by Melissa J. Miller
Called to Duty,
You answered that call
You trained and learned then were
Delivered to a foreign land
The grass was green and lush waving in the wind
With the sound “whap, whap, whap”
of a gunship or slick cutting through the wind
The door gunner pre-checks his ammo and weapons;
Crew Chief checks the gunner,
Pilot and co-pilot pre-check the gunship or slick
all is ready to go..
Mission is known, preps are made,
Off into the sunset or sunrise you go
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
Out on a mission, the sound of the gunship or slick blades cutting the wind with a “whap, whap, whap” overhead, the blades of grass leaning against the force wind of the gunship or slick as she rises into the air
on her way to danger
The sound of the blades “whap, whap, whap” is all you hear…
a defying sound that cuts to the soul.
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
You compete your mission and return, a success by all you know.
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
You do this day by day, night by night, over and over, when will it ever end you ask?
But still you repeat it, until ordered to stop
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
Mission, after mission, after mission, with no relief in sight
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
Losing friends, brothers and heroes as you go day by day
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
Those lost are never forgotten
Over the grass Green and lush waving in the wind
silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
Standing still is the granite with the names of those who sacrificed
Is a wall cold and black
In the green and lush grass that waves in the wind
Now silent to the “whap, whap, whap” of blades of a gunship or slick
Copyright 2004, Melissa J. Miller, All Rights Reserved
Melissa is the daughter of Richard A. Weske
Her Father was Killed in Action 21 MAY 1968 with the 191st AHC
She serves today in the U.S. Navy overseas