:23:36 CST]
Deleted by webmaster..
Looks like they didn't stay gone for long Bill. Latest from the humor dept. Bumper stickers -- I would rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy or I went hunting with Dick Cheney and all I got was this bloody Tee shirt.
Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 at 08:09:04 (CST)
Still Looking for, (Bill) William Hill.. He was with us, The 191st AHC 67-68
AnyBody ?
Phil Webb <webbsplace@charter.net>
Kennewick, Wa USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 14:21:41 (CST)
More Deleted SPAM (sigh) -- these guys just don't give up
more adds deleted
My brother, Dennis Murphy, was a crewchief and gunner with the 191st 1969-1970. I am trying to gather info for a scrap book for him. This was his second tour in Vietnam, first was with the 174th, and he remembers very little about his time in the 191st. Anyone have any recollections of him that they might share with me. Thank you so much, you are all my heroes.
Marcia Murphy Boehmke <marciab@bresnan.net>
Thermopolis, WY USA - Friday, February 24, 2006 at 15:14:59 (CST)
Bill your a man of infinent patients and the keeper of our life line-------THANK YOU !!!!! Skip waugh
SKIP WAUGH <robertawaugh@yaho.com>
roy, ut USA - Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 06:50:16 (CST)
I was a Sp/5 in Vietnam from Aug.69 to Aug.70.I was a crewchief on a hunter killer team from Apr.70 to Aug.70.
Lucas E. Hammons Sp/5 <Floyd Jaco @SBC Global. Net>
Avon, In. USA - Monday, March 06, 2006 at 14:33:26 (CST)
Thank you all for your dedication to our country. My father was SFC Jaime Restrepo and your page helps me to know who my father really was and to pass this on to his grandsons.
Maria Restrepo-Griffis <mariagriffis@mchsi.com>
Columbus, GA USA - Thursday, March 09, 2006 at 17:00:10 (CST)
Guys, I need a head count for all that plan to
play golf in Branson. Angie is sending me info on a few local courses.
If I can get a number I will make tee times for Friday, Sep 1. Email
Bill (billj@191ahc.org) if you plan on
playing and he can contact me or post in guestbook. This will be an
excellent time for our wives to spend the rest of our money in the malls.
HarrellFriday, March 31, 2006
I received a fax from Larry Fleming concerning the National Purple Heart Hall
of Honor. This project is underway in New York State. More
information is available at:
6 May 2006
Congratulations to CW5 Roger B. Stickney on his retirement from the Alaska
Army National Guard after 35 years of military service. We wish him good luck
in all his future endeavors.

Picture courtesy of Paul Zawicki
21 May 2006
We are trying to reach everybody regarding the upcoming reunion, but some of
the email addresses we have no longer work.
Fran and John Davis are working hard to get the word out about our next
reunion, and request a little help here.
So far we need mailing or email addresses for the following unit members:
D Poore
Reese Spurgeon
Dana Smith
Cliff Sullivan
Bill Wiggins
See ya in Branson...
" I don't ask for much, but I ask that you take a look at:
and offer some prayers for the family.
Fr. Ken Strawhand
St. Casimirs's National Catholic Church
Irondequoit, NY"
Sunday, May 21, 2006
A message for Larry G. Miller from Bud Patnode:
Larry, please give me a call regarding our last conversation - Thanks, Bud
June 12, 2006
Trying to get the guestbook back to where only we can post to it.
Bill Janes <billj@191ahc.org>
Mesquite, TX USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 07:41:00 (CDT)
Guest Book Page
Click here to Add an entry
Username and password required to post messages -
contact billj@191ahc.org